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Great extension, but in it does not work perfectly with tab groups - if I switch between tab groups using the keyboard combination (Ctrl + Grave Accent) the number of tabs is NOT CORRECT.

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Simple and effective, the total count appears at the end of your tab list, just what I was looking for.

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Now the developer made the format to be flexible for your needs and the add-on is complete as I see it. Perfect! (You just hover over the formating edit box and a help appears.)

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Yes, this is what was needed :)

v.1.9.2: Added format strings to advanced text formatting for visible (group) tabs and all tabs.
This allows tab counter to count both all tabs as well as tabs in the current visible group.

It remains only to localize all format strings.

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I really like this module, but I wish it could append the tab counter text in the window title (I really miss this feature from MR Tech Toolkit addon).

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(Panorama) GROUP support, please !!!

e.g. 15 / 89
or 15 or 89 (as per user setting)

would be great, and make your super addon "complete" again :-)

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Is it possible to not count my App Tabs? I want to know the "actual" amount of Tabs i have. Since App Tabs are considered something that is always going to be there.

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In Firefox 4.0, the tab counter can be moved to the Tabs Bar in addition to anywhere in Menu Bar, or Location Bar in Firefox 3.6. This means one can make the tabs bar always visible even in full screen ("F11") and include the tabs count. The following styling includes color and different padding in the code to make the tab count really stand out which could be included via userChrome.css provide additional styling not available in the extension's options, but it is more convenient to use the "Stylish" extension, and is include in "Tabs Bar Minimal Size" -- http://userstyles.org/styles/9043/tabs-bar-minimal-size

/* "Tab Counter" Extension can be moved to the tab bar in Fx4.0 */
#tabcounter-toolbar-item {font-size:12px; font-weight:700 !important;
margin:0px !important; padding:0px 2px 0px 2px !important;background-color: yellow !important;
border:1px solid black !important;}

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Found a little bug on Version 1.8.8:

"Default location for tab count label in Firefox 4 and up is now at the right end of the tab bar. It can be repositioned if desired".

I can move it, but it changes to its default position (the right end of the tab bar) after a restart.

Please, fix this.

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i wanna this addon can show the total tabs count in all firefox windows(the %n can only show the number in a single window), how to set it?

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Great, simple add-on. Works exactly as advertised, with some nifty customization features; I use it with the pattern "%c/%n".

To the developer, could this text double as the button that shows a pulldown of all your tabs? I'm a stickler for eking every last pixel out of my layout, and the combination makes sense to me.

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Could you please put a feature that tells us which number of current tab are we are?
for example i expect Tab Counter tells me 5 of 45 Tabs whenever i'm on Tab number 5 or 11 of 34 whenever the current tab is number 11 from all 34 opened Tabs.

please answer here or update Tab Counter with this feature as soon as possible.
Thank you.

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If you go into the options and check the "use advanced text formatting" check box, you can then use the advanced formatting which allows reporting the current tab, total number of tabs, number of previous tabs and number of next tabs. Hover over the text box for a tooltip explaining the formatting.

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Thank you for prompt updating for firefox 4.

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Very simple, unobtrusive, and it even works with other tab organizing extensions. Thank you!

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Does what is says and a bit more. It's a placeable element and its look is even a bit customizable. Fonts, font color (sweet if it's hard to read), font size (everything in css format) and even a bit text can be added.
Displayable are the number of all and active tabs and number of tabs before and after the current selected tab.

My only wish would be, that it would auto hide, if a certain number of tabs isn't reached, but you can't have everything.

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howdy y'all,

simple, direct and where i want it - in the toolbar, not the statusbar.

take care,

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The number disappeared after updating to 3.6.3

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Don't wait and add to firefox not get lost in more tabs.

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Just love it. Works first time and does what it says on the tin.

Stick the words Tabs Open after the numerical and Hey Presto!

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