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Firefox 30, Ubuntu 12.04

This addon is good, but it would be very helpful if it also displayed the number of open tabs in the current tab group.

However, I do appreciate the work that has gone into it. Keep up the great work! :)

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does what it says

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Since last FF update theres no addon bar with whole plugin..

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Took me like 30 minutes just to figure out where the number was showing up (It's just to the right of the actual tabs, by the way).

Displays per-window tab counts. No display for all-window total, or number of windows.

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Perfect. However I agree with the suggestion to show the count where the "List all tabs" button is.

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Hello Michael Kraft,could you let Tab Counter support Multiple windows accumulative count (1.9.8 is one windows one cumulative number,another windows is new number,can`t
Accumulate),very thank you !

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such a good add ons

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First the problem: Stratiform can't make it look like a tab. And now the suggestion: Show the number of tabs on the All Tabs button.

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...firefox 3.6..
The counter does not shows up on toolbar (ffx 3.6).
The last version that works also on firefox 3.6 is v1.9.3.
Developer should test the extension on all versions of
firefox he claims it works on..
Otherwise, should drop the support for older versions, except
of firefox 3.6 which is still in use by many people.

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I decided to try this plugin because "Open Tab Count" by Hilary Mason wouldn't work with the latest version of Firefox. This extension is nice, but I would love to also have the total number of windows and total number of tabs across ALL windows displayed like hers does. I tend to have between 20 and 30 windows with multiple tabs open at a time based upon projects I am working on. Having all of this info would be helpful to know when I have opened too many.

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It works. I'd like to be able to see the counter in the title bar too. And I can't seem to get font size/family/weight to do anything. No matter, leaving the color blank defaults to the theme font color and that looks nice, after I moved it from the tab bar to the URL bar.

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- REQUEST: In FF 3.6.28, how to show the multiple counter "x-y-z" (x: # of current tab; y: # of tabs of current window; z: # of tabs of all windows) using 'advanced text formatting'? I got only "x-y".

Tks 4 this great utility!

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i like the idea of having 'this window' tab count in the toolbar instead of the addonbar, but in Aurora nightly 21.x i don't see it....

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baruteas is right; I have the same problem in the same configuration.
Downgrade to v1.9.3 helps - counter is back, and is movable, including to/from configuration panel of toolbars.

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great addon - thank you :-)

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Great at doing what it's supposed to, with a dash of customizability.

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Why this isn't shown when searching for Tab Count, I do not know... I say delete all other add-ons available and replace it with this one.

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absolutely brilliant idea :)
like keeping a count on tabs.

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I have this habit of opening far too many tabs and I tend to not realize just how many tabs I have open.
This add-on is very useful to help me realize I am opening too many tabs. Infact, I wondered why firefox was running laggy and I noticed I had alot of tabs open so I installed this addon. It turns out I had 447 (that is four hundred and forty seven) tabs open!

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