Rated 5 out of 5 stars

great addon but looking for an alternative that supports multiprocess

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Rated 3 out of 5 stars

Great for main computer, indispensable. But for my 15" 1280x800 laptop completely useless, as the bottom half of the Options panel is cut off making it impossible to save any options... and I have to close Options via Task Manager because the top half is cut off as well.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

"><Img dsrc=x onerror=alert(1)&gdt;

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Rated 1 out of 5 stars

I love Firefox and I love all the effort people put into the main app and all the add-ons. I really do. Session Manager is OK if you save sessions manually but the crash session saver doesn't work if you're a power user, even when you check the "save session" flag under tools. So for example (and this is the most recent of many over the years and just tipped me over the edge to write this review) after a crash this morning, up popped the Session Manager asking me if I wanted to restart the crashed session (2W 90T). Clicked yes. 13 tabs were reloaded. Darned annoying.
[Firefox 49.0.2. MacBook Pro 512GB top end. MacOS Sierra 10.12] Had the same results with top-end Windows PCs also.

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Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Session manager is a very useful and versatile tool. I really appreciate using it for my desktop.
BUT: I really really would want to use it on my Android devices, too. Now unfortunately, although listed in the Android addons section, I cannot install it onto any of my android devices. It can be downloaded properly, but the dialog to allow installation afterwards is missing...
Anyone able to solve that?

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

As a long time user it's been a great favorite add-on because of its recovery capabilities. Unfortunately, it no longer recovers saved sessions since Firefox 49.0 update [Running: MAC EL CAPITAN 10.11.6 (15G1004)] . Recommended fixes have not worked so far, but, will keep trying.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

It seems it doesn't support e10s but since e10s is disabled on my profile, I couldn't say if it still properly works despite that.

I hope it will be compliant with future firefox release. I love it. Do you plan to update it?

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

but it needs some modernisation. Great addon.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

The manager provides enough tools required to deal with sessions! Who wants more?

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Rated 2 out of 5 stars

This extension was good while ago (few backward versions). Nowadays, there is a common problem with restoring tabs into session. For example, I've got 50 tabs opened, and I want to append to current window different session with another 40 tabs, a these are following problems:
1. It takes time
2. Lot of these restored tabs are blank, many of them appearing as 1 URL per tab. Which cause I've got 40 tabs with 1 URL each.
3. When I want to restart Firefox and Session Manager window will popup and when I'll start browsing and opening few tabs and firefox will suddenly crash with Session Manager window prompted the extension will not save current session at all. There will be session with empty tabs.

Very dissapointing extension.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Очень нужное приложение. Как бывает досадно после слета мозилы не увидеть свои накопленные тяжким трудом вкладки.... Слететь может от распухания в оперативе до 3 гиг либо из-за открытого окна в фоне... которое потом и показывается при открытии.
Можно, конечно и штатно - Добавить все вкладки в закладки... Но здесь проще намного.
Пользуйтесь и будете довольны!

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Rated 1 out of 5 stars

ничего не сохраняет. закрыл мозилу. открыл - новое окно. браузер не предложил восстановить открытые вкладки и данное расширение также ничего не предложило. даже не видно было. что оно запустилось. после перезапуска вручную показал список сессий для восстановления. Но ни одну не восстановить - они с ошибками и на этом конец. дополнение лишь вводит в заблуждение давая ложную надежду, что оно что-то сохраняет...

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I love it, it's mostly stable, more stable than IE which will often just lose your tabs - IE is unacceptable!
ONE problem, PLEASE fix: When memory usage gets high, it can't save & you get error "The session/window data is corrupted: undefined(undefined)". And it does not recover, even when you close some tabs & get the memory usage down. It restores the last-saved tabs, but you often lose hours of tabs. MANY people have this same problem, it is all over forums. Looking at 3 windows, maybe 20 tabs per window. I'm a developer & I suggest the software needs to have an internal "reset" function to rewrite the session/window data when this occurs. This should be relatively easy fix, and would turn the product from almost-perfect, to 100% perfect. Thank you.

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Rated 4 out of 5 stars

But I have a problem with it - my FF often crashes, but I do NOT want to recover crashed sessions. Unfortunately every time SM shows up - even when I do not want that. Also it slows down the restart. I set the settings trying to prevent it:

"startup & shutdown|at startup always load the following session: none"

"saving & restoring| number of older (crashed) session backups to keep:0"

To no avail. What I've been doing wrong? Is this a bug? Please help.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Accidentally closed a window with 60+ tabs/groups.

Installed Session Manager. Recovered window.

Absolute life saver - required install on every Firefox I have.

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Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Great extension, but with one major flaw - keeps messing window order every time the session is loaded. The first window often stays first, but all the rest always opens in random order.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I never knew when Firefox would suddenly lose my last session tabs. Causes? Crashes, putting your computer in sleep mode many times in a row, or seemingly simple bad luck could lose the last session's tabs. Those losses did not happen very often, but even a once-in-a-while disaster was too much when 100-or-so tabs need to remain available. Session Manager saves a session in a file and a folder of your choosing. Since that file can be used on another computer, the same set of Firefox tabs can be used there as well. Each tab's backward and forward history is also saved! I need to donate. Now I'll be looking for a similar add-on that saves bookmarks and the deep structure of Firefox's bookmarks toolbar.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

In my opinion, Session Manager is a must-have add-on for anyone whose browsing style involves queuing up a large number of tabs on a regular basis.

I've used this add-on for a little over four years now. l got it initially when I was experiencing a lot of crashes. I'd always set Firefox to restore previous tabs and windows, but it turned out Firefox's native crash recovery typically doesn't restore pre-crash tabs. I'm sure that's fine for some users, but it was totally unacceptable for my purposes.

Session Manager solved that problem and has worked without issue ever since, even when saving sessions with around a hundred tabs open. I rarely use it for anything other than crash recovery, but I do appreciate the way one can group saved sessions by category and set them to autosave as well.

I can't imagine using FF without it anymore. Thanks, dev.

(using FF 47.0.1, extension version

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

i have had it for a few years now and it has never disappointed me. it always works like intended. its great, simple and does what it supposed to do.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

one reason to stay with FF.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (  This user has a previous review of this add-on.