Инструменты поиска
3 775 дополнений
sgyba.com от Phan Van Cong
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Sgyba is shorthand for Search by Google, Yahoo! search, Bing, Ask.
Sgyba.com is web Metasearch Engine, Searching some of four popular search engines and in one go.
Sedo (es) от Sedo
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Encuentre el dominio que desea de forma rápida y cómoda. Este es un add-on para su navegador que le permitirá usar la búsqueda de Sedo simplemente escribiendo el dominio que quiera encontrar.
dip search от kossmoss
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Поиск по сообществу http://drochu-i-plachu.livejournal.com с помощью поиска по блогам Yandex
OSWorld.pl - Wyszukiwarka от TheCamels
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OSWorld to serwis internetowy, dzięki któremu poznasz czym naprawdę jest Open Source. Serwis poświęcony jest wolnemu i otwartemu oprogramowaniu. Informacje o dystrybucjach Linuksa, oprogramowaniu, serwerach, administracji oraz certyfikatach CACert.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeuitung от fpmurphy
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Search the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeuitung newspaper website.
BrowseMyTown ZA от BrowseMyTown
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BrowseMyTown South Africa. Search for local businesses, shopping, products and things to do locally. Free product and business showcase for local traders and businesses of every type. Browse for special offers and great deals updated in real time.
Canada Amazon от catfield
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Amazon Canada search plugin. Searches on the Canadian Amazon website.
BrowseMyTown AU от BrowseMyTown
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BrowseMyTown Australia. Search for local businesses, shopping, products and things to do locally. Free product and business showcase for local traders and businesses of every type. Browse for special offers and great deals updated in real time.
The Whisky Store - Suche от Micha
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Shop-suche auf Whisky.de - dem Treffpunkt feiner Geister®
Durchsuchen sie den Internet-Shop http://www.whisky.de/shop/.
Rund 1.000 Whiskyflaschen und begleitende Artikel warten auf Sie!
Achtung! Alkoholmissbrauch ist gesundheitsgefährdend.
FILMSTARTS Suche от Sergey
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Filmstarts.de Suche ist als eine sehr kleine Erweiterung gedacht. So lässt sich zB durch die Vergabe des Schlüsselwortes f gleich die Bewertung eines Filmes finden.
Fabiane Lima Busca Personalizada 20110620 от EduRebecca
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Fabiane M Lima - Procure por artigos e materias em todo o site da Fabiane M Lima - Desenvolvimento do add-on: EduRebecca
Search Coupons от ChromeFans.org
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Coupons Search is a free coupon codes search engine based Google Custom Search, it searches free coupons, promotional codes, printable coupons from 200+ coupon sites and 5000+ online stores, instantly saves you time and money.
Капитал от Bogomil Shopov
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Използвайки тази добавка, можете да търсите из сайта на Капитал бързо и лесно.
SoftArchive Search Bar от SA Network
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This addon will add the search bar of www.sanet.st into your firefox browser.
If it doesn't automatically gets added, download the xml file and save it in the "searchplugins" folder in your firefox folder and restart firefox.
Дополнительные ресурсы
- Узнайте больше о панели поиска в SeaMonkey
- Найдите ещё больше провайдеров поиска на mycroftproject.com
- Создайте свой собственный инструмент поиска
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