Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

2016.01.29 16:42:37:266 : Contacts Jerome : Contact XXXXX déjà récupéré depuis le cache
2016.01.29 16:42:38:012 : Contacts Jerome : Contact XXXXX récupéré du serveur
2016.01.29 16:42:38:889 : Contacts Jerome : Synchronisation finie, résultats :
2016.01.29 16:42:38:889 : Contacts Jerome : Contacts à jour : 542
2016.01.29 16:42:38:889 : Contacts Jerome : Contacts nouveaux sur le serveur : 0
2016.01.29 16:42:38:889 : Contacts Jerome : Contacts mis à jour sur le serveur : 1
2016.01.29 16:42:38:889 : Contacts Jerome : Contacts supprimés sur le serveur : 0
2016.01.29 16:42:38:889 : Contacts Jerome : Contacts supprimés sur le disque : 0
2016.01.29 16:42:38:889 : Contacts Jerome : Contacts supprimés sur le disque et mis à jour sur le serveur : 0
2016.01.29 16:42:38:890 : Contacts Jerome : Contacts nouveaux sur le disque : 0
2016.01.29 16:42:38:890 : Contacts Jerome : Contacts mis à jour sur le disque : 0
2016.01.29 16:42:38:890 : Contacts Jerome : Contacts mis à jour sur le disque et sur le serveur : 0
2016.01.29 16:42:38:890 : Contacts Jerome : Contacts mis à jour sur le disque and supprimés sur le serveur : 0
2016.01.29 16:42:38:890 : Contacts Jerome : Modifications récupérées du serveur : 1
2016.01.29 16:42:38:890 : Contacts Jerome : Modifications non récupérées du serveur : 0
2016.01.29 16:42:38:890 : Contacts Jerome : Modifications poussées sur le serveur : 0
2016.01.29 16:42:38:890 : Contacts Jerome : Modifications non poussées sur le serveur : 0
2016.01.29 16:42:38:891 : Toutes les synchronisations sont finies
2016.01.29 16:45:16:981 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
2016.01.29 16:45:17:728 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
2016.01.29 16:45:18:728 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
2016.01.29 16:45:19:727 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
2016.01.29 16:45:20:728 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
2016.01.29 16:45:21:730 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
2016.01.29 16:46:02:718 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
2016.01.29 16:46:03:719 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
2016.01.29 16:46:04:729 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
2016.01.29 16:46:05:722 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
2016.01.29 16:46:06:730 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
2016.01.29 16:46:07:728 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
2016.01.29 16:46:08:729 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
2016.01.29 16:46:09:729 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
2016.01.29 16:46:10:730 : wdw_cardbook.refreshAccountsInDirTree error : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined

Horodatage : 29/01/2016 16:42:05
Erreur : TypeError: a[columnName] is undefined
Fichier Source : chrome://cardbook/content/wdw_cardbook.js
Ligne : 1258

if (cardbookRepository.cardbookDisplayCards[mySelectedAccount]) {
cardbookRepository.cardbookDisplayCards[mySelectedAccount].sort(function(a,b) {
if (a[columnName].toUpperCase() > b[columnName].toUpperCase()) return 1 * order;
if (a[columnName].toUpperCase() < b[columnName].toUpperCase()) return -1 * order;
return 0;
} else {

Est il possible de vous joindre ailleurs qu'ici ? (email, github, twitter, whatever...)

J'adore votre plugin mais ce bug m'indique qu'il reste du boulot =)

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (7.2). 

your error is corrected in version 7.5

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

but unfortunately not with icloud :(
verification fails with
2016.01.29 16:04:27:673 : Validation module : Validating without discovery request on https://p01-contacts.icloud.com/xxx/carddavhome/card/ ...
2016.01.29 16:04:27:915 : Validation module : Synchronization failed (step : validateWithoutDiscovery, url : https://p01-contacts.icloud.com/xxx/carddavhome/card/, status : 401)
any ideas?
if there's something i can do to get a more detailed log, let me know...

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (7.2). 

by email please ! :O)

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

With DAVDroid accepting VCARD 4.0 from the smartphones my Owncloud Server filled up also with VCARD 4.0 contact datas.

With Cardbook 7.0 now I can sync again all mobile contacts to thunderbird - and vice versa to the smartphones back again.

The new properties of VCARD 4.0 for grouping contacts would be very usefull.
Hope to see it in next releases ;-)

Please go ahead!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (7.0).  Этот пользователь ранее оставил 1 отзыв на это дополнение.

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

I have tried this extension with Gmail, first time it works but only with contacts that are in the group that my android phone displays as "My Contacts" (I guess this is the default group in Gmail when you create/modify a contact). They are in Cardbook in a category named "Uncategorised".

I delete this category by mistake, the add-on doesn't work anymore (I see the account but no more synchronization). It seems reinstalling does not solve the issue (even by deleting manually the Cardbook items in the profile directory), I guess some residual items are kept somewhere.

So this add-on seems promising but the last update may have some bugs, I will definitively retry again when all contacts in all gmail groups could be loaded (if it's possible).

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (6.9). 

Google is a nightmare because it has not a proper implementation of CARDDAV : categories are not synchronized, ids are changed, etc...I will concentrate my efforts for the moment for systems which respect open standards and in future maybe I'll try to make something for them... Try Owncloud, sorry ;O)

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

For years, the only way to synchronize my Thunderbird contacts with my Owncloud server was to use the SOGO Connector. For years, I never knew whether my contacts would actually be there when I needed them or whether an important change I made would propagate properly to where I needed it. For years, I filed and watched the bug reports for some relief.

This http://www.sogo.nu/bugs/view.php?id=2575 finally prompted me to search for some alternative. And then I found Cardbook.

Folks, this add on is the solution to the SOGO saga/monopoly. It works, and it works well. Every single addition, deletion, and change I've made on any of my devices has synced to the others perfectly. And I've been hammering the thing to death looking for flaws. So far, it's been flawless.

Gone are my worries that I'll be out on the road, needing that crucial piece of information that I added the other day to the contact I'm visiting, only to find that it never got there thanks to SOGO.

Thank you, Phillippe Vigneau! You have no idea how many people you've just freed from a miserable Thunderbird/CardDav experience. Oh, wait, maybe you do. Just look at the number of downloads!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (6.5). 

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд


This plugin does the job, and seems to do it exactly as expected. Don't forget to add the button in the interface or you'll wonder where to configure your carddav account.
I'm using it to sync my owncloud's carddav contacts. Everything fine: contact pictures, any field seems to be sync'ed. I'll check this within the next weeks/months of usage.

As a comparison, I've been using SOGO connector for months now and I notice frequent freezes (2 or 3 seconds where you can't do anything each 2 minutes... awful) on my computer (tested on 2 different computers). Disabling SOGO corrects the problem, enabling it makes it reappear. I'm using the latest version, nothing helps. If you experience this kind of problem, give a try to CardBook. And if you don't have any problem, give a try anyway :)


(After some weeks, if everything if OK, I'll really consider to donate some coffees :))

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (6.3). 

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

While not yet perfect, I give this 5 stars as it is awesome. It installs fast, integrates into TB quite nicely and supports custom fields from contact lists in ownCloud.
Its definitely worth using and IMO the best cardDAV client out there for TB.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (5.9). 

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

There is only a small problem left synching with my posteo adressbook (www.posteo.de).
Not all entries are synchronysed, i get a message box for each missing entry "vString not found" but unfortunallety there is no information wich string is unknown, neither in the message box not in the log file.
I think i could import the missing entries if i know the missing vString and add them.
Phillipe, dis moi que je peux faire s.t.p.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (4.8). 

Contact me by email : cardbook.thunderbird (at ) gmail.com

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Although there are still some small UI issues, this addon is of great help to manage my contacts and synchronize them to a CardDAV server. Together with the CardDAV Sync app on Android, now I can finally synchronize my contacts between my Linux desktops and my Android mobile devices without using Google services. First time in years since the Funambol addon stopped working at some Thunderbird update. Very friendly and helpful developer. Thanks.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (3.1).  Этот пользователь ранее оставил 1 отзыв на это дополнение.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Génial. Bien meilleur que le carnet d'adresse natif Thunderbird, toujours limité à 2 adresses e-mail.
Ici le standard VCF semble être parfaitement respecté.
La synchronisation Owncloud marche parfaitement. Les adresses e-mails sont proposées en auto-complétion lors de l'écriture des e-mails.
Depuis la version 2.7, une synchronisation incomplète peut être reprise en forçant une nouvelle synchro.
J'ajoute que le développeur est très réactif en cas de problème. C'est un plaisir.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.7).  Этот пользователь ранее оставил 1 отзыв на это дополнение.