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I second Kjell's question: Where does one associate the HTML signature line text with the right-click command? Thanks for trying to simulate Signature Switch: that seems such a basic email command that I can't fathom why Version 7 disabled it...

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Beyond the ability to add a signature when you normally don't use one, this add-on is of little utility. What would be VERY helpful is the ability to CHOOSE from among several different "signatures" that can be inserted.

Another add-on called "Signature Switcher" does this, but is not compatible with 7.0+.

(PS to author: I'm not blaming you for another add-on's incompatibility. Just pointing out your add-on isn't as good.)

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sorry, but don't blame me for the compatibility of "signature switch"! :-)

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

....how do I create the signature? Cant find anywhere to do that. ( I am brand new to Thunderbird as you probably understand.

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how about a simple signature, different fonts, colors, sizes with no required -- as is now the case with thunderbird. seems so easy yet they cannot do it.

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Better than the previous way to add a signature automatically, because now you can choose to add it or not. But it would be interesting to create multiple signatures and select the right one depending on the message.

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Hi orge, if you need more than one signature you should use the addon Signature Switch! Add Signature was designed to just add one Signature.

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

The statement that there is no signature function is wrong. Actually there is a function to automatically insert signatures that few know about. You just click on tools, account options and there is an option right there to automatically include a signature. If the signature is already enabled then the app fails to work. Also, for alternate signatures or switching them the most painless method is to put them into a folder( probably in your pictures) and then just manually delete the default signature, hit insert, image, pick one and put it at the end of the mail. The low rating isn't the spirit of being harsh. The developer appears to have solved a problem that didn't actually exist. Sorry Grufo.

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hi apollo, add-signature is not designed to do the same the existing signature feature does!
if you start writing an email an you remove the signature there is no function to include it again, you have to copy an rewrite your message.
also if you want to choose when to include a signature to your mail - then you can use add-signature!
there is actually no feature in thunderbird to add the signature to specific mails.

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

'''Note''' - If you use the quote feature and you want to see your signature above the quoted message and not at the default end of the message,
Go to Account Settings,
Composition & Addressing,
Change the first radio bar to "Start my reply above the quote"
Then change the radio bar setting (at my place signature) to say "below my reply (above the concept.
You must do this for each of your email accounts.

It would be nice if this sensible concept was the default but it is not.

As noted by another reviewer - Non of these Signature add ons work well. While this one will give you the right click option.
It does not give you the option to add a usefull choice of a signature that you have created.
All I could get was a muted couple of dashes.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Perfect! I have been waiting for this for years. I don't want to attach the signature to each email but need to do it from time to time. This extension allows me to do exactly that. For it to work, you have to type your signature in the "signature text" (use HTML format for better formatting), and check the "attach the signature from a file instead" box below (which is equivalent as setting the "true" value in the .js file). However, you have to select a signature file that does not exist (e.g. I renamed the file after selecting it) otherwise you will get duplicate signatures. It sounds strange but that's how it works.

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It seems to be a problem, because I have installed the add-on, restarted Thunderbird, but the button don't appears when I try to customize my toolbar. I'm doing this in the drafting window, not the main. I use Thnderbird 5.0. What I'm doing wrong???

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hi pdrmoz, there is no button at all! if you open a new email then you can right-klick in the mail (where you would like to get your signature to) and there you find it.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Extremely useful supplement to Signature Switch. However, I can't stop T-Bird adding the signature by default to new messages, even if I add the specified line to prefs.js.

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since version 5 it seems to ignore the setting in prefs.js!
just create a normal signature in the signature field and afterwards check the "signature from file" checkbox. so no signature gets included by default but if you use add-signature it will work.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Works great, you can right click and choose to add your siggy at the cursor or at the end of the e-mail.
Took me a little head scratching to figure out how to set up a signature, here are the instructions: Signatures | How to | Thunderbird - http://support.mozillamessaging.com/en-US/kb/signatures

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How does one customize the signature? Can you do multiple signatures?

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hi suzy,
to customize the signature follow this link: http://support.mozillamessaging.com/en-US/kb/signatures
if you would like to use more than one signature - you should try the addon signature switch!

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Thanks for this nice addon, indeed functionality that should be in TB by default.
Some requests however:
- currently the only option it gives me is adding the signature at the end, could it provide an option to insert the signature at cursor location?
- can it put an <div class="moz-signature">...</div> around the signature so it renders as usual?

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

FINALLY! i searched for years for a solution to add afterwards my signature to my mails in thunderbird! now it's there! a must have for everyone who switched off the option to add automatic the signature to a mail!

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