Результаты поиска для метки "images"

DownThemAll! AntiContainer Требуется перезапуск

Make the resources behind container pages easily downloadable by DownThemAll!

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30 пользователей

QuickDrag Требуется перезапуск

Extends the function of the drag-and-drop mouse gesture so that it can be used to load URLs, do a web search of selected text on a page, or save an image on a page. The successor to Super DragAndGo.

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3 пользователя

Linky Требуется перезапуск

Linky will increase your power to handle links. ...

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4 пользователя

Flip or Rotate Image

Adds submenus for flipping or rotating to the image context menu.

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1 пользователь

Images - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)

Images - The #1 Images Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for Firefox."

(End-to-End Encryption & Secure Encrypted SSL Suggestions)


Binary App Dev

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Google.de Bildersuche

Suche nach Bildern bei Google.de

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Google Image URL Search Engine

Usage: Of the Image you want to see similar versions enter the entire link https://... to the search bar and select this engine.

This is a google image search as a search engine add-on, NOT AN EXTENSION.
Limited features but way higher safety.

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Simple Steganography Требуется перезапуск

Hide messages in PNG-32 images, extract them via context menu. The text is embedded invisibly by a "Least Significant Bit" algorithm.

You can also encode very short messages by re-sorting text lists and extract them via context menu.

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Search for royalty-free images on Shutterstock

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NASA Images Search

NASAImages archives NASA’s current and legacy digital imagery records. http://nasaimages.org/

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Flickr Commercial Use Allowed (Search Engine)

This extension installs Flickr's search engine in the browser and allows to look up for images licensed free of charge for commercial use (Creative Commons) directly form the search bar.

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AlltheWeb Pictures

AlltheWeb image search

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This add-on adds plainpicture.com to your firefox quicksearch bar.

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Обои для рабочего стола

Обои для рабочего стола на 20+ популярных вебсайтах

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Reddit - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)

Reddit - The #1 Reddit Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for Reddit."

(End-to-End Encryption & Secure Encrypted SSL Suggestions)


Binary App Dev

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Google Image SSL

Search via Google Images securely.
This search add-on is language-independent.

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Tooltip Plus Требуется перезапуск

Show tooltips for links and images with URLs, icons, alt text, and long titles.

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0 пользователей

Wikimedia Commons

Search for files in Wikimedia Commons with one click.

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Black Google Mobile

Google search with a black background that saves battery power, loads faster, uses less bandwidth and reduces eye strain. Basic and modern modes, black image searching, search settings for country, language, result count and filtering level.

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Flickr - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)

Flickr - The #1 Flickr Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for Flickr."

(End-to-End Encryption & Secure Encrypted SSL Suggestions)


Binary App Dev

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