Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

This is my favorite cookie managing addon. I've been using it since it's previous incarnation, the original, "CookieSafe", and CS Lite.

My 1 and only gripe is, as someone else pointed out, the pointless drop down arrow. It serves no purpose, so I wish they could just axe it. No big deal really, but I'm a bit OCD, so I'd rather it just wasn't there. This gets 5 Stars otherwise.

So get on that... ; )

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CS Lite puts cookie control in the hands of the users, where it belongs. Love the ability to choose specific levels of allowance (allow, session, temporary, block...), as well as the options to block or allow globally.

One small note: "Deny Cookies Globally" doesn't display via the drop-down arrow since I upgraded to Firefox 20. It's odd, because "Allow Cookies Globally" is still displayed. I can still access that function, but only by right-clicking the icon to open its options window.

Anyway, thank you so much for this! I use CS Lite constantly. :)

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Great add-on! I've been using this one for years, and have found it to be the best cookie permission add-on of all !

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Thank you for that!

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Thank you for supporting SeaMonkey !!
because CookieSafe 3.1a10 doesn't work with SeaMonkey...

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I've been using this addon for years and I've never had trouble with it. It just works! I'm surprised it doesn't have more users. Really - this addon is fantastic.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Perfect and lovely addon for logging temporarily when cookies required. Firefox alone is great, but extensions turn it a worldwide heritage. Much appreciated work, wantora.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

this add-on provides all the cookie management functions i need - and just with a few clicks of mouse.
works perfectly in Firefox 13
thanks to the author for this :)

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A very well written and user friendly extension. Thanks. Until It's fixed, the dropmarker (dropdown arrow} can be removed by adding the string below to your profile's userChrome.css file found in the chrome folder. If it's not there create it and the folder it needs to be in and add to the css file the initiating string;
@namespace url(http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul);
Then add the fix;
#cookiesafe-button dropmarker { display: none !important;}

And wahla - the quick patch till update.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

All credit to wantora for resurrecting this some time back. For years I used the original and continue to use this as an excellent update. By far the simplest yet most relevant and effective cookie manager for Firefox.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I just read thru all the cookie managers / helper addons and tried a few. This is the ONLY one i found which has "Last 10 Hosts" feature. That is simply indispensable when it comes to what i need--turning off ALL cookies except for a very few (maybe 10) sites (banking, webmail(zoho), certain highly trusted providers. I let facebook set cookies too, even tho i dont trust them at all :(

But, often a new site i want to trust will use a second site to process a transaction. But you are never "on" a page with that second site. The page you're on just goes to it for you to, say, make a sale. But THAT second site needs a cookie. How do you set it? Often it does not show up in History, as History entries are mostly pages you clicked on yourself.

But these hidden sites do (most of the time) show up in Last 10 Hosts. So you if your transaction fails, check Last 10 Hosts and see if one of the blocked hosts looks like it might have been part of the transaction. Allow that host. Then try again. This works for me most of the time, and makes this the most valuable cookie manager addon IMHO.

If that does not work, my other technique is to open the View Cookies, then Allow Cookies Globally, then retry the transaction, then see what cookies were added. There is almost always the hidden, necessary one, plus one or more ad cookies that i then delete.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

I love the cookiesafe series of addons.

I modded the minversion to install this on v3.6 and it seems to be a bit more stable than the "CookieSafe (FF 4 compatible)" version.
Oddly, neither version will show me the last 10 hosts, I'm not sure why.

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CS Lite supports Firefox 3.6 by the next version again. It will be released in 1-2 weeks.
I'm sorry to trouble you.

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

When I opened up the cs-lite menu
from my statusbar icon, I accidentally
right-clicked "edit menu" (for that matter, all of
the menu items to confirm) and was immediately
hijacked to "softwareblaze.com". It's an ad page
for godaddy. Everyone-- check for yourselves!

I found "softwareblaze.com" written in the install.rdf file
in the extensions/cs-lite folder. Suspicious. I just now
uninstalled cs-lite.

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"softwareblaze.com" was an old forum of CS Lite, but becomes the ads page now.
(Past "softwareblaze.com" can be seen in the Internet Archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20090122011904/http://forum.softwareblaze.com/)

I remove "softwareblaze.com" by the next update.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Nach dem FF Update von 5.0 auf 8.0 vermisste ich mein geliebtes Cookie Safe. Nun habe ich es wieder wie gewohnt. Besten Dank!

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Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

This add-on no longer works, its actually disabled, even though the compatility reporter & nightly tester add-ons are installed, I have aurora 10.0a2 installled

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With a couple of small change to the default options, it makes it easy to allow all cookies but clear them all cookies on exit except the ones I want.

The choice of different icon styles are a nice touch too.

Many thanks to the developer for bringing this up to date.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Best Cookie Addon for Firefox.

Running perfectly under Firefox 8 (Beta 6 now)

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Thank you very much. This works very well. This is the best version. Best wishes.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I'm glad to see CS Lite is up to date with current FF issues. For all of us with good practice with CS Lite in past years, it's resurrection is new hope for FF privacy, security and simplicity of use.

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Thanks to the author for his quick reply to my last post.I've continued using/testing this add-on since then, and all aspects of cookie management are well processed. Icons moreover are an enchantment not only for the eyes but in their first duty which is to be relevant of their symbol. Coding an add-on is already not an easy job, but I think adapting an old extension is even tougher. Hence, bringing 'CS Lite' to a re-birth in a clear, no-confusing "fluent" cookie manager is a challenge I think here has been (is) well considered. I'm sticking on this one in its category, because it is well thought and not confusing (when one knows that cookies can lead to misunderstandings). May the author keep on with this nice re-make which in a way is almost a new baby.

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