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This is a great add-on -- So much better than viewing the embedded pictures directly as they often need to be rotated and zoomed out. Thanks !

Is there a way to have the pictures captions showing ?

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I was looking for an add-on that would let me view photo's in Thunderbird the easy and convenient way, as it should have been by default. I wonder why noone has thought of this before.

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Je m'en sert tous les jours, au boulot et à la maison. Très simple d'utilisation et très pratique !!!

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Great add-on! Could you add the possibility to display a sideshow from multiple selected emails?

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Please add wheel mouse support to navigate through images. Apart from that... superb!

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i too had a problem with the activation icon not showing in an email with proper attachments (jpg, etc). i'm actually still on TB version 3.1.9 because of other add-ons not being updated to handle higher versions. i had to roll slide show back to version 1.4.4 to get the icon back.
Once i find/test updates for those other add-ons, i'll try letting TB update itself & see what happens with the add-ons.

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The 1.4.7 version suppresses the launching icon for non-picture attachments. It is an improvement, which I appreciate. But unfortunately, it suppresses the icon for any type of file I attached. To test it, I sent attachments .jpg, .bmp (single as well as in combination, the same which were "slideshown" without problems, before), but the icon is permanently hidden. So I cannot use the SlideShow Add-On at all, now. Are there some settings which could influence that?

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Please describe your problem, include using operating system and installed add-ons list at leszekz@gmail.com

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Nice work! One of those features that should be baked into TB. My only neg is the icons look pretty dated now - I've upgraded mine to a nice metro set.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

This feature is really nice. Works as it should.

One think I miss for my maximal work support:

Ctrl-C to copy the current picture to windows (or what else) clipboard. This would be really cool!

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It is working great with TB 7 :-)

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As good as this extension is, it is rarely updated when new Thunderbird versions are released. Now that Thunderbird 5 is out we can start using Thunderbird Conversations (adds Gmail-like threading) which actually incorporates a Slideshow-like feature. So for those sick of waiting for Slideshow to be updated, go check out Conversations:

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Is there a chance to have it supported on TB 5.0?

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Compatible version had passed preliminary review but not complete one, more restricting than before. I'll modified to passed complete review... when I'll have time :)

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Kudos for including the ability to Rotate * and for informing me how to do that! *
Any chance of getting a Rotate button(s) added in like the Zoom ones? :-) Thanks~
I highly recommend this addon! A "must have" for image emails.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Very nice. Great add-on. Fixed a big issue I had with Thunderbird. Thanks. Can we get "image" rotation next? Pretty Please.

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In fact you can rotate images by pressing r or shift+r

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

This is a must-have add-on for Thunderbird. Without it viewing attached pictures is rather difficult. In the future a row with preview thumbnails might be a great improvement allowing one to select the slides directly. Great work, thanks.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Very nice and usefull tool.
I was waiting from a long time for such an easy plugin.
May i hope the full screen function will be someday a real full screen view, without the bottom tools bar ?
Thanks for this good work.
Best regards

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Two feature requests:
1. Please provide an option to zoom in/out with the mousewheel (e. g. via [Ctrl] + Mousewheel)
2. Please provide shortcuts for ration (left + right direction)

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Could PDF be showed as all attachments ?

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Bravo ! Simple et Ultra utile ! Merci, merci, merci !

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Thanks.. Thanks... Thanks.. Thanks for fixing the save function. However, it works on the single save, but not on the save all function, and causes a crash. I can live with it, no problem.

This add-on must absolutely become an industry standard!

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