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Does what it says although that in itself can be a problem, you will be babysitting this extension so much you will hardly get any work done.

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Easy to use! Thank you very much!

One question: Isn't what this extension does similar to Ghostery, except that Ghostery only blocks advertising companies but then using various other methods as well?

I really wish that the functionality of your add-on were already included in NoScript. In case anyone is interested: There is a script blocking extension called ScriptNo for Chrome (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/oiigbmnaadbkfbmpbfijlflahbdbdgdf) which covers some of the functionality of both these extensions (Request Policy + NoScript).

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I think this addon is a must-have (in addition to NoScript addon as well as a comprehensive list of redirects added to your HOSTS file).

However, there are so many commonly blocked sites listed in RequestPolicy. I'd love to be able to add those to a blacklist to clear out the clutter from the main list of sites. There needs to be more than just the two lists. "Blocked destinations" and "Allowed destinations" is not enough. There should also be "Blacklisted destinations" that contain all the usual sites I want to separate out from the unusual sites.

Please consider adding such a feature to RequestPolicy in future updates!

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With NoScript and RequestPolicy guess Firefox turns a red line for man-in-the-browser attacks. A must-have jewel. Thank you, Justin.

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Amazing !
Makes my surf faster, smoother and under control.

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Great add-on, always the first I add to a fresh install. That said...
Feature request:
A "don't show me this" option, in the style of No-script's "untrusted" tab.
Using this add-on, it's pretty common to go to a page with, for example a blocked embedded video, there will be 15 different things blocked, 2 will be the things I want to allow eg: youtube and ytimage and the remaining 13 will be the usual advertising + tracking crap that I never want to allow.
It'd be real nice to be able to move these regular offenders to a separate list, it'd make temporary whitelisting so much quicker and easier. If you incorporate a "temporarily allow all that aren't added to the blacklist" option as well, I'll name my first born Justin!

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RequestPolicy 可以控制“当前页面”对“其他页面”的调用请求。举个例子:某些网站会出现一些非常吸引人的标题,如“罕见倾国倾城美女”、“某某软件免费下载”,你点进去发现什么都没有,其实在那个页面中被镶入了其他页面的连接,你在不知情的情况下就已经下载了那个连接。如果那个连接只是赚点击量的广告也就算了,但如果是恶意程序你就倒霉了。

RequestPolicy 默认禁止所有其他页面的调用请求,有点类似 NoScript,你可以根据需要自定义那些请求被允许。如果你有使用 NoScript 的经验,RequestPolicy 将会成为它的有力补充。但RequestPolicy对于初级用户可能会造成困扰。

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This add-on blocks all third-party requests (html, scripts, images, etc.) by default until you manually allow them on per-server basis, either temporarily or permanently. If you're tech-savvy enough to understand what that last sentence means then you'll have no trouble understanding how to use this add-on after trying it out on a few sites. It's very similar to NoScript, but is not limited to scripts / plug-in content.

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As with any whitelist, it took a while to set up RequestPolicy to my needs, but now my browsing is faster (no third-party ads, social plugins), more private (no social plugins again) and more secure (prevents potential XSS and CSRF attacks).

In future versions, I'd like to see improved handling of redirects (when a redirect to a payment gateway is blocked and then I allow it using the button in the yellow bar, it says "invalid request") and an option to mix "base domain" and "full domain" matching (e.g. allow destination googleapis.net, allow destination maps.google.com, but not *.google.com).

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noscript style blocking and dont bother again needed

all sorts of third party sites (ads, facetard, etc) I don't want cluttering up the blocked list

needs wildcard whitelisting for yahoo mail farm fqdn

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I access numerous sites well in the hundreds on a daily basis and while this may be useful if you only access a limited number regularly it's definitely not for the masses. I am constantly finding my self allowing access to external sites to allow the site to display images, css scripts, etc. to allow the page to display correctly, etc.

This definitely could use fine tuning.

Now this would be beneficial
1. Allowing IP ranges with wildcards, like 94.100.111.* - 94.100.300.*"
2. Blacklist instead. I find my self wanting to black list sites far less than whitelisting. Here is a good example of sites that require to much to figure out what is what: http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/2450216 and which policy to set. It would be easier to "Allow from site.com" and then go back and select specific sites to blacklist instead or the option to continue to whitelist individual if one prefers.

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Thanks for your feedback. I've recently released an alpha version of RequestPolicy 1.0 which includes a blacklist mode. That is, it defaults to allowing requests and you can choose to "block requests from foo.com to bar.com". That's actually going to be the default mode in 1.0 and advanced users can switch to default-deny through the preferences. If you want to try it out, it's here: https://www.requestpolicy.com/1.0.html

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RequestPolisy doesn't block third-party request inside NOSCRIPT tag.
In this site, addons.mozilla.org, RequestPolicy doesn't block request to webtrendslive.com

<img class="hidden" id="DCSIMG" width="1" height="1" src="https://statse.webtrendslive.com/dcso6de4r0000082npfcmh4rf_4b1/njs.gif?dcsuri=/nojavascript&amp;WT.js=No&amp;WT.tv=8.6.2" />

I think it's due to Firefox speculative parsing

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Thanks for noticing this. This is probably due to addons.mozilla.org being treated differently by RequestPolicy to avoid breaking parts of Firefox. More info here: https://github.com/RequestPolicy/requestpolicy/issues/185

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Very good, been using it for a long time, hardcore control but hard to use (not for the novice), but still fed up with it not being able to handle dark colour schemes well at all due to the red/green menu text meaning I have to manually edit chrome\requestpolicy.jar\skin\requestpolicy.css to change the colours every time I update it.

-1 internets...

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RequestPolicy version 1.0 (still in development) has a new menu with a white background regardless of your color scheme. If you're interested in being an alpha tester, you can find it here: https://www.requestpolicy.com/1.0.html

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It's a pity but version 0.5.25 didn't resolve the conflict with DrWeb link checker: https://github.com/RequestPolicy/requestpolicy/issues/287

I still have to "Temporally allow all redirections" if I want to check a link. For information, I have the latest stable Firefox and DrWeb Link Checker 2.5.8.

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Most webpages today make third-party requests. Many of these requests are not in the user's best interest. Curb them. Don't let third parties invite themselves into your interaction with a web page. RequestPolicy prevents such third-party calls unless you deem them to be beneficial to you. Together with NoScript, it makes your web experience safer, faster, and lighter.

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Please, black list.

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Would be better when it could handle and remember IP ranges with wildcards, like 94.100.111.* - 94.100.300.*

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... will make it even better. I'm anxiously waiting for the new version. While you're at it, here's another possible feature: allow to click on a "removed" image in order to display it (just like NoScript does for flash etc.).

I'm not sure if that would mean to allow the entire domain or just that one image. The latter might be tricky to implement, and probably the former is even more useful. Something like "This image comes from http://example.org/. Clicking ok will allow all requests to that domain. OK/Cancel" or something along these lines.

This would eliminate the guesswork which domain has to be allowed in order to see images. (Which can be pretty tricky on sites which include a lot of content from, like, 37 external sources)

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RequestPolicy cause new window open when click the link form Add-ons Manager. Look at Bug 715865 (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=715865).

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