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ЗакрытьИстория версий QuickNote
20 версий
Будьте осторожны со старыми версиями!
Эти версии отображаются только для сведения и в целях тестирования. Вам следует всегда использовать последнюю версию дополнения.
Версия 0.7.6
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
Added cs, ko-KR, sv-SE locales.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
Версия 0.7.1-signed.1-signed
- Compatibility with SeaMonkey
- Added two notes. Now QuickNote have 6 notes.
- Notes can be opened in the tabs
- Search function (just use Ctrl+F in the active note)
- QuickNote buttons are displayed in the toolbars by default
- QuickNote buttons can be moved to any bar (Firefox 4 and above)
- Preference for display/hide QuickNote ststusbar icon (Firefox 3.6, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey)
- Spell checking enabled/disabled in the context menu (default applications behavior)
- Preference for insert text on the top of note
- Preference for start QuickNote with application start and preference to enable/disable
- Clear button and preference for show/hide
- New Save button and preference for show/hide
- QuickNote item in the Firefox button and preference for show/hide
- QuickNote button in the notes bar and preference for show/hide
- QuickNote toolbar button and Ctrl+F7 shortcut opens/close notes
- Options for opens notes:
- In the sidebar
- In the floating window. Window can be:
- Opens in the dependent mode (Note window will be displayed foreground all the time and closed together with application)
- Closed with application
- In the tab
- QuickNote not require restart for apply changes
- Rewrote options window interface
- New and improved icons compatible with application icons and more…
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
Fixed Linux, Mac save preferences.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- options window layout
- spell checking with on/off option in options window
- sent to note from text boxes
- links to help and home page opens in the new tabs
- icons for buttons Save, and Save As…
Cleaned code
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
This update introduces several incompatible changes:
a) dropped support for old applications (Mozilla Suite, Firefox pre 3.5, etc.) This version only supports Firefox 3.5+ and Thunderbird 3.
b) dropped support for opening QuickNote in a Firefox tab. This didn't work properly, at least with the "Send to QN" feature, and fixing it would require more of my time than I can spend.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
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