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When I chose for deleting the attachment, your program duplicates the mail of the deleted file. The duplicate is again with attachment. Am I doing something wrong?

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It would be just perfect if it worked with RSS feed attachments, which it does not (it returns a text file with an error). Thunderbird is m! :issing such a product righht now! :-(

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Many thanks for this very useful add on. I do really need it to being able to remove the attachments in bulk.

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The release 14 works with Thunderbird 91.2.0 if I select a few files to process. If I select all emails in a directory (>500 emails) it does not seem to work.
This is an important add-on that help us to keep the emails clean. It would be good to have the possibility to remove the attachments without storing on a disk (or store on a pre-defined directory). Thank you for your support.

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It works, but not the way I'd like it to. I miss two simple, but really important features.
1. Detach attachments to folders named according to some e-mail parameter i.e. sender's address. At present every "\" in filename template is replaced with "-".
2. Set a default ("root") folder for detached attachments.

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Unfortunately AttachmentExtractor Continued for TB91 can not be developed further, I look forward to the successor!
I would like to see the setting of a default directory.

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Great stuff! After all other attachment add-ons stopped working at thunderbird 91.1.1, Attachment Extractor is my hero! I have 200 attachments in 1 folder each month and now i just need to mark all and save the attachments on my computer ^^ thank you so much.

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works as described but very inefficient - I have hundreds of email folders and over 140k emails, so removing attachments from emails will take a VERY long time - ideally, I would like to right-click on a folder and extract attachments on a per-folder basis, but perhaps this is not an option. Until then, I'll have to look for alternatives.

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