Single Domain cronologia delle versioni

26 versioni

Fai attenzione alle vecchie versioni!

Queste versioni sono visualizzate solo per scopo di test e archivio. Dovresti sempre utilizzare l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.

Versione 4.3 23.3 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 76.0 e seguenti

In this version I have expanded the add-on so that you can restrict emails to within one OR more domains. This means that if you add domains to the options input, emails between those domains will not be questioned but if you email to a domain outside that group, you will be warned. You will also be warned if you email from another domain to any domain inside the group.

Versione 4.2 22.4 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 76.0 e seguenti

I have updated the French text in this addon

Versione 4.1 23.8 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 76.0 - 106.0

No significant change in this version

Versione 3.8 23.1 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 76.0 - 106.0

This version takes account of past user requests:

1. Now if users put in multiple domains separated by spaces then these domains will be taken together.
If the Domain preference were "" (without speech marks) then any emails with only these domains would not be subject to a warning but any email with either or both and a third domain would give rise to a warning.

2. If users put a @at the beginning of the Domain preference such as then emails sent to would give rise to a warning whereas in the past this email would have gone without warning.

Versione 3.7 22.9 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 76.0 - 91.*

This version takes care of the error in handling commas in the names of people in mailing lists and also now expands mailing lists to show the name where applicable as well as the email address both in the compose email page and in the dialog box in the case of needing to check an address.

Versione 3.3.1 38.8 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 66.0 - 74.0

This is to fix the bug on the last one when dealing with commas or semicolons in the name of recipients

Versione 3.3 38.7 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 66.0 - 74.0

This is a temporary version for the period until TB78 comes out - it lacks the Expand Addresses button and doesn't show the expanded addresses but it works, it checks the addresses and warns you if necessary.

Versione 3.6 23.9 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 75.0 - 91.*

This is just an increase in the localisation to include Korea

Versione 3.1 27.8 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 66.0 - 68.4.2

This is a webexperiments version. It does much the same as the previous version except that I've added the capacity to expand mailing lists as a separate thing.... The addon has always done this before checking sending emails, but now the user can do this for themselves. There is a icon on the toolbar.

Versione 2.5 56.8 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 52.0 - 67.*

This is updated to be ready for the latest version of TB

Versione 2.4 56.7 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 52.0 - 67.*

This just makes the add-on work on versions before 63.0

Versione 2.3 56.7 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 62.0 - 63.*

This is a very minor change to the options dialogue that became transparent in TB63.

Versione 2.2 56.7 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 52.0 - 63.*

This is just updating the addon for TB63.

Versione 2.1 56.1 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 52.0 - 63.*

The buttons are reversed in this version. This is so that the Red Cross and Esc give the same result as Cancel.

Versione 2.0 56.1 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 52.0 - 61.0

In this version the buttons of Cancel and Send are reversed. This is so that hitting Esc or clicking the Red Cross on the dialogue gives the same result as Cancelling.

Versione 1.9 56.1 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 52.0 - 61.0

This is an updated version to run on TB60.

Versione 1.8 56.1 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 52.0 - 61.0

This version is to be compatible with the new options structure. In TB 59 and later there will be no Options button on the Addons page but there will be a menu item under Addons to set or change the option.

Versione 1.7 55.7 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 38.0 - 60.*

This version is to update the addon to the new technology and prepare for what is promised soon this year.

Versione 1.6 54.8 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 38.0 - 60.*

Versione 1.5 15.3 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 36.0 - 58.0

This is the fix so that the plugin works with TB 45

Versione 1.4 15.2 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 44.0 - 48.*

This is a blank version to allow emails to be sent while fixing the addon for TB 45

Versione 1.3 15.2 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 36.0 - 45.*

Versione 1.2 15.9 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 3.0 - 38.*

This is the new version for Thunderbird 38.

Versione 1.1.1 15.8 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 3.0 - 31.*

Correcting errors in file names in earlier update.

Versione 1.1 16.7 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 3.0 - 31.*

This version has added localization for more languages

Versione 1.0 12.7 KiB Compatibile con Thunderbird 3.0 - 31.*