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I like it very much and would appreciate if it could be updated for Thunderbird Version 13.

Thx :)

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Done - check for updates :)

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I'm very happy to have found this theme that makes later versions of Thunderbird look and act much more intuitive. I'm not sure in what way the new text-buttons are supposed to be better, and it's been a struggle to not get annoyed with the new "default" theme because of mis-clicks, drab grey-on-grey, and overall simply not having a clear and orderly interface.

THANK YOU for keeping Thunderbird a pleasure to use!

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Just wonderfull.
Removes the awful new Design and gives you back the clear old Look & Feel. Thank you so much.

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I love this theme, feel better than the default theme for thunderbird.

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Thank you very much for this great Add-on!
Now, with Ignore Aero + Rise of the Tools I'm happy again with the new version of Thunderbird. =)

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Just by installing this theme, I can get TB11 menu bar back to the top maintaining the mail bar inside the tabs.

Still, I would prefer to keep the Aero style buttons instead of going back to TB3 style buttons.

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Feel free to install another theme then, that's what the whole theme-thing was made for - every user selects the theme he likes the most ;)
Note that as you already pointed out in another rating there are userchrome hacks to archive what you want - without a theme change.

For others: he referred to

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Just what I wanted.

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

No more stupid pale low-height TB 10.x butttons!
Thank you Master!!! ;)

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Exactly what I was looking for. Aero in places other than the title bar looks... horrid.

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I've been wishing I could somehow bring back the previous look of Thunderbird and found it. One of the things I liked of the old version Thunderbird was it reminded me of the look of the old Netscape Navigator of long ago ... thanks for giving us the option to go back to basics ... newer is not necessarily better.

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Très bon. Apparence de thunderbird 3. Un peu triste. Je préfère NoGlass qui garde les bons côté de TB3 mais garde aussi l'aspect relief de TB8.

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Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

To get the blue background in mail toolbar with this theme installed / enabled, try the following.

This snipped of code seems to be working for me in TB8, close thunderbird & paste the following into your userChrome.css file

toolbox {background: #d3daed !important;}

save the file & re-launch thunderbird

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Great! This is what TB should look like! Thank you for doing away with this Aero disimprovement.

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Top add-on.
Love Thunderbird but there new theme is terrible.
Great that this Ignore Areo theme reverts back to the old Thinderbird theme.


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Great! Fabulous! Superb! Ignore Aero is exactly what I was looking for. Normal line spacing, clear, high contrast icons with neat, but not tiring colours. I am amazed.

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The download button in TB3 missing is missing for RSS feeds with attachments.
It's there for emails, but not for RSS feeds. This used to work in TB6.

Thank You

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It is now ( visible again, but disabled (Thunderbird does that, as this is also in default theme - don't ask me why). Thanks for your report!

UPDATE: The disabled button is a TB 7 bug, a fix is available at

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Thanks VERY much for this theme; I couldn't stand the too-dark blue background behind the toolbars and menus. I was wondering though if it's possible to change the new grey background to a light blue instead?

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From the technical side of view that shouldn't be a problem, but this theme is ment to stay compartible to all aero colors, so a blue background would go against the concept of this theme. Imagine you have red or green as aero color (so the transparent areas are tinted red / green instead of default blue), a blue background would ruin the design. But as this theme serves all modifications for the look you want except the blue tint, you could do the following:
Copy and paste the following into a file with the name "userChrome.css" (you have to display file extensions in Explorer to rename the extension) in a subfolder "chrome" of profile directory (see for details how to find it):
.toolbox-top{background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgb(235,235,245), #EEE, rgb(230,230,230)) !important;}

I don't have a thunderbird to test here right now, feel free to send me an eMail if it doesn't work, I'll try to find another solution for you then.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Thank goodness! What was Mozilla thinking when they created their TB-5 theme? yuck! 5 stars for this theme and much thanks to the creator!!

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Thank you! I can breath again.

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this theme. The default theme is ABSOLUTELY HORRID and Mozilla/Thunderbird should be utterly ashamed of it. Thanks to the creator of this theme.

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