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I LOVE this addon but I've just updated to TB 24.0.1 and now the folder pane icons are broken. They all display as plain yellow folders.

Make sure you're on the latest version of Extra Folder Columns (1.1.5), also make sure that you've not got any other add-ons causing conflicts - there have been a few that broke the folder pane.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Very useful. Can't see anything broken with newer versions of TB.

Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle

It seems to be broken does not bold text when incoming email goes into folder...

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Very useful.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle


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I really like this, but would ask whether you could make it so that the mail quantities could be set to Center, Right or Left align.

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It is a great add-on. I have been using with TB 17.x and works great and helps a lot to control the number of emails and the unread ones from the total.

However, I have just moved to PostBox, similar to TB, several TB add-on work on PostBox just tweaking the rdf file however, this add-on -although I can install it- it does not show any information.

It would be great to make it possible also in PostBox. Thanks!

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Looks good, thanks! Would it be possible to have more columns? I would be very much interested in a "latest email date" column to keep track of how long ago I received an email on a specific subject. Thanks!

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Nützlich und gut!


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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

losing message list columns is a thunderbird bug which is fixed in Thunderbird 16 currently in beta

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Nice addons,

I partially agree with this comment:

>This addon looks cool, and it partly true, but very hard to use because of mixed unit
>of folder size. It's disgusting to see MB and KB in the same column.

I would prefer to know the KB data as well as the MB. The mixed unit folder size issue could be lessened if the addon allowed for customization: the ability to check and
uncheck which columns will be displayed.

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Excellent add-on, is there a reason why the parent folder of an RSS collection does not display total unread count for its children RSS feeds?

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Good addon.
I don't use the folder size option, soo I can't talk about it.

It could be better if the addon allows to see the number of mails in the sub-folders, especialy if the main folder is empty. Maybe another column ?

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Assegnate 2 su 5 stelle

This addon looks cool, and it partly true, but very hard to use because of mixed unit of folder size. It's disgusting to see MB and KB in the same column. 200KB looks much bigger than 90MB. No one needs precise folder size less than 1MB.
This add-on could be better just to add total size of each maixboxes.

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Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle

I agree with the last, worked when I first installed, but no longer with 9.01

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doesn't work with Thunderbird 9.0.1... cannot see my Hotmail folders - so as an e-mail client it misses a major feature - why? Or should I say - when will it work as described in the docs - my android phone works well with my folders..... so for now a poor rating

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

First, thanks for this extension! I still can't believe the devs removed this basic functionality from the core code.

Ok, the bug, minor as it is:

When you have Newsgroups, it shows 3 ?'s (???) under the 'Size' column next to each newsgroup. I'd suggest it should just be blank, or more properly, reflect the size being taken up ON DISK for the local cache for that newsgroup.

Now, for the Feature Request (sorry it is so lengthy):

There is a feature available in the Mailtweak 1.0pre10 addon ( that I absolutely love...

I have a little video of my minimalist UI's for both Firefox and Thunderbird showing this in action here:

It provides the ability to hide the email folder pane (and the email header pane (and the dev for the CompactHeader extension has already expressed interest in adding this capability to it for auto show/hiding the email headers), and auto-show it simply by mousing over the left side of the window (where the folder pane would normally be). When your mouse gets right up to the left edge, it pops out to the right, and when you move the mouse out of the folder pane, it disappears again. This provides a huge increase in usable screen real estate, and is especially useful on netbooks. It would be nice if the 'hotspot' (in pixels) could be a config option.

One thing though... it would be great if it could be implemented in a (semi-transparent) Panel, the way the auto show/hide of the Tab bar in Firefox (provided by the Treestyle Tab addon) works in the above video - meaning, it doesn't SHIFT the message list/detail panes when the folder pane is displayed, it 'overlays' them until you mouse out of the folder pane, then it disappears again...

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

It works as it should EXCEPT that the Size column is not in the same units. It should be all MB or all KB (without the suffix) so that we can see at a glance the comparative sizes. 3MB is much more than 895KB but hard to see quickly. One common question is: where are my big folders. 3000MB and 895MB is easy to compare and see.

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Je ne comprends pas comment les têtes pensantes de TH ont pu supprimer les infos données par ce module, pourtant indispensables pour surveiller la taille des dossiers d'un simple coup d’œil !
J'ai de plus en plus l'impression qu'ils ne tiennent plus aucun compte de ce que les utilisateurs souhaitent, en supprimant ainsi des fonctionnalités, sans même laisser le choix de les garder ou pas, par une simple option.
Cette évolution ne me semble pas conforme à l'esprit d'origine de la communauté; cela m'inquiète et me déçoit.
Quoi qu'il en soit, un grand merci au développeur pour son travail, et un zéro pointé pour ceux qui sont à l'origine de sa suppression !

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

I like this so much I'm taking time to write a review. When I upgraded to TB 8 a lot of add-ons were disabled automatically and others by me because I couldn't remember what they were. When I opened TB 8 I was very unhappy to find that the "Total" and "Size" columns were no longer available in the Accounts pane. I have a lot of accounts and it was tremendously helpful to be able to see this info. I'd know when to compact a folder thanks to the Size column, among other things. Fortunately I figured out that it was an add-on not being implemented that was the reason for the change. I don't know why Mozilla didn't build this feature into the app--it's that good (and important!). Thank you for this terrific add-on.

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