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Hi Jeremy. I apologize for posting my question in a review section. I have no idea how to contact you besides this place.

I just installed your addon on FF 8.0 and everything's been working flawlessly except one. I can't seem to change the settings in tool > youtube mp3 podcaster > options. It keeps reverting back to default when I close the option windows. Is there no 'apply' button? Am I missing something?

Other than that little issue, this is a great addon. It's simple but does the job right. Thanks for sharing it with us!

EDIT: There is no OK button, just a default button and a contribute button. The contribute button is right at the bottom right corner of the windows. There's nothing below it. I can hide the Duke icon by clicking on it and choose 'hide duke.' But now it's gone. I can't make it reappear. It seems like my problem is because the OK button got hidden somewhere.

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Hi, I still can't reproduce this :(. On the plus side, the latest nightly builds on switch to a Mac style dialog (meaning no 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons, changes on the dialog take effect immediately). If you install that you'll be able to change settings.

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I have been using Easy YoutTube Video Downloader for a long time, but now it requires purchasing to download mp3. So tried a few other converters and this one didn't have any page redirects. It just downloaded them. Sound matches that of the videos, too. Just wish it would work with DTA. Thanks.

Hi, Jeremy, DTA is the DownThemAll plugin for Firefox. Easy to work with and highest speed. I do keep in mind there is a conversion process before the mp3 can be downloaded, of course.

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I can probably get it working, but I've never heard of it. Thanks again for the review!

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nice, clean and fast.oh yeah,thanks for shrinking the button. it blends nicely. ive convinced 4 of my friends to switching to firefox for this app alone.

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Just downloaded it but I must say the interface is non-intrusive and very intuitive.

5 Stars

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

this is great addon very clean and refined, no half ass try before you buy, 100% THANK YOU Jeremy, you have a bright future in programming.

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This is a great add-on. Direct mp3 download is so much better than downloading through any 3rd party video conversion site. The interface though could be designed to better fit youtube's site layout. Actually, I've hidden all the element except the download links with Adblock. Now it's really compact. The icons are just a bit on the ugly side and too big for that spot. The mp3 bitrate slider is also too big and unnecessary in my opinion. If it should be visible at all, it should be placed side by side with the download links.

5 stars, as the direct mp3 download is so awesome and the flaws can be fixed with Adblock ;)

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Thanks! I'll put options in the options box for a minimal interface for the next release after 2.4.0 (2.4.2 will follow shortly anyway, youtube broke channels, again :(... ).

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

worked great. Now not.

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This is simply the best youtube mp3 downloader! No annoying, slow, full of advertisement third party sites. Very fast and reliable. Even the toolbar button size is fixed in version 2.4.0. Thanks!

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I must say that this is unique and very usefull addon.
I'm using it evry day!
I'm curently on 2.3.8 version which doesn't work but after I read your replies I can see way.
I expect that 2.4 will bring revolutionary new features and allow us to remove toolbar button. :)

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This was working great awhile back, but now I have to uninstall and reinstall every time or two I use it. Now this afternoon I click the MP3 and the button on the toolbar to choose option, and nothing happens. When it worked, this was a great program, but I'm getting frustrated with the continued bugs that come out from every "update" and "advancement".

This is what I find when I do the recommended control-shift-j and click "errors":

Error: videoFormats is null
Source File: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Comp/Application%20Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/waf81qp4.default/extensions/
Line: 171

Error: videoFormats is null
Source File: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Comp/Application%20Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/waf81qp4.default/extensions/
Line: 171

Is this what everyone else is getting?

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Sorry, changes on have broken the plugin. A fix is coming in 2.4.0, and it may turn out to be a one line fix. If so I'll send you the code if you like and you can paste it into 2.3.8 and be back up an running. Thanks!

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

This extension performs a useful function, but has two major problems:
1. For some reason, it won't download videos/mp3s unless the toolbar button is actually on the toolbar...the controls underneath the video don't work without the button. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a compatibility issue with other add-ons.
2. The toolbar button is larger than the standard icon size, so it makes the toolbar take up more space on the screen. It would be great if it were scaled down a little bit.

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Hi, both bugs will be fixed in v2.4.0, which should post in about 2 weeks (after the Mozilla review process). The big new feature with 2.4.0 is you'll be able to download from sites other than youtube! Thanks again!

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this downloader is great! the quality slider for mp3's makes a big difference to other downloaders. definitely worth contributing. great work on a smooth add-on!

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Very cool add-on with easy usability and fast downloads. The scissors make it that much better to use.
The new slider feature for MP3 quality is very smart and gives you the option to pick the quality of your music. Look forward to future updates.

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If you don't like installations, check out this on-line converter:

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I love this add-on!! It is very useful and easy to download music off of Youtube! Much easier than using the Youtube converter websites! But I have no idea what the new slider thing does, so if that could be explained, I would appreciate it!

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Hi, The slider lets you set the MP3 bit rate. Higher bit rate means the song sounds better, but it also takes up more space. 192 Kbps has become standard, 64 Kbps is generally good enough for listening while exercising or in a noisy car. Thanks again!

Assegnate 2 su 5 stelle

umm why isnt it working for me anymore i dont see where it used to say mp3 and other stuff like that i only see some red guy at the top but when i click on him nothing happens

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Hi, 2.3.7 is broken. Please uninstall the plugin from tools -> add-ons and then reinstall with 2.3.5. 2.3.8 is coming, and it fixes the bugs from 2.3.7. If by some chance you have 2.3.8 and you're still having trouble, please email me at or friend me on facebook and post to my Wall ( Thanks!

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Well, I was quick to complain about 2.3.7 so I should be equally fast to give credit when it's due. Hopefully you can get the new version working but thanks for going back to 2.3.5 in the meantime. It's working fine once again!

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Testing on youtube:
+MP3 didn't work at all!!!
There is warning pop-up, access denied!
+MP4 didn't work either.
The prior version worked better!

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One more thing: If you're running Windows Vista or Windows 7, try saving the files to your Desktop. Newer versions of Windows have links to old folders that existed in Windows XP (like the Application Data folder). These Links aren't really folders, and they don't always work like folders, which could be causing your 'Access Denied' message.

Very sorry to hear you're having trouble with the plugin. An access denied message usually means an OS problem, and I haven't been able to reproduce the error... Can you send me the contents of the error console? Go to tools->Error Console and click the red X at the top. It'll show any errors in bold lettering. Right click and choose copy and then paste them into an email to That might be too much to do if there are a lot of errors from other sites/plugins. I will have a proper remote error reporting service in the next release, as well as some features and bug fixes, so if that's too much then keep an eye out for the next release and try it then. Should be about 2 weeks :). Thanks again!

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

I'm sorry. You can only download video files a lot.
My PC does not seem to convert to mp3.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; ja; rv: Gecko/20110420 Firefox/3.6.17

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Sorry, but I haven't been able to reproduce the error. Can you check the error console for me? Go to tools-> Error console and when it pops up click the big red X. Right click any errors you see and pick copy, and then paste them into an email to That's kind of a pain, so I'm going to add remote error logging so you can just click a button and have it send me the errors, but that'll be about 2 or 3 weeks before it's up (there's about a 2 week lead time before stuff shows up on the site while Mozilla reviews it)....

Thanks again for the heads up!

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Adds a giant advertisement with a leaf or something waving at you, and links to "buy MP3 here". MP3 it makes is bad quality.

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