Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

I have just lost so many buttons realising how much I have appreciated this addon over the past years.
Thank you very much for making my Firefox experience so much better.

Great work!!!

If your looking for solutions you can join the discussion over at my forum.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

It's only now with the advent of Firefox 55 - and the consequential loss of most of the buttons due to WebExtenions - that I truly appreciate the amazing work this developer put into the app that I've been using for years.
The button I miss the most is RESTART.

Well you are going to be out of luck there, at this time a restart button appears impossible.

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

Those blaming codefisher for the incompatibility are out of order, when Mozilla moves the goalposts then evry one looses out, making these new rules (i.e. that the new way of doing things ( WebExtenions) rules out a lot of the posibilities for addon devolopers) For Michael the fact that only a maximum of 1 button per extension means that in it's present form this addon is as dead as a dodo. This is a crying shame as a diabled user it has made a big difference to my productivity for which there is very little chance of a sensible replacement. Mozilla wants just 1 button per extension so I will need abaout 35 addons to comply with this rule and that is not including the other addons that I use.
So please stop giving the blameless third party app developers a hard time and pettition Mozilla instead to be more flexible with the rules.

Yes certainly dead as a dodo. I just put up a notice to that effect. However I do hope to put together many of those 35 add-ons you need. I finished off a few today.
People are partly right to blame me. I did drop the project for awhile due to other commitments, I could have acted sooner if I had the time to resolve this.
I understand what they are doing and why though. It does make add-on malware very hard, which is good. And it will prevent rogue add-ons slowing down Firefox. They are also looking to create a stable API that they can promise will always work (I greatly approve of this). It is quite painful though to make the transition, as many things have to be rethought and rewritten. The API is also limited so that many things we were used to doing will no longer be possible. I am hoping that can change with time.

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

I've used these for years and they are great to have, however, I recently upgraded to FF 55.0.1 and they no longer even show up when I go to Customize...

See forum discussion:

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Do you plan to use WebExtensions in a future release?

Just starting to look into upgrading the extension now, as I finally am a little more free then I have been for a long time.

WebExtensions has restrictions that limit me to one button per add-on, so Toolbar Buttons as it is is impossible. However I am looking to split the extension into multiple individual ones, which I will then upload.
This however is also limited because WebExtensions gives me a limited API to work with. Most of the buttons have to be rewritten, and then there are many buttons that can't be done. I will keep posting updates on what I am doing at

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

App creator can be found on Twitter: His apps are great, especially his toolbar button creator, but the guy needs to keep up to date on things. The speed of technology never stops!

Assegnate 2 su 5 stelle

I loved this add-on, but it appears it's no longer being maintained. After upgrading to Firefox 55.0, it no longer works and is flagged as "legacy." I went to the author's website, but his forum is nothing but spam (like bogus ads for drugs). The contact form no longer works. Hopefully this very useful add-on gets updated soon.

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Like "Close tab" and others. Fix, please.

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

I have used this Addon for years and have contributed because it is such an efficent means of getting around in FF.

However, it is not compatible with the latest versions. Is an update planned?

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

Great Addon up until FF55 where it does not work. Another 5 star up until the latest FF

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Toolbar Buttons не работает в Firefox 55.0 beta! Пожалуйста, исправьте это! Toolbar Buttons я пользуюсь около 10- лет.

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Used this add-on for years, so hope it gets updated.

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

After opening "popup Add-ons list"(like this the Add-ons taskbar doesn't close.(like this

How can I fix this issu?

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

I've been using your toolbar buttons extension for a long time and just recently with FF 53 your quick bookmarks button has stopped working. I use that button a lot and actually don't know how to make a bookmark go into a folder without it. I found a way around with another extension but it's still not as easy as your one button. That's the only button I seem to have trouble with in your extension. I was wondering if there's a chance you'll be fixing it but if not, I understand as a lot of extension developers are giving up on Firefox because of FF 57. If you can fix it, great. It's a great extension.
Thank you.

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Very good addon. More buttons for quickly tasks

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Такая простая вещь, однако искал её 3 дня и нашел в этом приложении. Теперь не нужно каждый раз нажимать правую кнопку и искать закрытие вкладок в списке. Стоит сказать, что это расширение не находят поисковики, оно скрыто из рейтингов. Его вообще невозможно найти. Спасибо автору. Жаль что люди стремятся уничтожить и забыть всё хорошее, забивая поиск разными свистоперделками и отправляя подобные расширения в забытие. Даже начал разгребать расширение Custom Buttons чтобы добавить нужную кнопку. Но это расширение - просто потеря времени. На форуме Custom Buttons вместо готовых вариантов нерабочие утки и высокомерное неприятие любых азов.

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Excellent addon, no more compatible. I will not update to FF 55, as my whole Navigation bar has been customised, based on this addon.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Here I'd like to repeat Caerus's comments, "The add-on itself I love. One of my 'must-haves'."

I only use "Page Fonts" and "Minimum Font Size", but I use them relatively frequently and they're life savers. The fact that this add-on is now broken (as of Fx 55) is a real bummer.

The author replied to Caerus that he's busy and apparently otherwise preoccupied. That's extremely bad news.

In any case, I wish the author all the best in his studies and his future in general. I only hope that some day he'll be willing and able to update this great add-on.

Actually, with the advent of web extensions, I think a lot is going to change with Firefox, and I mean for the worse.

In any case, the two buttons I've mentioned are very useful to me and more than justify the five stars as far as I'm concerned.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

After the recent update to Firefox 55 (nightly), Toolbar Buttons no longer works. I've never had this add-on break before. I tried the nightly version, but no success. The forum is poorly mantained and the sites contact sheet doesn't work, so here is the only place to make it known. The add-on itself I love. One of my 'must haves'. So I'll rate the add-on, not the fact it's broken in FF55 atm.

Also, it seems some people think this is add-on is a toolbar. It's not. It gives you additional toolbar buttons only. Right click main toolbar > Customize. Lots of extra buttons.

Reply to Michael : No problem mate. You owe no-one anything. I chose Nightly. Enjoy your free time. Your add-on works with Pale Moon, though no Jetpack support rules out other extensions. Anyway, as JoeG said, the future of FF doesn't seem so bright. I'm fine staying on a lower version. There are other FF based alternatives also. I use too many of your buttons to lose the add-on. I hope your studies go well too.

Thanks for being positive despite the problems. Want to get around to getting everything fixed and being able to maintain it again, but currently in the last year of my studies and the work load is heavy. I just don't have the energy left for it even if I do get some free time.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

For some reason the Reload button that bypasses the cache won't work. The icon itself is grey (both in the toolbar and in the Customize selection window) and clicking it in the toolbar does nothing. Any ideas how to fix this? I'm using Firefox Developer 52 now, but it was working fine in regular Firefox 50. Thanks.