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ChiudiRecensioni per Speed Dial
1.448 recensioni per questo componente aggiuntivo
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
I love this app because Fox Tab deleted all my stuff an this one i have had no trouble with.
i wish it was compatible with Glassmyfox.
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
Great Addon.
Would be even better if it was possible to make the background transparent, so that it would work with Addons like GlassMyFox
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I love speed dial! I use it all the time and consider myself to be a power user. Multiple tabs groups help me organize all the sites I frequently use. I just wish that I could synchronize across computers. Across browsers would be truly awesome!
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It doesn't have auto most visited thumbnail feature. Is it possible to add that feature?
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I used Speed Dial, Super Start, FVD Speed Dial, and the FVD SPEED DIAL is the best!
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I like it :)
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Super Start (by cyberscorpio) is better, also FVD Speed Dial.
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Thanks to TeXnolog's workaround it is working fine now :)
Btw, a small correction in the Path, it is:
Tab Mix Plus Options > Events > New Tabs > Load on new tabs - Home page.
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
Conflict with Tab Mix Plus was temporarily resolved:
Tab Mix Plus: Options - Events - Tab Opening - Load on new tabs - Home page
Firefox: Options - Main - Home page - chrome://speeddial/content/speeddial.xul
Временно проблема решена следующим образом:
- в настройках Tab Mix Plus прописываем открывать в новых табах домашнюю страницу
- в настройках Фокса домашней страницей прописываем chrome://speeddial/content/speeddial.xul
Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle
That's useful! thx
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Ultimate home page visual bookmark customization. Thank you.
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please solve the conflict. your extension is so useful!
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Quite good! BTW,the friend who has the issue - 'can`t show SPEED DIAL in the new tab'(10.0.1),plz check out whether there exist another addons working about new tabs in your addons list,delete them,and check your new tab angain.
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Not buggy instead of a similar add-on, so that deserve five star because it's a very nice feature.
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this add-on was also a blessing to me i was it was so much easier to view websites at a click
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Excellent! Please keep updating. Thanks! E.g. dials can have shades.
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Trying to hit the tiny links for editing the pages on the speed dial is like fishing for fish with bow and arrow. I gave up after trying for 5 minutes to hit that 'edit' link.
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When exporting it uses currentsettings as the file name for both current settings and dials. Dials should be renamed to dials.
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Still the same problem (combined with Tab Utilities) as I posted months ago here. The Speed Dial tab will not be reused/closed if you type an url into adress bar and hit enter. Please correct this finally. Check:
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Very usefull. it speed up your browsing experience. and very customizable.
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