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For me a must have addon. Recently I've had small but annoying issues. When clicking a link in e.g. an email, I get an error message "Firefox is already running", instead of just openeing the link in the active profile (it used to). Also an option to choose defailt profile would be great.When theese things work again this will be a five star without doubt.ThanksAndreas - windows 8/firefox aurora

EDIT: Saw the changelog ( and this is apparently a mozilla bug - and the develop has tried - so five stars is appropropriate I guess :-)

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I was disappointed with firefox for not beings able to change profiles easily. Thanks to your extension now, firefox is better than chrome in this aspect also.

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I would give this a five, but I have a huge productivity hassle because it opens the newest profile instead of the currently running profile. Paolo, I noticed that on August 3rd 2013, in reply to Thomas Sisson you promised to fix this in the next update, but that has not happened. I have

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В версии нужно после установки изменить следующие параметры в about:config
profileswitcher.onload_reset_noremote > false
profileswitcher.enable_new_instance > false
Все сразу начинает правильно работать

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Ein super AddOn. Leider funktioniert die Version nicht. Es wird immer nur das aktuelle Profil ein weiteres Mal geöffnet.

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First thank you very much. This feature is expected by many people for a long time, I guess!

Some ideas :
+ A bugtracker (github?) to have a place to get involved and submit ideas.
+ Bug: The "titlebar" option doesn't seem to work on my nightly 26 (as it's the only way to make difference between windows)
+ Affect an icon by profile (or a color for beginning).
+ Impact firefox's window icon according to the profile icon/color (as in Chromium)
+ Merge the buttons with the "new private window" in the menu as it's globally the same purpose.
+ Add an entry in the context menu of links to open it in a window of another profile (merged with the "open in link in a new private window" maybe).
+ Add a button to share the "sync" configuration between profiles.
+ Switch to the window of another profile if it's already launched (currently the "Firefox is already running, but is not responding..." dialog is opened).
+ Install Profileswitcher automatically on new profiles created through this excellent extension.

Hu! There's more than one word now! :P

PS : With only a few of this features, it will deserve the last star (and a sixth one with all). ;)

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This is a great extension, deserving a frequent need.

As an addition, it would be useful to allow profile switching from the developer bar (with a command such as "profileSwitch <profname> [(boolean)quit current profile]")

I'd love to try to add this functionality myself, but I was not able to find the sources…

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Thanks for creating an add-on for a feature that should have been built into all Mozilla products. There are variations of programs available for MS Windows that attempt to do this. Many of us don't use Windows, and the sources are questionable.

My suggestion would be to replace -no-remote with -new-instance. This would fix the issue of not opening links with the running instance of Firefox. If the user chooses to keep separate instances of Firefox running rather than closing the currently running one, links would still be opened by the first instance by default (the operating system shouldn't matter).

You can set this as the default action. In a later version, you can add an option to change the default behavior, or choose the behavior in the dialog box, or both.

I'll probably hack the code myself, but this issue keeps me from giving a higher rating.

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This a great suggest!
I will implent it in the next update, maybe the best solution is to use -new-instance as default behaviour for Firefox/Thunderbird 13 or higher, giving the user the possibility to switch to the old "-no-remote" if s/he prefers.
Thanky you for pointing this!

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Eine der besten Möglichkeiten mit mehren Profilen gleichzeitig zu arbeiten. Mit diesen Add-ons ist es möglich schnell und einfach Profile zu Kopieren, neue anzulegen und auch zu löschen. Für Browser Spieler dürfte interessant sein das man mit wenigen Klicks in ein Profil zum Browser Spielen wechseln kann.
Achtung der Profil Switcher muss in jeden Profil installiert werden zwischen den gewechselt werden soll, da sonst nicht zurück gewechselt werden kann:

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di Paolo "Kaosmos" (Sviluppatore) il July 7, 2013 · link permanente

Puoi avere lo stesso comportamento anche con la versione mettendo la preferenza extensions.profileswitcher.onload_reset_noremote a false.
Purtroppo non si può avere un comportamento adatto alle esigenze degli utenti in tutte le circostanze, per un limite intrinseco a Gecko

Capisco perfettamente...e grazie mille!!! Nel modo da te suggerito ho risolto ^^

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Thank you very much for this. I relied on Chromes excellent profileswitcher and this extension made it possible for me to go back to firefox. Two requests: (1) In chrome ctrl+shift+m (on windows) opens a dropdown lists with available profiles. A similar keyboard shortcut option would be fantastic!

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looks great (maybe when we hover on the icon user the "Current profile: " is not needed, the profile name could be enough.

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I use different profiles for work and home. This tool gives you fast access to the hidden, but built-in profile manager within Firefox. Very handy!

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Switch from Firefox-Profil A to Profil B( Profil A closed), open Link in Thunderbird.
I have 2 windows: Firefox Profil A and B !
TB-Link opening in Window with Profil A, thats not correctly !
Edit: No, with Version same problem !

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Hopefully this should be fixed in version. To try it, you must install the latest version in all your profiles.

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this add-on one of the must have .. love it .. thank you Paolo

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This is immensely useful for those of us with multiple profiles, and we can switch at the click of a button or pull of the menu.

There are a few too many clicks to use the extension, though; if I've added it as a toolbar item, I'd like a single click to open the list of profiles, with the other actions as items below the separator. It takes far too long to get into the menus otherwise. With an option to display the profile name next to the toolbar button, this could act very much like a select box.

Also, the status bar version is nice, but isn't active. If that's the only visible indication I've chosen to use of my current profile, it would be nice to click it to get the extension menu as above.

Finally, some way of assigning icons to each profile (or even just a colour to start with) that would change the toolbar and status bar icon would make it easier to see which profile is active if they have similar email addresses. Perhaps a gravatar if the user has signed into Firefox sync with an email address?

With these three usability enhancements, I think this would be an absolutely top-notch extension that's essential for power users.

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Thank you for the hints, I will keep them in mind for future updates

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Hi Paolo, it seems that the add-on stopped working in Firefox 21. Upon launching another profile, the message is "Unable to file executable".

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It's fixed in version, you can find it here

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I just started using this add-on. It it simple and works simply great. With it, I can open two (or more) firefox windows, each based on a different user profile. I have some ideas for this. I'm going to create different user profiles, each with different add-ons and scrapbook/bookmark contents and use them to do different types of searches and store different types of content. Thank you so much Paolo "Kaosmos."

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Hello, 5 stars for functionality, but there is one minor annoyance...

In Thunderbird (both 10.0.xESR and 17.0ESR), if you have buttons set to 'Icons Beside Text', the icon looks right when you place it, but as soon as you close the 'Customize' window, it changes to 'Icons and Text' (where the text is below the icon), which causes it to be much taller than all the others...

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This is very useful to keep e.g. different gmail or twitter accounts separated.

I have a few minor remarks/suggestions for improvement (I'm using FF 15.0.1 under Gentoo Linux, KDE):
* When asked whether to close the current profile upon switching, the Yes and No buttons have the wrong symbols ("forbidden" for Yes and "check mark" for No).
* When using the button in the menu or status bar, you need to right click, then click "Choose another profile", then select the profile. Perhaps it would be possible to keep this, but add a left-click action where you immediately get the list of profiles to select from.
* When my mouse hovers over the button, a popup appears that says "Current profile name" rather than the actual name of my current profile
* It would be really cool if one could select which aspects of a profile should be different, and which should be shared. E.g., I'd like to use my FF extensions in all profiles, but not my cookies and history. I'm not sure this is possible though, perhaps one could select one default profile (as is already the case - Profile0) and per secondary profile select what should be shared with the default one and what not. Shared items could then perhaps be symlinks to e.g. ../abcdefg.default/bookmarks.html. But I'm not sure how much of a mess that would create...

Thank you very much for this great add-on!

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