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Kudos for updating Nostalgy++ to TB78! Folder name completion and shortcuts are critical for folks who have more than a few folders or prefer navigating folders from the keyboard rather than with the mouse.

Frankly, I'm surprised that this functionality isn't native to Thunderbird (it is to many other mail clients).

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.2.2) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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When Thunderbird updated this morning and I realized that Nostalgy doesn't work anymore, my heart sank. I considered de-installing Thunderbird and installing an older version, just so Nostalgy would work again. It is inconceivable to me, to use Thunderbird without this add-on. It's an absolute life saver. When I then found this new version and it worked again, it absolutely made my day. Donation is made. Please keep up the good work.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.2.2) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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When I saw that Nostalgy was not working anymore with the newer Thunderbird version, it was like the clouds went all dark! OMG! how shall I survive without sorting my mails using the keyboard! Thank you opto for htis wonderful work, after sorting 2 mails and seeing it works, I made a donation. THANK YOU

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.2.2) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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Indispensable! Nostalgy adds an essential feature (do Thunderbird devs not use keyboards? can they not type?) and this is the new improved version complete with active support. Thank you opto!

PS 2 bugs outstanding: options should be moved to Add-on Options; and when there is a save folder suggestion, Enter should accept the suggestion instead of throwing an error.
I see the note that TAB+enter accepts the suggestion, but that doesn't work for me: I still get the error.

Other than that, perfect!

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if there is a suggestion, you now need TAB + enter.
That comes from the new autocomplete component of TB. Don't know whether it can be changed ...

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Now that the issue with the 'c' shortcut in the message composer window seems to be fixed (see, I would give it a full 5-stars!

Just the fact that the settings menu is somehwat "hidden" at the bottom of the Tools/Extras menu (which is faded out in TB by default) makes it a bit awkward to find. It should be moved to the "Add-on Settings" menu.

Apart from that, kudos to the developer! I think you managed to migrate an add-on to TB78+ that is essential, if not the most essential productivity add-on at all for many power users.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.2.2) del componente aggiuntivo. 

curious bug. Options is not in the addons options menu, because no icon is registered for the extension...
Thanks to TB people for pointing that out - the code is ok, only the (unrelated) icon missing.
With due time, I will add that.

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Thank you for the update to TB78+!!!
The "c"-Bug seems to be fixed, thanks a lot!

I contributed some weeks ago and I will contribute again!
Best regards!

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UPDATE: Only now I see that "karagkiozhs" reported essentially the same as I. So please take my message as a "thumbs up" and "+1" for the behaviors! :)

I was thrilled when Nostalgy++ finally started working in TB78.
Unfortunately, there are two showstoppers for me:
- In the message editor, whenever I type "c" in the message texct, the editor jumps into the CC field. SO my text would have to be without "C"s. I guess using a simple key without a modifier isn;t suitable in scenarios where text is being entered?
- When trying to move messages the od way (press "s", proceed to type folder name to autocomplete), the autocomplete finds the folder I am looking for, I hit enter and I get a JS popup message sayinbg "there is no filder with then name 'workor >> .../.../Workorder'" which was exactly the contents of the quick search field. Somehow the suggestion I tried to "accept" didn;t get recognized and the entire text was taken instead.

If you, opto, could fix these, I would gladly switch back from the slow and uncomfortable (for me) "Quick message move".

Thank you!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.2.0) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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Meanwhile I stumbled over the major bug karagiozhs reported as well: cannot use Nostalgy currently at all.
Disabling the composing window features completely would be my favourite option!


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Thank you for the latest update. I have paypaled you to show support for your excellent work.
So far, I see one major bug and a minor one:
- major bug: when composing an email and while typing in the main text window, the 'c' button works as a shortcut moving my cursor in the "CC" line and typing there.
In other words, the 'c' shortcut (a) does not wait for a 'cc' command and (b) is active also while typing the email in the main window.
To make matters worse, I cannot find an option in the plugin Options menu for disabling the 'cc' shortcut.

- minor bug (or weird feature): when in the main TB panel, when pressing 's', i get the recommendation to save email to some directory. In the previous plugin version, hitting Enter was enough to "convert" the partial match to the intended directory full name. In this version, I get a redirection hint, e.g. I type "a" and it displays "a >> CocaCola"; then I need to press Tab+Enter to do the save. Which is annoying. Can this be changed back somehow?

Thank you!

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Thanks a lot fore the update to TB78 :)

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Perfect! Keyboard navigation and mail operations for Thunderbird, now finally for TB 78 :-)

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This add-on enables quick copying/moving of emails which is an enormous productivity gain when working the inbox.
However, it has not been upgraded to TB 78.4 yet so at some time there must be decision taken between the new (and important) TB78 functionalities and Nostalgy++.
Even if the heading of the Nostalgy++ web page already suggests the completed Nostalgy++ transition to TB78, I would ask Opto to clarify this and maybe even give a date when the update might be ready...
Thanks anyway for a great add-on.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.15) del componente aggiuntivo. 

The version for TB 78 is currently under review by the TB team.

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Neither can I understand why this is not embedded in the TB distribution. Indispensible.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.15) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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I contributed and are really looking forward to this Upgrade!
Won't be able to use TB78 w/o it ...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.15) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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Looking forward to this working again but I understand how much work it can take to do so. It's so integrated with the way I manage email that I sometimes forget it isn't a part of the Thunderbird distribution. Makes keyboard handling of mail really convenient.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.15) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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Nostalagy++ 1.0.15 (last version available from doesn't work on TB 68.9.0 64-bit. Last version from Github is 1.0.25 and doesn't work as well (and author it is flagged as Alain Frisch).
On top of that description does not detail what is different from original Nostalgy extension by Alain Frisch.
Also, what are "emais"?

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.0.15) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Nostalgy versus Nostalgy++:
This is a port of Nostalgy by Alain Frisch to TB 68. Nostalgy has published my update (I updated it for them), but the original source of the update is not mentioned there.

My update to TB 78 is finished 50% and will follow soon.