Christian Reese

Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome Christian Reese
Località London
Lavoro Marketing Executive
Utente da Feb. 15, 2016
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
Media delle valutazioni sui componenti aggiuntivi di questo sviluppatore. Nessun voto

Qualche dettaglio in più…

Hi all, Chris here. I'm a marketing executive for a flat pack furniture assembly company in London. It's called Flatpack Mates and we help people by both putting together and delivering their IKEA furniture items. Of course we work with many more shops besides the Swedish giant, such as: John Lewis, Peter Jones, Habitat, Mamas & Papas, B&Q, Furniture 123 and more.

In my free time I like to do some small graphic projects, some of which i will be posting here. Hope you're doing well.

Le mie recensioni

Nightly and Aurora

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Really awesome.

Abstract Electric

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This theme has style, you can tell.

Black by MaDonna

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The simplest theme I've seen so far.

Yakuza Paint

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I'm a fan of Japanese culture and I approve this.

ANIMATED - Snoopy Nap

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I like this theme and the colour schemes, but have one question. Doesn't it make Firefox slower when the theme's animated?

Colorful Fractal

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I'd put this theme around the new years celebrations. It's so sparkly.

Green Floral

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A real treat for plant lovers using Firefox.

Furfox Tail Twister

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I love classic Firefox and this is in a way modern classic. Awesome job!

tiger eyes light blue

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Really cool idea. Those tiger eyes almost scare me.

kanagawa wave

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So calming and not distracting.

Fresh Green Leaves

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I like my themes simple and not distracting. This is just that. Great work.

Aurora Australis

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It's no wonder so many people love this theme. It's really awesome.