Ms Mousette's TBird Mac Add-ons
di Ms Mousette
Informazioni su questa raccolta
An automatically generated list of my installed add-ons
56 Componenti aggiuntivi in questa raccolta
di GS! Networks
58 utenti
Did your friend send you a cool link? Want to read the rest of that interesting article? Don't want to open up your web browser just to view it? You don't have to! Just view it in Thunderbird with ThunderBrowse!
Thunderbird Message Filter Import/Export Enhanced
di kounavi
95 utenti
Thunderbird Message Filter Import/Export Enhanced is a compatibility port of Wind Li's add on.
Original add on here:
Disable DragAndDrop (Thunderbird)
di Takayama Fumihiko
58 utenti
A Thunderbird extension which disables drag and drop in the folder pane.
This extension prevents unintended folder movement.
di flasresizerdeveloper
17 utenti
Clears preferences left by extensions after uninstallation
Use Bcc Instead
di David White
44 utenti
Sorry but this addon is no longer supported in TB 60. See below.
Who among us has not made the mistake of sending a 'broadcast' email to a large number of recipients without using BCC; thereby revealing everyone's email addresses to all?
Unified Search
di IagoSRL
17 utenti
Unify the global search box and the quick filter box in a new widget (the 'Unified Search Widget') with all filter and search capabilities at once.
Extra Folder Columns
di Joey Minta, Thunderbird Development Team
112 utenti
This extension is for those TB3 users who want the multiple-columns view that TB2 allowed
IMPORTANT: If you are using Thunderbird 38 or later, uninstall this addon. The functionality is in core now.
di David White
35 utenti
Sorry but this addon is no longer supported in TB 60. See below.
This add-on provides a few new ways to keep Thunderbird clean.
Display Contact Photo
di Samuel Mueller
6 utenti
Mostra la foto del mittente, o del destinatario, nelle intestazioni del messaggio. Supporta immagini locali, le 'Face' e i gravatar. L'estensione dispone di foto predefinite e permette di applicare numerosi stili alle foto.
Show InOut
di Günter Gersdorf
903 utenti
Adds some columns to the tableview. One shows an indicator wether a mail is incoming or outgoing, other shows the sender, the recipient(s) or the correspondent(s). Columns can be shown as name only, address only or both.
Restartless Restart
di Erik Vold
10 utenti
This 15KB restartless add-on will add a "File" -> "Restart" menu item and a ctrl/cmd + alt + r hotkey to restart Firefox or Seamonkey.
tasks & mails
di gilles.orsini
4 utenti
Tasks and emails management in a Thunderbird extension. tasks are stored in emails folder and it's possible to link an email to a task.
See all in one, emails and tasks (no more pain to synchronize a task manager).
Che cosa sono le raccolte?
Le raccolte sono gruppi di componenti aggiuntivi che ogni utente può creare e condividere.
Esplora le raccoltePer creare una tua raccolta devi avere un account per Mozilla Add-ons.