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One that i needed for typing cyrillic articles.

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Great extension, but unfortunately recently it doesn't seem to work with Google products like Gmail, GDocs and G+...

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Love the extension! Use it all the time. Does anyone know if anything similar is available in Chrome?

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Not work in bookmarks side panel search box.

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The latest versions of Translit are not working on TB 2.
Rolled back to 7.5

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same problem as described below with ya yu. i registered myself here, just 2 let u know.
and ъ - ` doesnt work as well only in big Ъ - ``. I used your tranliterator for ages but had to switch for google chrome one day and used their transliterator.
Could u make э - ä(for german keyboard) end ё - ö as well and щ -(sj) and w. (like on google chrome). i found it rly better. But now im back to firefox and kinda miss those tansliterastor features.

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it stopped working with letters Я и Ю
what is the solution?

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Yay, now i can write like this by just typing normally! :D

Here it is if anyone wants it:
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´","`"],["a","a"],["b","b"],["c","c"],["d","d"],["e","e"],["f","f"],["g","g"],["h","h"],["i","i"],["j","j"],["k","k"],["l","l"],["m","m"],["n","n"],["o","o"],["p","p"],["q","q"],["r","r"],["s","s"],["t","t"],["u","u"],["v","v"],["w","w"],["x","x"],["y","y"],["z","z"],["{","{"],["|","|"],["}","}"],["~","~"]]

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Thanks for the great addon, its really amazing!
I want to write a layout for polish, is it possible to use modifier keys like alt or control?
I would like to do something like [["(ctrl)c","ć"],["(ctrl)l","ł"],["(ctrl)a","ą"],["(ctrl)e","ę"],...].

Is it possible? Would be so great! Thanks a lot!

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This is an excellent extension. I couldn't browse the web without it. I often write in Russian, but the standard Russian keyboard is too complicated. This extension makes typing in Russian very easy.

There's only one problem since the move to Firefox 4: If i try to type ш (sh), ж (zh), ю (yu) or other letters that require two Latin characters in the search bar (Ctrl-F) or in the little search box at the top, the first letter appears, so i get сш, зж, ыю etc. This only happens in these boxes, not in the input boxes inside websites.

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Amir, what platform do see these errors on? Windows/Mac/etc? It works for me on linux and winXP. I'll try to test on a mac and win7 but it would help if you give me more details. Please drop me an email. Thanks

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It don't work at all for me!!!

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Very useful but it doesn't work in search and address boxes for me, and it does not work with the keyboard shortcut for toggling input mode, so I have to use the menu all the time.

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something may be intercepting the f2 shortcut. please try to change it in Options to another function key. Please also try it with other addons disabled - if one of other addons you have installed is interfering please let me know which one and I'll do try to find a solution.

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I just noticed that the extension doesnt really work with the google docs. Will it ever be implemented?

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Дополнение конечно супер. Сейчас было бы хорошим иметь это дополнение на бету 4ку.

4.0b2pre - работает, а вот на 4.0b3pre уже нет.

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Where can I download this for Thunderbird? Thank you in advance.

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Is it possible to make this addon for Google Chrome also? Thanks in advance.

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szuper dolog, bezonyám.

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Этот адд-он - одна из главных причин, почему я использую ФФ.

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It's not support Thai Alphabet yet, but I could help you with this. I'm thai and also be an engineer (but in other field) so I've read your website and found that, It can being edited by "Custom Transliteration Tables" tools, but I haven't know-how to use, but I can endeavouring to grasp it soon. So, What I want to ask is if I done it , if I complete editing thai language support, how can I send it to you? by E-Mail or anyway? ,, and this's last question "Can you guide me about createing or editing your add-ons to support another language" Thanks

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Hi Dragnome,
Yes, please send me the layout - I will be very happy to include it. Send it by email to either or

If you run into any difficulties editing language support, please email your questions and I will try to help.


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