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This would be a great extension for my purposes if it could save to alternate file formats including PDFs with attachments included. The EML format used by default still requires an email reader to view. For archive and sharing purposes, other formats like PDF are quite useful.

This extension is (almost) a great idea!


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Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

Love the options and overall design of this extension- but it failed to export about 500 messages (my inbox folder contains about 1300 messages).

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Nessun voto

Finally got round to switching from a none standard email client (Barca) to what I thought was slowly becoming a standard email client. Bit disappointed to find there was no auto backup :( So downloaded your extension thinking yahoo a backup solution.

Wrong I'm afraid...

It backed up about 2% of the email I transferred from my old client, which runs into thousands. All the folders were correct, but upon checking folder after folder showed nothing.

I've now go for MozBackup as a preferred solution - at least this backs up the email 1st time & it's in the native format not eml.

Sorry gave this a "1"

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Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

Great Idea, and it almost works perfectly, but it just comes to a halt when it comes across a null subject title ... I don't get many of those :o)

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Seit langer Zeit suche ich eine Möglichkeit, meine Kurs-E-Mails als Text zu exportieren, ohne dazu täglich die Exportprozedur abzuarbeiten. SmartSave macht dies zumindest etwas komfortabler, wenn ich eine Woche die Mails sammle und dann den Sammelordner mit SmartSave exportiere. Bis vor kurzem war dies problemlos möglich. Aber seit einiger Zeit werden Tabs in "=09" umgeformt, wodurch das Ergebnis nicht mehr verwertbar ist (die tabellarische Struktur des Textfiles ist nun zerstört). Überhaupt wundert es mich, dass so viel Energie in irgendwelche Icon- oder Musik-Spielereien am TB gesteckt wird und solche Tools wie SmartSave oder AutoSave teilweise im Ansatz verkümmern. Braucht denn niemand eine Mailarchivierung zum Zwecke der Weiterverarbeitung?

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Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle

Hi, this would be brilliant if it worked but it seems to have trouble with reading the email date. I had 400 web form responses so all with same sender and subject, so I set to export using just:
But each message tried to export with the same time setting so flagged up 400 errors about overwriting. If this was fixed it would be a marvellously helpful tool so please don't give up on it Stefano - Would love to give you a 10 if you can get it working!

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Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle

Smartsave is good idea, but it does not work very well. It will not save all of the messages in a folder most of the time. I could not discern any repeatable pattern other than most messages starting with "RE: " would not save, and yes I did play with the filename mapping to ensure they should be unique file names.

Any suggestions on a good Thunderbird archive extension would be most welcome.

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

I tried Your extension ad found it very useful, but I had a strange ptroblem.
Having into a folder two mail with same object, same sender and same recipint, but different datetime, the export gave me a warning end exported only the first one. I tried to change th name formatting, but I always had the same message. Do I made a mistake or is it a bug?
Many thanks however! Is a nice and very useful extension.

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