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thanks for the answer.

I noticed that in the forwarding window, the mail account from which the email is being forwarded is shown. In my opinion, it would be better to display only the outgoing mail servers. Sometimes, the incoming and outgoing mail providers are not the same.

28.1.0esr (64-Bit)

Senden der Nachricht fehlgeschlagen.
Fehler beim Senden der Nachricht. Der Mail-Server antwortete: You are not allowed to use the domain as DATA From domain.. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Nachricht und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang.

Some providers don't accept mails if the From: address is not from their own domain. You can try using another provider to redirect mails, e.g. google.

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Great AddOn, exactly what i need. Works well.
Extraordinary support too, got answered after some hours, got my problem solved next day. Thank you Günter!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.44) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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What I personally like regarding this addon is the additional Redirect action on Filter Rules and of course how redirect works instead of Official Redirect. Thank you Gunter for the hard work.

The only issue I am facing and its the reason for not using it, is that when I redirect a message, I am receiving it again as a new message above the redirected one. Like a loop.
Even worse in Filter Rules, when I receive a message that satisfy my rule, I receive the same message endlessly every 5-10 seconds, and on the same time receiver also.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.44) del componente aggiuntivo. 

There is a checkbox 'Save this message'. Deselect this checkbox! The add-on retains this setting.

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The addon works really well, thanks for the effort! I stumbled upon it some time ago because the old "Mail Redirect" addon ( no longer works with the current TBird versions. What I still miss in this addon is the retention of the original date and time information.

Explanation: We often need to redirect misdirected emails to our ticketing system. With the old "Mail Redirect" plugin, not only the sender and recipient were retained, but also the date of the original email. This had the advantage that our ticketing system then chronologically placed the redirected email in the correct position. With this plugin, the redirected email currently still gets the date/time of the redirection, which results in the email arriving in the ticket but being placed chronologically incorrectly.

It would be great if this feature, even as an option, could exist here.

Thank you!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.40) del componente aggiuntivo. 

the add-on does not modifies the 'Date:' header. It adds a 'Resent-Date:' header but its unlikely that your ticketing system uses that for sorting.
Its more likely that your ticketing system sorts by date/time of arrival and does not use the 'Date:' header for sorting.

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The addon works good for us for redirecting (delegating) E-Mails. The accounts are often accessed by several people or by one person from different systems (Linux, Windows).

Since a little while the icon for "E-Mail is redirected" does only appear in the thunderbird-instance from which the E-Mail is redirected.

I defined a tag "redirected" and it works - all systems show the tag.
But it would be better to show the symbol, because one line gets only one color. We use the tags for different purposes. So you have to select the E-Mail to see in the header section all tags.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.40) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Unfortunately the tag ist the best i can do. Probably you can do some magic with userChrome.css:

tr[data-properties~="Tredirected"] :is(.subject-line img, .Tredirected) {
content: url("resent.svg") !important;

Untestet, and you have to provide your own "resent.svg"

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It works with Supernova using context menu but:
- using same thunderbird from 2 different computer with this plugin installed on both and accessing the same IMAP account , redirected emails are not maked as redirected on both ( only on the one who made the redirection)
- redirected emails are not stored in sent folder.

I defined a new tag "redirected" but it doesn't applied automatically and is not visible on the other pc even if I created the same tag on it

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.40) del componente aggiuntivo. 

- define a tag 'redirected'
- there is a checkbox 'Save this message'

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Thank you for this Plugin.

But it doesn't work anymore.
Server responds "Transaction failed"

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.40) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Thank you for this really great and essential Plugin. Seems to be broken in TB 115.5

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.39) del componente aggiuntivo. 

It's already fixed but waits for review.
You could download the fixed version (1.40) from my homepage.

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

Thanks to the developer for this excellent addon! I've been using it for some time now with great pleasure. However, since switching to Thunderbird Supernova, it's been catastrophic. Every time I redirect a mail, a popup window opens telling me that there's an SMTP error and that the message has failed to be sent, with the words "Service closing transmission channel". As I redirect a lot of emails, I'm constantly disturbed by multiple popups to close. The worst thing is that my messages are properly redirected. When I tried to downgrade Thunderbird to the previous version, the problem disappeared! I reinstalled Thunderbird and the addon, without success. I don't know what else to do... Thanks for your help.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.34) del componente aggiuntivo. 

I can't reproduce your problem with the current TB 115.2.3.
Are you using a beta version of TB?
Please contact me by e-mail

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Sadly there is no way to respond an answer ... so next entry.
"resent" email *I have to select an email SENDER address* ...
So why it uses the original sender address ????
The original "resend" addon wasn't doing this... only the other "bouncer" addon...
And yes... EVERY GOOD MAIL PROVIDER has to check sender address and block emails outside his domain / not registered by AUTHORIZED account.

Then the (german) description is wrong which Firefox always redirects me to...
There is written: ~ "different behavior of 'umleiten' which is like a forwarding without citate" which wasn't the case so far I remember.
But this is a redirect (and not a bounce which you mean with your plugin behavior) .
And maybe you are only not aware about the difference between envelope sender and From: address...

BTW there was a One-by-One Forward plugin which is also not available anymore but for all which wants a "mass forward/REDIRECT) there is "ThunderFWD" -ä not so nice interface but working as wanted...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.33) del componente aggiuntivo.  Questo utente ha inserito una recensione precedente su questo componente aggiuntivo.

> So why it uses the original sender address ????
Because that's the purpose of this add-on! Please read the note on the add-ons homepage

Please also note that there is a difference between Thunderbirds resend function and this add-on which unfortunately also uses the term 'resend' (but i used the term earlier!)

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Works great!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.29) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

To my great regret, my add-on is not working. I get this error: "Sending of the message failed.
An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: Error: transaction failed, blame it on the weather: backend: invalid email address: not owned by user. Please check the message and try again.".

I should point out that I am using Proton Mail Bridge running macOS 12.5 on a mac-mini Intel.
Thunderbird 102.1.0

The built-in redirect works without problems, but I can't use it because it's not available in Message Filters.

Let me explain the situation. I have a custom domain connected in protonmail and with emails for my whole family. I want to use filters to automatically redirect emails to my family members personal emails.

1. I understand the difference :)
2. Apparently, it's the provider's problem, not the add-on.
3. v1.23

I tried running the same scenario under Ubuntu, nothing changed. But I found a solution without redirecting messages, so my problem is solved.

The add-on is very useful and needed. Due to the fact that I could not try the add-on at work, only four stars, sorry.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.23) del componente aggiuntivo. 

1. Be sure you're really using the add-on. It's called by the 'Redirect' with the icon in front of it far down in the context menu of a mail. The 'Redirect' below the 'Forward' entries calls the TB internal redirect function which works quite differently.

2. Not all providers accept mails if the from address is not from their own domain (e.g. outlook and the german providers and But this is the normal case when using the add-on. Seems that Proton belongs to these providers as the error 'invalid email address: not owned by user' suggests.

If you have access to another SMTP mail server, try that server to redirect the mail (change the 'From' in the first line of the add-ons popup window).

3. Redirecting using this add-on via filters is supported since version 1.21 of the add-on

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Perfect tool!
I use it to add the redirect missing function to Gmail and Outlook.

This is essential to report an __original email__ in the context of a trial or a cyber-attack analysis.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.21) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.21) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Great that there is finally a worthy replacement for the long-defunct original version. It works excellently!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.20) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Works great! Since upgrading to TB 78, I've been missing the original Mail Redirect from Onno Ekker. This add-on does the job, as long as your SMTP server allows what my corporate server called "unauthorized" From: addresses. So far, this has worked with my Google Workspace account and my Gmail account, as well as through an unauthenticated SMTP server.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.20) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Sehr schön, dass ich endlich einen Nachfolger von "Mail Redirect" gefunden habe.

Edit: Meine ursprüngliche Kritik hat sich auf die mir (noch nicht) bekannte eingebaute Umleiten-Funktion (erkennt man daran, dass man den Nachrichtentext sieht, wenn man Umleiten klickt und sich ein Fenster öffnet) bezogen. Das Add-on macht tatsächlich 100% das, was ich erwarte. Nochmals Danke!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.20) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Verstehe ich nicht. Soll die Absendeadresse nun geändert werden oder nicht?
Laut dem Standard (RFC5322 Abs. 3.6.6), dem dieses Add-on folgt, wird die Absendeadresse nicht geändert.
Wenn du möchtest, das die Absendeadresse geändert wird, solltest du den Befehl 'Umleiten' benutzen, den Thunderbird mit Version 91 eingeführt hat, und der einigermaßen anders funktioniert.

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

A very nice add-on which properly preserves the original sender for the recipient of the redirected message. The built-in T-bird redirect functionality makes redirected messages look like they came from me, which is confusing to people.

One feature request... it would be nice if I could specify one or more default "to" addresses since I virtually always redirect my messages to the same person. The original "Mail Direct" add-on had this functionality and I miss it.

Thank you!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.18) del componente aggiuntivo. 

I would suggest creating a maillist and use that as address

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Hilfe, seit einiger Zeit gibt es das folgende Problem, wenn die Tastenkombination STRG+B gedrückt wurde, dann landete man direkt in den Feld "An" und es konnte der Empfänger eingegeben werden, das war Perfekt. Jetzt muss man sage und schreibe fünfmal die Tab-Taste drücken bis man in den "Empfänger..." Feld landet. Könnten Sie bitte den Ursprungszustand wiederherstellen oder eine Möglichkeit schaffen, wo jeder es selbst bestimmen kann, welches Feld zuerst aktiv sein soll. Bitte einen Spenden Paypal Button einrichten, damit man sich für dieses tolle Add-on bedanken kann. (Buy Me A Coffee button)

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.17) del componente aggiuntivo.  Questo utente ha inserito 3 recensioni precedenti su questo componente aggiuntivo.

Ja, eigentlich sollte der Fokus im 'An' Feld sein. Leider ist die Funktion (eine Thunderbird Interne), die das bewerkstelligt, irgendwann in der Entwicklung hin zu TB91 auf der Strecke geblieben. Genauer: sie funktioniert einfach nicht mehr. Ich werde mich nochmal damit beschäftigen.

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So thankful that this function has been restored to Thunderbird by this developer. Where would Thunderbird be without him and other developers keeping the useful "differences" in Thunderbird alive!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.15) del componente aggiuntivo.