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ChiudiRequestPolicy cronologia delle versioni
17 versioni
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Queste versioni sono visualizzate solo per scopo di test e archivio. Dovresti sempre utilizzare l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
* Added lv-LV (Latvian) translation (thanks to Aleksandrs Ļedovskis).
* Added "Support RequestPolicy" menu item
* Removed research study code.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
* URLs entered in the location bar began triggering redirect notifications starting with Firefox 16.
* Added : eu, it, sk-SK
* Updated: fr
* Renamed: tr -> tr-TR
* Added implementation of opt-in telemetry that is part of my academic research.
More info:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
* Links from Firefox's new about:newtab page were blocked.
* Links from view-source pages were blocked. This fix is only partial: cross-domain links that aren't otherwise whitelisted are still blocked.
More info:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
* Requests to moz-filedata: and blob: were blocked. This caused problems with, for example, pdf.js.
Extension compatibility:
* Dr. Web Link Checker's popup window had blocked content that couldn't be easily whitelisted.
More info:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
* Infinite loop when a redirection cycle is encountered, even if that redirection cycle isn't an infinite loop.
* "Error: childDocument is null" in RequestUtil.jsm
More info:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
* Whitelist bypass through certain javascript submitted forms (reported by Mike Cardwell of
* Error console: gBrowser.addProgressListener was called with a second argument
* For new installations, add-on bar isn't displayed after restart
* Firefox Sync compatibility rules were no longer applied because Sync is now built-in (not an extension)
* Updated pt-BR and tr-TR locales.
Extension conflicts:
* SimilarWeb: requests between different domains owned by SimilarWeb were blocked
More details:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
* Whitelist bypass through view-source URLs.
* Refresh string parsing fails on Firefox 5+.
* "Get Addons" page has begun loading resources from a new destination which was being blocked.
Extension conflicts:
* Update extension compatibility rules for Norton Toolbars.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
* Firefox Sync account setup captcha blocked.
Bugs fixed:
* On Firefox 3.6, we performed our profile-after-change work twice.
Other changes:
* On Firefox 4, add a toolbar button to the addon bar rather than using a status bar icon.
* Removed the option to use the alternative status bar icon (an image that said "RequestPolicy" instead of the flag icon).
More info:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
* Users should not be able to allow redirects to javascript URIs.
* Preferences window not tall enough on Mac.
* xml+xsl pages broken.
* Blocked content notification (the flag) stuck on one color after closing print preview window with window's "X" button.
* Updated locales.
* Allow removing status bar/addon bar icon.
* Various xul element IDs made more specific to avoid namespace clutter.
* Typeless request log iframe given type="chrome" (though AMO still shows warning "Typeless iframes/browsers must be local").
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
* Cross-site redirects from favicon requests bypass whitelist.
* Redirection to protocol-relative URLs can bypass the whitelist. (Thanks, Mike Cardwell, for discovering and reporting this.)
* Some missing image indicators have very small width.
* Missing image indicators unreliable on Firefox 4.
* Some context menu sections and status icon respond to right clicks, showing another menu.
* Non-integer meta refresh delay considered invalid.
* Occasional error removing history listener when closing window.
* "File Not Found" about:neterror page shown when blocked redirect has "Content-Disposition: attachment;".
* Remember position on page reload.
* Show redirect notification for any blocked top-level document requests (e.g. javascript sets document.location).
* Show alt text on mouseover of missing image indicator (alt text added to title attribute).
Extension conflicts:
* Observation of https-everywhere URL rewrites incorrectly handled URLs with fragments.
* Requests from Update Scanner blocked and can't be whitelisted through the RequestPolicy menu.
* Local validation requests by Web Developer extension blocked.
More info:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
* Option to "disable dns prefetch on startup" didn't work reliably (thanks, Archaeopteryx, for reporting this)
* Updated locales.
More info:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 0.5.16
* Updates or fresh installs of RequestPolicy on Firefox 4.0b7 would cause RequestPolicy to break due to installed extension XPIs not being extracted anymore.
* The openDialog wrapper had a latent bug triggered on Firefox 4.0b7 that (at a minimum) caused certain dialog windows from the addons manager to not open.
Extension conflicts resolved:
* RequestPolicy would block some requests where HTTPS Everywhere had changed the destination URL. Thanks to Peter, Mike, and Seth of HTTPS Everywhere for talking about, following up on, and applying the HTTPS Everywhere patch that corresponds to these RequestPolicy changes. That patch is applied in HTTPS Everywhere version 0.2.3.development.2.
More details:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 0.5.15
* Lots of fixes to support Firefox 4 beta (currently supported: 4.0b5pre).
* Request Log context menu added which allows copying and opening URLs from the log. Thanks to Brad Horrocks!
Bugs fixed:
* docShell.allowMetaRedirects not respected for same-site meta refreshes
More info:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 0.5.14
* Refresh headers that specified delay seconds were blocked.
* Redirects from privileged code were blocked (this fixes blocking of some Adblock Plus subscription updates as well as live bookmarks that redirect). Thanks to Wladimir Palant for the solution to this.
* User-allowed redirects blocked in Firefox 3.7a5pre and SeaMonkey 2.1a.
* Minor speed improvements.
* Added new translations: eo, sv-SE, zh-TW.
More details at
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 0.5.13
* Added option in Preferences > Advanced to allow persistent whitelisting while in private browsing mode.
* Added option in Preferences > Advanced to disable auto-reload of pages.
* The request log has an informational message when it's empty (to decrease user confusion over the empty log).
Bug Fixes:
* Individual file:// urls were treated as separate origins/destinations.
* Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) were not supported (thanks emk!).
More details:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 0.5.12
* Fix recently introduced bug that broke RequestPolicy functionality when viewing sites that use IP addresses for hostnames while using "base domain" strictness. (Thanks emk.)
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU Lesser General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 0.5.8
* Relative path meta refreshes from within frames refreshed relative to the URI of the top-level document, not the framed document.
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