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Très pratique et surtout très complet. Merci :o)

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Very, very helpfull, THANK YOU!!!

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I been using this for over a year now and it saves me time.
One tab that has many tab notes of various information, links and so forth than needing to switch to between programs.

Saves me TIME

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Its a great addon and i cant use firefox without it.
but there is a problem, i updated my firefox to 36 and i cant add the quickfox shortcut!

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De loin le meilleur outil de prise de notes que j'ai essayé du point de vue de la confidentialité. Les notes, sont stockées en local et sont accessibles depuis les favoris. Si toutefois, l'on désire pouvoir y accéder depuis un service web, l'outil qui synchronise vos favoris fera l'affaire et dans ce cas l'on peut crypter ses notes.

Les possibilités, d'édition proposées sont sympathiques et plus que largement suffisantes pour ce type d'outil. C'est d'ailleurs une superbe idée de faire appel aux suggestions Google, pour suggérer des mots, réaliser des conversions et des calculs.

J'aurais aimé toutefois :
- Pouvoir envoyer vers une note juste l'url d'une page. Certes, l'envoi d'un texte sélectionné avec détails précise cette dernière, mais pour réaliser une liste du style "à voir plus tard", le texte est de trop à mon goût.
- Pouvoir empêcher (au choix) le saut de ligne entre les textes que l'on envoie dans ses notes.

En résumé c'est une très bonne extension, sans doute la meilleure de mon point de vue. Merci au développeur.

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The synching with Xmarks is very useful.
Thank you for this add-on.

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A comparison:
Quicknote: select text; rightclick; add note
QuickFox: select; rightclick; select notebook; add note
Quicknote has a side pane which is convenient for side by side editing.
QuickFox has the ability to add more notes and sync with web storage.
I think to manage lots of note, zim wiki or emacs org mode are better, you can include graphics and tags, as note add-on in firefox is better suited to be just a temperary storage, the quicker the better.

Suggestion: middle click on selected text to add note to a currently selected note, add a side pane to make comaring easier, maybe a dropdown menu to select note as the current note.

Thank you for this tool.

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when notes are too many,search is necessary

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To jest to czego szukałem. Teraz notatki mam pod ręką i zapamiętane w firefoxie nawet po jego zamknięciu.

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Simple and useful!

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Best note add-on for Firefox!

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Quickfox folder in Bookmarks is causing an issue with Firefox Sync. I confirmed this by deleting the folder and It is working then. We still love the folder to be in Bookmarks but the issue to be fixed. I have 29 tabs in Quickfox notes with one tab encrypted in those 29 tabs. Pls fix this issue.

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Unique and original. Mozilla should take a page of creativity from this user (inBasic). I've been disappointed with Firefox for some time, but its creative addons like this one, that gives me hope as a Firefox user. Fantastic Job!

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I searched an extension to add notes to a mail. I saw a notes taking extension that is compatible with Thunderbird, so I thought is was that, unless this was not said.
In fact no, the notes that are shown are quite independent from the mail that is displayed. Sorry for my matching notions together.
Sorry for the site claiming for an appreciation, I have no appreciation to provide as I mistakenly understood what the matter was.

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Very usefull,thanks very much!

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...but it would be nice to be able to install it on Firefox on Android.

I know you propose to use the SimpleNote, but I already used a Google Notepad and then one day I was really disappointed because it got closed. The 2nd reason is that for the SimpleNote there is no PC client, so no way to have your notes for the off-line usage. The 3rd reason is the privacy. As soon you put something on the web it is not yours anymore. I have my own server with the Mozilla Weave server where I can keep my bookmarks and notes, using Notepad (QuickFox). Unfortunately there is no way to install it on Android to have the same notes everywhere.

Could you please make the Android plugin version for Firefox?

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Excellent - what every browser should have. How have I managed without it?

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