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ChiudiBiDi Mail UI cronologia delle versioni
33 versioni
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Queste versioni sono visualizzate solo per scopo di test e archivio. Dovresti sempre utilizzare l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Versione 0.16.1
* TB developers broke the main toolbar, and the new "unified toolbar" is difficult to get buttons onto.
Composition window subject box behavior improvements:
* Message direction buttons no longer disabled when editing the message subject before the body
* Direction switching shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+X) now working in the message subject box even before first focusing the message body
* Can now insert LRM and RLM marks in the message subject box
Resolved TB 136 compatibility issues:
* Updated the extension loader to v1.63 (which was not released by John Bieling - these are my changes over 1.62 for TB 136 compatibility)
* Transitioned to ES6 module use & import (but still using ChromeUtils)
Some Cosmetic & minor issues are listed in the GitHub repository release page.
For further information and issue page links:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.15.2
* Compatible with Thunderbird 128.* - mostly.
* Not compatible with Thunderbird 115 and earlier
Remaining compatibility issues:
* Not able to add buttons to the main toolbar
* Not able to force a change of the character set used for decoding the message
Bug fixes:
* Restored some of the corrective recoding capabilities, which had regressed in v0.13
Cosmetic & minor issues:
* Fixed typo in link from the extension's info page to this website
* String fit better in the width-limited popup dialog for selecting a preferred charset
* Avoiding some warnings on the Error console
For more details see:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.15.1
* Compatible with Thunderbird 128.* - mostly.
* Not compatible with Thunderbird 115 and earlier
Remaining compatibility issues:
* Not able to add buttons to the main toolbar
* Not able to force a change of the character set used for decoding the message
Bug fixes:
* Restored some of the corrective recoding capabilities, which had regressed in v0.13
Cosmetic & minor issues:
* Fixed typo in link from the extension's info page to this website
* String fit better in the width-limited popup dialog for selecting a preferred charset
* Avoiding some warnings on the Error console
For more details see:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.15.0
* Compatible with Thunderbird 128.* - mostly.
* Not compatible with Thunderbird 115 and earlier
Remaining compatibility issues:
* Not able to add buttons to the main toolbar
* Not able to force a change of the character set used for decoding the message
Bug fixes:
* Restored some of the corrective recoding capabilities, which had regressed in v0.13
Cosmetic & minor issues:
* Fixed typo in link from the extension's info page to this website
* String fit better in the width-limited popup dialog for selecting a preferred charset
* Avoiding some warnings on the Error console
For more details see:
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.14.1
* Stopped messing up the message subject label by corrective recoding.
* Avoid throwing an exception when the 3-pane window has no message displayed
* Skipping useless corrective recoding of the weird header-in-body tables (don't worry, you don't see them as a user anyway)
* No longer trashing the console with debug messages about chrome injection/overlaying
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.13
Bug fixes:
* Switching paragraph direction from the main menu now working again
* Fixed issue with prompting new user for a choice of default charset
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.12.1
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.12
* Compatibility: Not compatible with Seamonkey 1.x, Toolkitized Seamonkey (2.x).
* Compatibility: May be compatible with Thunderbird 68.* .
* Now separating the user's preferred display charset in Thunderbird from the user's preferred single-byte charset for the mis-decoding correction of BiDi Mail UI.
Internal changes (no user visibility):
* Now using preference"extensions.bidiui.mail.display.preferred_single_byte_charset".
* Removed some not-really-package-specific utility code in favor of standard Javascript facilities and the Preferences.jsm module
* No more need for the paragraph splitting/merging code, Thunderbird does this for us these days.
* Updated the extension loader ("WindowListener") version to 1.56
* Reworked the extension's build script
* Removed the bidimailui-preftree.xul file, an unused remnant of Seamonkey support.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.11rc1
* **Compatibility**: No longer compatible with Seamonkey 1.x, Toolkitized Seamonkey (2.x)
* **Compatibility**: No longer compatible with Thunderbird 30...67.
* **Fix:** Was using an identifier instead of a string, messing up some of HTML message composition support
* **Fix:** Was missing an XHTML sub-namespace for the preferences/
* **Fix:** Issues mostly (wholly) resolved the issues with setting the direction on new paragraphs.
Internal changes (no user visibility):
* No longer using JARs within the XPI
* Reworked the directory structure
* Dropped some files only in use by previous TB versions (but not all files for now)
* Using John Bieling's "WindowListener" from [here](, as an extension loader; see [this guide]( regarding how to use it.
* Now using service getters provided by `Services.jsm` and `MailServices.jsm` whenever possible.
* Now logging using a plain and simple `console.log()`.
* **Fix:** Was adding stylesheets to documents as children of the root element rather than the head element.
* **Fix:** Now creating non-XUL for style elements for appending rules without a link.
* **Fix:** Passing correct parameters to reply-body direction detection.
* **Fix:** No longer using editor.setParagraphFormat().
* **Fix:** No longer using the now-gone interface nsIEditorStyleSheets to append stylesheets.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.10.1
* **Fix:** Was missing an XHTML sub-namespace for the preferences/
* Extension homepage link now points to the GitHub repository.
This is probably the last version to support Seamonkey 1.x, Seamonkey 2.x (suiterunner) and Thunderbird versions below 68.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.10.1b2
* Website switched to - since MozDev is going to be taken down soon.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.10
* Compatibility: Thunderbird version upto 68.*, inclusive. This actually involved quite a lot of changes under the hood.
* Compatibility: Seamonkey compatibility _should_ have improved, but this has not been effectively tested.
* Fix: Seamonkey preferences dialog was trying to load a no-longer-existent function.
* Preferences for the extension are now named "extensions.bidiui.mail.some_pref_name" rather than "bidiui.mail.some_pref_name
* Now avoiding the Error Console message about an error with a "contentaccessible=yes" line in chrome.manifest
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.10.0b2
* Some under-the hood changes, mostly modularization of bidimailpack-common.js
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.9.8
- New extension icon
- Extension now works (appears to work, anyway) with Thunderbird 38.x (some contentaccessible chrome was masked by other chrome with the same URI).
- Other bug fixes, including some issues caught by the AMO validation,
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.9.7
- The preferences dialog allows choosing whether the Enter key inserts a new paragraph (which can have its own direction) and inter-paragraph spacing, or just a line break.
- Fixed a bug with the Ctrl+Shift direction change logic.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.9.6
- Compatibility: Resolved version 0.9.5 compatibility issues with Thunderbird 2.x
- Reduction of the processing time required by the extension (significant in long complex messages).
- Better detection of mis-decoding in certain situations.
- Now correcting charset mis-detection also for message subjects.
- Can now insert Unicode Left-to-Right Marks (LRM) and Right-to-Left Marks (RLMs) using keyboard shortcuts, rather than requiring a mouse right-click (which would often mess up the caret position). The shortcuts are Ctrl+Shift+R and Ctrl+Shift+L.
- When composing HTML messages, the composition window now always defaults to Paragraph Mode when you open it.
- When composing HTML messages, the vertical paragraph margins are now set globally using CSS.
- Working around Thunderbird's default behavior of sending HTML messages as plain text if they don't have any "special" formatting - that makes our HTML composition capabilities useless...
- Fixed a bug of busting the status bar in most themes with Thunderbird 5.x
- Minor improvement of charset misdecoding detection logic.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.9.5
* Charset misdecoding correction now attempted as best possible on all replies
* Misdecoding correction now includes message subject lines.
* Internal changes for exposing the extension's functionality for use by other extensions.
* Direction of new paragraphs no longer reverts to the document direction, but rather preserves the last paragraph's direction.
* Significant speedup in loading & display of long uniform-direction messages (with a slight cost in loading & display of long mixed-direction messages).
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
Versione 0.9.4
* Compatibility: Thunderbird 3.0rc1, recent Seamonkey 2.1.x trunk versions (with customizable toolbar).
* Now affecting HTML elements with pre-set direction set via dir attribute.
* Now affecting HTML blockquote element directions.
* No longer ignoring ISO-8859-6 charset as a relevant Arabic encoding.
* Resolved issue with formatting toolbar buttons being duplicated (but now, the indentation, numbering and bulleting buttons are not direction-corrected).
Versione 0.9.2
* Fixed a problem with charset misdecoding detection on trunk builds.
* Direction setting buttons, which had become busted in 0.9, work correctly again.
* No longer complaining about the choice of ISO-8859-8-I as the default charset preference.
Versione 0.9
- When reading a message, user can choose between 'autodetect directions', 'flush all paragraphs left' and 'flush all paragraphs right', using a toolbar button or a keyboard shortcut.
- Completely reworked message charset correction logic; now correctly setting the charset in many more cases.
- Ability to correct the charset of messages with multiple MIME parts in different charsets, and even text in different charsets within the same MIME part.
- Basic message direction now preserved when doing 'Edit as Draft...'
- Version release procedure changes.
- Users whose default charset isn't windows-1255/6 are prompted about the limited functionality in this situation.
- Text direction detection logic improved: More cases correctly identified, somewhat better performance.
- Arabic locale is now the general 'ar' rather than the specific 'ar-SA'.
- Now decoding numeric HTML entities in messages, e.g. ס becomes the Hebrew letter 'Samech'.
Versione 0.8
* Composed message direction setting now also applies to the subject input box.
* When setting RTL direction, the message will now be aligned to the right edge of the window, not the the 80-characters-from-the-left vertical line.
* Now setting direction of every div element within a message separately.
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