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I've finally decided to try this after greasemonkey started to noticeably hang
my browser

Haven't noticed any script incompatibility issues in my first day of usage, and there's one major advantage compared to greasemonkey: it's incredibly faster! Firefox feels slick again.

The transition from greasemonkey was greatly aided by the fact that the script converts greasemonkey's config.xml directly to it's internal format, one caveat is that the script datastore isn't transferred automatically, however this can be fixed through a bit of scripting rewriting prefs.js

nanquan noted that the icon was rather unsightly. It does look windows 98-ish, but an added feature displaying the number of scripts used on the page next to the icon does make up for it somewhat. But compared to the advantages this script offers, this is a minor issue.

One problem I've noticed is the missing feature of sorting by execution order. This might come in handy for script compatibility issues with other scripts. I disagree with the reasons in the faq. If this is added scriptish would be perfect!

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Underlying components are better than greasemonkey. I especially like the update function.

But it's missing a few things that are available in greasemonkey such as a mobile version and sorting in script management.

Another thing that bugs me (but it's really not a problem) is that the "active script counter" goes beyond the button area.

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Why whe cant change order script on toolbar menu? Its sort only alphabetically, but sometimes I preffer other order - when use some script offten I put it higher. Of course I dont want change order execute because it can be done inside the script, but only reorganization in toolbar menu.

Any change to improve this option, the same what whe have it on GM - move up / move down?

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Bonjours, je vous écris car depuis la mise à jours de FF Aurora de la version 16 à 17 mon script ne fonctionne plus.
Suite a divers test pour trouver le problème, il semblerais que la requête "GM_xmlhttpRequest" semble ne plus fonctionner, je n'est plus de réponse en retour du serveur, le résultat "onload" est underfind.
En testent avec une version antérieur de FF (15 et 16), tout fonctionne correctement.

Y as t'il un correctif de prévu rapidement pour corriger se problème ?

Édite 03.09.2012 15h:
Merci pour le lien, j'ai tester et cela fonctionne à nouveau correctement.
Je suis aussi très heureux de voir que le développement na pas été abandonner car c'est un supère add-on.
Merci pour tout.


Hi, I am writing to you because since the days at Aurora FF version from 16 to 17 my script no longer works.
Following various tests to find the problem, semblerais the query "GM_xmlhttpRequest" no longer seems to work, I no longer response back from the server, the result "onload" is underfind.
In testing with an earlier version of FF (15 and 16), everything works fine.

Are you there a fix is expected soon to correct problem?

Edit 03/09/2012 15h:
Thank you for the link, I tested it and it works properly again.
I am also very pleased to see that the development has not been abandon because it is a superior add-on.
Thank you for everything.

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This issue has been corrected, and a new Scriptish release should be out in time for the main release of FF 17.

In the meantime, there are nightly Scriptish builds available @

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Erik is certainly an active guy as a dev. But Scriptish hasn't received any updates over 7months, and v1.8 branch haven't even started, not to mention some bugs in latest firefox versions (GM_log).

What future?

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I believe Nils has recently corrected the GM_log issue you mentioned. There should be a new version of Scriptish out in time for the general release of FF 17.

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Scriptish is pretty much the ultimate user script engine. I can use Scriptish to run user scripts (special scripts that change how webpages work) much faster than Greasemonkey. It works very well in combination with Greasefire.
I like the flexibility of user scripts, given if one doesn't quite work how I want, I can change it! There are thousands of user scripts on the Internet, and if you want a user script that doesn't exist, you can make it and share it with the world!

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Miles ahead of the competition !
Killer features that make even a beginner feel comfortable with userscripts.

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Scriptish and the Greasemonkey community give websites the functionality content providers are too busy to implement.

Only 4 stars because the toolbar button behaves oddly sometimes.

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Best in its category (with few opponents!). Greasemonkey is slow in comparison of Scriptish, I'd even dare say it has an old-fashion tailored code whilst Scriptish is flirting with the ultimate in code rendering regarding its concern.
Choose right, choose Scriptish :) -- Wow scripts run so fast & smooth with Scriptish!

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would be nice to have both greasemonkey sriptish installed in one profile. so I can enable GM for some purpose while scriptish disabled, and visa versa. the disable function in the addons "manager" is not ideal for this

addons manager still cannot be bothered to resolve feature contention but that's not a scriptish issue

thanks for the GM fork and spoon

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Is there any chance to disable this annoying redirection after each installation of userscript?

In Greasemonkey it did not happen to me.


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Allows me to use scripts created by users. Some really helpful ones, real simple that improve a lot. Haven't noticed anything I don't like or have any suggestions. Good addon.

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excellent work! totally replaced my old greasemonkey.

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this version 0.1.7 not work with firefox mobile for android..also previous version 0.1.6 work fine..

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Much better interface, worthy successor to GM.

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Functions more correctly than GM.

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Did I comment before? This add-on is awesome. Out-play the old GM. Especially for the //@run-at document-start, brilliant!

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Greasemonkey's time is over. This is way better.

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I am pretty new to Scriptish, having only used GreaseMonkey. One thing I would like to see is an update that allows for a icon to be placed up near the URL line similar to GreaseMonkey had. It allows for easy On/Off abilities, see which scripts are active for the particular web page you are on, and gave a quick access to the add ons to view your scripts.

Nice start, but these little touches go a long way towards making it user friendly.

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What you're requesting already exists. If you have the Scriptish icon in the Add-on Bar you can right-click --> "Customize" to drag it elsewhere, otherwise the icon will be listed in the "Customize Toolbar" window and can likewise be dragged to a destination.

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Tested it with some userscripts, even wrote one myself. Works well and as advertised.

Made a benchmark and this addon adds only 1 MB to memory consumption and 5% to Firefox start-up time. I didn’t observe any other slow down during use, however. So it seems to be well-done.

Thank you for a useful addon!

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