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Német-Magyar szótár
di Vertigo
1 download settimanali
Német-magyar szótár. Az onlinefordito.hu oldal ingyenes fordító szolgáltatása.
Ling.pl translation search
di ziomzbronxu
1 download settimanali
Ling.pl translation search to and from Polish to English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish. Simply type text in search bar and translate!
ReversoContext (RU→EN)
di Myro~n
1 download settimanali
Контекстный перевод с русского на английский язык, предоставляемый Ревёрсо (Reverso, http://reverso.net/ ).
Simple Wikipedia Search EN
di tuco94
1 download settimanali
It's a simple Wikipedia search mechanism. Type what you want and get the article in English, and only that.
Works with the search toolbar or as the main search engine. It DOES NOT add any fancy stuff, like search for highlighted text.
百度翻译 translate to ger
di fy_iceworld
1 download settimanali
将 百度翻译 添加到 搜索引擎列表
百度翻译 - 任意语言 翻译为 德语
建议同时安装一个右键菜单查询插件,比如 Context Search
Add Baidu Translate to the search engine list
It could translate most kind of language to German
Recommend installing a right click addon as well, like the Context Search
Internetová jazyková příručka - slovník
di Mozilla.cz
1 download settimanali
Internetová jazyková příručka - slovníková část
Google En2Pt
di portuguesemike
1 download settimanali
Google - translate from English to Portuguese
Priberam Definitions
di portuguesemike
1 download settimanali
Priberam Dictionary - search within definitions
Wikivoyage (en)
di GeneralPericles
1 download settimanali
Search in the English Wikivoyage, the free worldwide travel guide
The Coxford Singlish Dictionary
di cocky&funny
0 download settimanali
A search engine plugin for Singlish* words at Talkingcock.com
*a creole interlanguage native to Malaysia and Singapore - Wikipedia
Westlaw Citation Search
di AttorneyTech
0 download settimanali
This search-engine add-on can be used to perform the Find Citation function in Westlaw to retrieve cases, statutes, law review & journal articles, etc. Must be signed in to a valid Westlaw account with appropriate subscription access.
di lizardkg
0 download settimanali
Esta herramienta permite buscar en la Venciclopedia desde Firefox. Venciclopedia es la enciclopedia de Venezuela.
Dict.CN Online Chinese-English Dictionary Search Engine
di makefire
0 download settimanali
Dict.CN's search engine, online Chinese English dictionary
di RushmoreDrive
0 download settimanali
RushmoreDrive is a first-of-its-kind search engine for the Black community. We deliver a blend of mainstream search results plus a layer of more relevant search results influenced by the Black community.
Synomix - słownik synonimów
di Piotr Curyło
0 download settimanali
Wtyczki instalują się w pasku wyszukiwania. Po zainstalowaniu wtyczki możliwe jest wybranie z listy konkretnego serwisu, a następnie wyszukiwanie w nim bezpośrednio z paska wyszukiwania.
Search many Engines
di S M
0 download settimanali
Search many Engines at once (Google& Bing)!
Searchtags for Google, Bing, Leo.org, Gamecopyworld, Wikipedia, Cheathappens
di Lirica
0 download settimanali
Поиск на сайте о цветах для цветоводов и садоводов growersb.ru
Risorse aggiuntive
- Scopri ulteriori informazioni sulla barra di ricerca di Firefox
- Scopri altri provider di ricerca su mycroftproject.com
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