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ChiudiRecensioni per Remove Duplicate Messages (Alternate)
304 recensioni per questo componente aggiuntivo
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I use V0.3.3 with Thunderbird 3.0 on a German win7(x64)pro-system. I installed the addon and started using it without any issues - no complaints, just the thing I always was looking for when I used MS Outlook Express. Thank you!!
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.3.3) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle
Tried for a long time and it seemed not to work at all. Then I changed on the settings tab Message ID and sender only for identiciation of duplicates.
Now it seems to work, astonishingly quickly.
Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle
Worked well for me. I especially love the 'remove directly' option, which solved my being unable to delete duplicates because I was over quota.
If I may request anything it would be more visual feedback. When searching 30k IMAP messages I couldn't tell the difference between a hang and a running search.
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
Really good. I had to to this thousands times before, mail by mail. Thanx !
French :
Impec. Combien de fois me suis-je pris la tête pour corriger des erreurs de téléchargement en double ?
Il faut juste penser à décocher la case "ignorer les dossiers spéciaux" pour pouvoir traiter un dossier "courrier entrant".
Merci !
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
I got this add-on to clean up duplicate messages coming in from Webmail, and the default settings work great to clean up these dupes.
Other times, I'll put the original emails and their forwarded/sent copies in the same folder, then change the criteria so I can find the dupes and select the copies I want to keep.
The ability to select so many different combinations of search criteria is very useful. Add to that, the fact that you can see the list of messages found and easily select which ones to keep, is a safeguard I appreciate.
The fact you have the option to move the dupes rather than delete them is another one of this add-ons built-in safeguards. Automation is great--but it can be a curse when it comes to deleting information. This add-on is well designed, and well thought out.
Great job by the developer!!
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
This worked nicely for me. At first, I had it checking too many criteria (body). It was taking a long time. I changed the search to "from", "to", "sent time", "size", "subject" and "folder". It is now fast and effective.
Nice job.
Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle
I use this addon sometimes. For backup, I always BCC messages to myself, so many duplicated messages are in my mailbox. This completely clears those duplicated messages with easy operation.
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.3.2) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
Flawless execution and amazingly fast! Couldn't ask for anything more.
(Running it on TB 3b2 / TB 3b3, with Penelope.)
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
Works perfectly for me on (20090817), and is surprisingly fast.
Thank you, I used to have lots of duplicated RSS feeds, now to delete them I need only a second.
Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle
Is a decent extension, but doesn't work anymore. It says "Searching for duplicate messages... (2543 messages hashed)
Duplicate message search complete." but then it never shows a dialog.
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
This is very good extension. Has many options for good matching. I used it very long time. My only problem is that our mail server often sends one email several times when the recipient is included in more then one alias. Unfortunately it is not possible the extension to be created in a way do this automatically on new email receiving.
But I found there is a config property mail.server.default.dup_action that can do this.
Thanks for the extension I still use it when I need to compare many emails.
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
Works great. Used on merging of 80K message files. To avoid the script timeout problem:
Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> General -> Config Editor... -> {Right click on} dom.max_script_run_time -> Modify -> {a longer time in seconds}
I used 500, and only had to click on the script timeout message once. I checked the Windows Task Manager, and when Thunderbird is waiting for the pause window, it stops working. Bumping up this number just prevents it from prompting for so many error messages.
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
Did what my IT department didn't manage after messing up :)
Nice graphical interface where easy to understand options were given. Also gave me full control of what do delete and not in a very user friendly way. Nothing was permanently removed.
I did miss an icon somwhere to know how to access the software.
A button with a nice Icon is available for addition to the main toolbar - do 'Customize Toolbar' and you'll find it.
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
very good Addon :)
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.3.2) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle
it is disabled when be used on in-box,why?And does it support Simple Chinese?
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.3.2) del componente aggiuntivo.removedupes skips by default all special folders except for the Inbox. However, for it to go through the Inbox, the Inbox' name and the name removedupes _thinks_ the Inbox has have to match. So if the localization is wrong or missing, removedupes will skip the Inbox. You can fix this by unchecking 'skip special folders', or setting the removedupes.allowed_special_folders pref to the appropriate regexp (e.g. ^blah$ if your Inbox' name is blah).
As for Chinese support - it works for Hebrew, so it should work for Chinese too.
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
Successfully removed >11000 duplicates - took about 30 minutes on my slow computer - I had to respond to the "script may have stopped" message several times.
It did not remove any messages the first time - may have crashed? - but I tried it again. The second time it ran (with the same "script may have stopped" message) and it successfully removed all the duplicates - I just had to be patient.
By the way the 30 minutes includes both the first time and the 2nd time I ran it. and also includes the time it took thunderbird to compact the folder after removing the duplicates.
Great - now I have regained at least 900mb disk space back!
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
This is absoultely fantastic and saved me hours and hours of searching after migration.
But one feature should be added: The Search should also be possible over multiple accounts, because I use to file messages in folders and receive sometimes identical messages to two email-accounts.
I tried to select my accounts in the left panel and tried a search, got results, but the plugin does not show in the "Folder" column, which account the message belongs to.
But still this is a great help!
You can search over multiple accounts - just not in Thunderbird. In Seamonkey you can use ctrl+click to select multiple folders and accounts. It\'s not my fault that TB is a bit bastardized...\r\n\r\nAs for the folder column - click the column selector button and add it; it\'s not missing, it\'s just hidden.
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
When you re-creating your email account and have old emails, then you receive another 70% of the same emails this addon is the best so far i've seen. It lets you to delete older copies so next time you do not receive the copies of the same emails again.
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.3.2) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
(i have something (very bad) for outlook, but this addon for TB is GREAT !!! )
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
Wonderfule add-on: quick and efficient.
The most part of times it isn't useful, but when you have some import going wrong (from outlook...) or if you lave ckean file...
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