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ChiudiQuickFolders (Tabbed Folders) cronologia delle versioni
164 versioni
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Queste versioni sono visualizzate solo per scopo di test e archivio. Dovresti sempre utilizzare l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Versione 2.9.4
- Pushed Postbox Compatibility to 3.*
- Make is possible to use multiple categories per tab [Bug 22812]
- height fixes in Apple Pills style
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.9.3
- Fixed - Go to Parent Folder was not working
- Improved - Tab text color to white / black on applePill layout selected folder
- Improved Font coloring for native tabs, apple pills and flat style; made background color for apple pills configurable, for use also with dark themes
- Fixed striped pastel style
- Improved collapsing behavior of "Pimp My Tabs" page
- Improved theme integration of Current Folder Bar by making background transparent
- added some transition effects
- New Feature - [Bug 24435] On clicking a QF tab, activate corresponding mail Tab (Thunderbird + SeaMonkey only)
- Fixed bug in SeaMonkey that changed current folder URI when new mail Tab was opened by CTRL+Click on QF Tab
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.9.1
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.9
- Fixed [Bug 24389]version history and update popup happen always<br/>
Stability fixes on version updates - firstRun check is now only run _after_ extension version number was retrieved from AddonManager
- Removed popup "successfully upgraded to version..." and replaced with a sliding notification panel
- added "use strict" for better namespace pollution control
- added hidden option to suppress version history on update
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.8
- Bumped up max Compatibility for Thunderbird to 6.* to better align with Mozilla's new rapid release cycle
- Fixed [Bug 24361] QuickFolders 2.7.2 incompatible with Thunderbird 6.0.1
- Fixed [Bug 24365] QF folders disappear after viewing email
- Moved Current Folder Bar position in Thunderbird for compatibility with Conversation View and to support multiple messages
- Fixed versioning issues introduced by AddonManager changes in the new Mozilla versions.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.7.2
- Fixed [Bug 24223] - In Postbox, after displaying the calender. the message pane could not be displayed by clicking on the messages tab
- Added checkbox for option to hide QF toolbar when not needed
- Avoid TB logging unnecessary errors in Stack Trace during unnecessary FolderLoaded events [Bug 24223]
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.7.1
- Fixed [Bug 24143] - In Linux, the folder disappear and ALT+N shortcuts disabled on upgrade to 2.7 - renamed Current Folder XUL files.
- Added option to hide QF toolbar when it is not needed (e.g. Calendar view)
- Fixed: In Postbox could not drag new folders to toolbar (Error: msgFolder.QueryInterface is not a function)
- Fixed a bug that caused folders to disappear on TB2 on Mac Systems (related to new Current Folder Bar)
- Right dropmarker did not display correctly when reordering tabs
- know issues: in Postbox / SeaMonkey the drag mail icon on Current Folder Bar does not work
- Fixed Bug [24188] - font color in flat style tabs is ignored (tabs without individual color settings)
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.7
- Added pastel style
- Added custom radius
- First Run tidy ups:replace "QuickFolders.ActiveTab.Style.background-color" with "" etc.
- Added Mac Style by Christopher White(CWA-Design + Testing, AG QF integration)
- Added Next / Previous unread Mail buttons
- Added checkbox for hiding qf toolbar menu icon (cogwheel)
- Added dropdown for theming and theming dependant customization
- Split Native Style into Tabs and Buttons, implemented Selected on Tabs look
- Options dialog now remembers last panel selected
- Fixed [Bug 23930] Recent Folders Tab Dropdown stops working after a Message Dropped into it
- Fixed "expunged n bytes" message for Empty Trash, Empty Junk and Compact Folder
- It is now possible to add the Current Folder button to the QuickFolder tab (like a drag from the folder tree)
- Improved behavior when adding an existing QuickFolder (selects category correctly, even if not categorized or display always is selected)
- Renamed toxic preferences
- the label for goto next / Previous unread Mail is currently not localized (last minute feature!)
- when multiple messages are selected the Current Folder toolbar is not visible (this works in Postbox though, so multiple messages can be dragged)
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.6
- Fixed [Bug 24071] removed Current Folder toolbar in message fullscreen mode
- Bugfix - Category dropdown was invisible in Thunderbird 2.0
- added option extensions.quickfolders.showToolIcon for hiding tools menu icon
- Bugfix - on SeaMonkey 2.1 adding folders to the QuickFolders toolbar from the folderpane did not work anymore
- Style improvements for unstyled tabs, fixed [Bug 24070]
- Expanded more options for Recent Folder menu (right-click Display Recent Folders in Options window)
- Repaired "Purge Junk" command in Current Folder Toolbar
- Fixed [Bug 24073] SeaMonkey does not open Version History in internal browser.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.5
- Added Tools Menu dropdown button on main toolbar
- Added Current Folder Toolbar (single message view)
- Added (configurable) Hotkey for rebuilding folders
- Added option for disabling recent folders button on QuickFolders toolbar
- Support for Postbox 2.5beta!
- Added new folder command: "Delete junk in current folder"
- Tabs in Options Dialog now have Icons
- Fixed issues with badly visible font colors on dark colored Tabs
- Replaced deprecated popupNode with triggerNode and workaround code for modern Gecko Versions
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.4
- Improved Performance during lengthy mail downloads by not _completely_ rebuilding the visible tabs (now only updating labels and popupmenus of the existing tabs so that counts & "unread style" are up to date
- added "repair folder" command (mail folder menu)
- added "folder properties" command (mail folder menu)
- added toolbar context menu items for rebuilding the tabs and for removing orphaned tabs
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.3
- Update the timestamp of target folder even when moving unread emails - this will make Recent Folders tab more useful.
- (Postbox) Fixed [Bug 23542] which caused Move (& Copy) Messages to fail in Postbox version > 2.0
- (Postbox) Fixed display of Version history after upgrade
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.2
- added compatibility with Postbox 2.2
<br/>known issues: [Bug 23492] using Postbox 2.1 you can not currently move an email to a subfolder via a context menu item. Probably a Postbox bug - we have reported this to the Postbox development team (because it worked in 2.0.2) and are awaiting their answer. - Fixed [Bug 23500] Tabs begin counting at "2" when using Recent Folders tab
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.1
- Fixed a problem when dragging to New Folder from find result list (error message: no source folder)
- Added Recent Folders Tab
- Added locale sv-SE by Mikael Hiort af Ornaes
- Fixed Positioning of Folder Menus
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 2.0
- Added drag and drop from folder submenu to add new QF tab
- New Right-click Tab context menu layout, added folder commands (Mark read, compact, rename, delete, xpunge)
- Added: Create new folder on drag feature! POP only (as it can crash IMAP accounts), not a feature in TB2.
- Fixed [Bug 23209] CTRL+Number Shortcut opens new content tabs
- Fixed [Bug 21317] During drag & drop, the top item in subfolders list is not sorted alphabetically
- Fixed CTRL+Shift+Number did not move selected messages
- Compatible with Postbox 2.0.b3
- Fixed a bug that made reordering quicktabs to the right of their current position fail sometimes
- TB2 - Fixed - hidden shadows option and made icons option visible again
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
- Fixed [Bug 23147] Dragging emails onto a Tab with subfolders does not open popup (1.9.7)
- Fixed [Bug 23121] Using Japanese characters in tab, "moji-bake" Problem after restart
- Fixed [Bug 23129] popup menu points with subfolders ignored click (since 1.9.3)
- Fixed [Bug 23077] Active/Hovered/Drag colors do not override filled style
- Fixed [Bug 23091] which affected TB2 users again
- Also includes fix of [Bug 23118] which caused some Thunderbird 2 users not to be able to see their tabs.
- added GPL 3 license.txt
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.9.5
- [Bug 22902] Added ensureStyleSheetLoaded method for testing
- Fixed [Bug 23091] this caused parent subfolder to be opened instead of subfolder (if not visible in folder tree)
- Added deep scanning of folder counts and display for all sub menu items. menus with unread nested sub folders also bold.
- Fixed missing translation in french options screen
- Fixed [Bug 23078] the (black) font on the full colored pimped tabs was unreadeable. Hardcoded to White for dark backgrounds.
(only when using filled style) this overrides the user set font color - improved spacing around Category Dropdown
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.9.3
- Simplified folder navigation - you will be able to click / drag on expanding popup nodes, similar to the Firefox bookmark menus - no more duplication / right dragging for these. this also resolves Bug 22901
- Added Version History link to Options / Support Panel
- Feature Request link on Support Panel (uses Bugzilla)
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.9.1
- Fixed Bug 22585 - Smart Folders view erratically switched to standard folder if clicked folder is in a collapsed tree branch
- Fixed Bug 21054 - Enabled scrolling long menus while dragging by using code from Robert Gibson's "Scroll Menus On Drag" extension
- Fixed Bug 22695 - now folders can be moved within the folder tree without QuickFolders losing track of them
- Added code for displaying counts of subfolders (suggested by Pavel)
- Added code for customizing the "QuickFolders" label (suggested by Pavel)
- Added an option for sorting subfolders in menus alphabetically
- On Upgrade of an existing version, now shows version history and donation page.
- Added locale sr by DakSrbija
- tightened up namespace pollution issues
- Added version history jump to options dialog (right-click from version number)
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.8.8
- fixed missing Icons in options and reorder tabs dialogs.
- Added locale zh-CN by Loviny
- Added CTRL+Click tab shortcut for opening a new mail tab.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.8.7
- added tooltiptext with full folder name + server
- Fixed some layout issues in Options screen (linux case sensitivity, vertical spacing)
- localized Add-Ons description
- added hidden option for not changing the folder tree view (extensions.quickfolders.disableFolderSwitching)
- further reduced namespace pollution
- moved all picture resources to skin folder and packaged into a jar file to conserve resources (1 file handle instead of 81)
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
- Bug 22295 fixed:(selecting a QuickFolder closes single Message Tab) => now opens a folder view tab
- Bug 22144 fixed: Highlighting not updated when switching Tabs in TB3 - now also selects Category if necessary!
- Bug 22316 fixed: Added Transparency options for toolbar (Personas support!) and tabs (translucently colored, use white for almost complete transparency)
- fixed: Broken Dutch locale leading to crashes for the users of this language
- improved: toggling between flat style and native style tabs
- improved: following external support links in TB3 and SeaMonkey
- Added: New Menu items Help and Support to main popup menu
- Improved: tried to resolve as many name space conflicts as possible by using QF_ prefix for global objects
- added: Shadows option
- added: ca-AD locale (Catalan) by Jordi Benaiges; Improvements to Russian, Italian and Dutch locales.
- bundled all locales into locales.jar
- Fixed crashes in TB2 caused by recent modifications (unnecessary use of let)
- Removed Shadow & Alpha Blending from TB2 as it doesn't support them.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.8.3
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.8.2
Since the last versions (1.7, 1.7.2, 1.8, 1.8.1) have not been reviewed due to a bug on AMO's Submit Extension Pages, this release has quite a huge list of fixes. The main enhancements are focused at the users of Thunderbird 3 and Postbox 1.1.
See the complete version history on Mozdev.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.6.4
fixed bug 21960 icon for inbox not visible in postbox
fixed disabled dropping emails to virtual (search) folders
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.5pre2
Other than that - no new functionality was added.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.5pre1
AG fixed slowdown of operations that change the number of Total / Unread emails because QF was updated every time - now done asynchronously with a 1000ms timer.
fixed TB3 folder tree did not scroll to correct position
added new Option: show subfolders in popup menus
added whole / striped tab option and backgrounds
fixed: no more accidental menu popups when customizing toolbars
improved "Change the order of bookmarks " dialog
added scrollbars and animation to "change order of bookmarks" dialog
added Postbox support
open items tweaks in whole tab coloring (active, hover consistency)
known issues
* sometimes the colors do not show up on program startup. Any folder modification (e.g. unread/read) or Category selection will make the color appear
* popup menus might close delayed
* Change the order of bookmarks has the wrong height (should be 80% of its parent)
Postbox specific
known issues color submenu still has no colors
some minor CSS errors
Versione 1.2
* added: Compatibility for Tb3.0b3
* fixed: Quickfolders label floats to right when switched on via options dialog
* fixed: warning "QuickFolders is not defined" in quickfolders.js
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 1.0.3
added: language resource for copy folders to clipboard message
added: colored panels to category screen
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 3.0
Versione 0.9.13
- increased width of options window to avoid truncation of italian quickhelp texts
- added language resources for debug items and icon for copy folder to clipboard
- added debug section localization
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