
About me

Developer Information
Name Qelix
User since July 13, 2010
Number of add-ons developed 0 add-ons
Average rating of developer's add-ons Not yet rated

My Reviews

Tab Counter

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Does what is says and a bit more. It's a placeable element and its look is even a bit customizable. Fonts, font color (sweet if it's hard to read), font size (everything in css format) and even a bit text can be added.
Displayable are the number of all and active tabs and number of tabs before and after the current selected tab.

My only wish would be, that it would auto hide, if a certain number of tabs isn't reached, but you can't have everything.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 


Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Compact and good. That's why I like it and why I'm using it for years. Here why you should use a cookiemanager, too:
Most cookies do you no good. Most won't harm you either, but if you think, that all those advertising companies and data collectors got just a little bit too eager, this addon is something you want. Allow sites you trust to save cookies, allow cookies temporarily for specific sites, when you need to, and block off any other. Everything with just a few clicks.

***A request aimed at the developer. FF4.0b1 is out. I tinkered a bit with the version numbers and it seems to work with it. At least FF4 didn't crash and the basic features adding to and removing from whitelist are a'ok so far. You should check, if it's compatible. If you would update their version-compatibility-number to 4.0b1, CookieSafe and CS-lite would be the first cookiemanagers with a go, right now.

***For those of you, who want to try if it works with FF4.0 beta 1:
1. Download the expansion. It's a xpi-file. (Right click on the '+ Add to FireFox'-button and 'Save Link As...'.)
2. The xpi-file is actually a zip-file. Change the ending to '.zip' and decompress it.
3. Find the file 'install.rdf' and open it with a texteditor.
3a. Under Windows2000/XP/Vista/7 use notepad. (Click on the START-button, when on 'Run...', type 'notepad.exe' and press enter. Drag and drop the file onto the Notepad window. But you managed to get a hold on the FF4beta, so you should be fine anyways.)
3b. Under MacOS/Linux/Solaris: If you really don't know, what to do now, you should be ashamed of yourself.
4. Find the line ''. A bit underneath it should be the line '3.2a1pre'. Change '3.2a1pre' to '4.0b1' (4.0b1 for FF4.0 beta 1, 4.0b2 for beta 2, and so on...) and save the change.
5. Recompress everything to a zip-file. (Be sure you get the directorytree correct here. Compressing from a directory, that holds everything, might add that directory into the zip-file, too. If you later get a "The download of blahblahblah failed: -3"-error, it's here, where you went wrong.)
6. Rename the ending into '.xpi'.
7. Drag and drop the new xpi-file onto a Firefox-window. You should know how to handle the rest.

***Hope this isn't to long. ^^;

Dictionary Switcher

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

"[...] and then you click on prefers..prefenrec...prefre" WAaaahh! Wie schreibt man das nochmal? Yet again I have to google the correct spelling. I feel ashamed. I'm tired. I wish I would have an english dictionary installed beside my native german one. Hey, I do have! There has to be an easy way to switch between those.

There is!

Dictionary Switcher
It works well. It does what its name implies. It isn't rainbow colored. It doesn't blink. It is simple. It...it works...and...It is cute!
So avoid the tiredness. Avoid the shame! It will work for you, too.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 

Session Manager

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I use it as extra backuptool just in case FF or my computer crashes and restoring the old session goes wrong. You want to reopen your current session weeks, months or even years later, for what reason ever? Here you go. And it's a wonderful help, when you're abusing open tabs as temporal bookmarks/"wannaread"-reminders and you have to save them somehow.
As far as I know the gest session manager around for FF. (I can't tell if there is a better one. Never felt like looking for an alternative.)

***Now here's a little request aimed at the developer: It says, that it works with FF3.7a2pre. Now that FF3.7 or what*'s left off it has become FF4.0 and FF4.0b1 is out, how about checking, if it's compatible?

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.6.8).