Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
616 add-ons
Wikiquote (it)
by Paolo Willy Nicorelli
0 weekly downloads
Wikiquote, aforismi e citazioni in libertà.
Rembim - Catálogo de Bibliotecas de Museos
by Oscar Gaona
0 weekly downloads
Consulta el Catálogo Colectivo de REMBIM, la Red de Bibliotecas de Museos, creada por Museodata.
Biblioteca CINEP / Programa por la Paz
by Oscar Gaona
0 weekly downloads
Consulte el Catálogo de la Biblioteca de CINEP / Programa por la Paz, especializada en Ciencias Sociales.
(Bogotá, Colombia)
Biblioteca Colegio San Bartolomé La Merced
by Oscar Gaona
0 weekly downloads
Consulta la Biblioteca San Perdo Claver del Colegio San Bartolomé La Merced - Compañía de Jesús
(Bogotá, Colombia)
CWE Keyword
by Pierre Ernst
0 weekly downloads
Common Weakness Enumeration keyword search
WordswithMeaning! Search
by WordMean
0 weekly downloads
WordswithMeaning! (or WordMean for short) is an online editorial with many purposes - to be free without paywalls, to oppose the sensationalist media & to provide meaningful articles, news reports and subject discussions.
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