
Diccionario Papiamento

Diccionario ortografico di Papiamento - pap_AW

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10 users

Русский словарь в дореформенной орфографии

Данный словарь используется для проверки текстов на русском языке в дореформенной орфографии.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (2)
1 user

Odia Spelling Checker

Check Odia spelling and suggest modification.

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6 users

Arabic Spell-checker

Arabic Spell-checker Dictionary based on previous work

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6 users

Slovenská kontrola preklepov (bez diakritiky)

Slovník pre kontrolu preklepov bez diakritiky pre aplikácie Mozilla.

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717 users


Load the contents of chrome/userChrome.js from the user's profile directory every time a window is opened. Also add a toolbar button which reloads userChrome.js in the current window.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (8)
286 users


Merged openmedspel 2.0.1, ru_ru-medicine-0.4.4, latin_dicrionary-0.41.20110603 dictionaries

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11 users

Limit non-BCC recipients

Check that number of non-BCC recipients does not exceed a parameter.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (10)
714 users

Spellchecker Rumantsch Grischun

Spellchecker Rumantsch Grischun

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2 users


Adjust tree children heights to 50px.
After clicking menu button, please, move mouse pointer to tree. if so, heights are changed at hovering or clicking a tree child.

To Hyun-geol who I like.

Oh, my Jesus.

December 10th 2020.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars (1)
4 users

TransliteRussian for Thunderbird

Печатаем по русски на разных клавиатурах.
E-Mails auf Russisch auf verschiedenen Tastaturen in Thunderbird.
Typing Russian on English, German and other keyboards without thinking about the layout.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (1)
40 users


Replace placeholders with date and time as you type.

Rated 2 out of 5 stars (1)
10 users


It seems like taskview,
but it would be enough with a small size because event is different to task.

Version 9.7 for Thunderbird version 90s was updated as of 2021-08-04.

Be a light.
I thank God!

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4 users

Dolnoserbski pšawopisny słownik

Lower Sorbian spellchecking dictionary by the Sorbian Institute.

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5 users

@Contact Mention

This add-on mimics the mentions behavior on Outlook when mentioning a contact with the '@' sign. The contact selected is added as a link in the email body as well as to the recipent list of the email.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (9)
986 users

Folders for search, onDisk Status- Glodaquilla-NG:

Global Search/Indexing Enhancements/ On Disk Status for IMAP
Permits selective enabling and disabling of search indexing on folders or accounts - with inheritence. Extra columns can show whether a mail is stored on disk and its indexing status.

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9 users


Eine Thunderbird-Erweiterung, welches Binnen-Is und Ähnliches von Webseiten entfernt. Es basiert auf der bekannten Firefox Erweiterung Binnen-I be gone.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (5)
213 users

Move Folder (context-menu)

Adds the "Move to" menu entry to the folders panel context menu, allowing to move a Local folder (and its content) to another.
This feature is similar to the native one within message(s) context menu ("Move To"), but it applies to the folder tree.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars (2)
466 users

Estimez votre CO₂

Estimez votre CO₂ quand vous rédigez un courriel en un simple clic ! Pendant sa rédaction, cliquez sur l'extension afin de connaître l'émission de CO₂e générée par l'ensemble du cycle de vie. Vous aurez aussi accès à différentes équivalences utiles.

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56 users

Move Mail Shortcuts

Allows assigning keyboard shortcuts for moving mails to folders and jumping to the folders.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (12)
521 users