Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I've been using Reminderfox since August 2006. I've used and/or tried many other calendar programs, both free and not free, but Reminderfox is the only tool that has exactly what I need, when I need it, and nothing else. I use Firefox as my primary browser every morning, and during the course of every single day, and so it makes sense to use an add-on that is integrated with it. I'm dealing with my own personal calendar, and so I don't need all the bloat and bells and whistles of a corporate calendar program. Moreover, the Reminderfox concept fits in perfectly with the browser as de-facto personal operating system paradigm. It comes closest to my personal ideal of an OS that is strictly file input-output, as an OS should be, with a browser which serves as the main software platform. All that aside, I've also found that Reminderfox works well, and the calendars are easy to backup. Easy to try to, since it's a Firefox add-on. Easy, problem-free uninstall if it's not what you want.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.3).