Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
616 add-ons
Larousse FR-EN v0.1
by Thomas
2 weekly downloads
Add word translation French to English by Larousse.fr to the search box.
Vikidia (fr)
by Vorsipellis
2 weekly downloads
Plugin de recherche pour le wiki Vikidia francophone.
Polish to German
by firefalkon7
2 weekly downloads
Przetłumacz z polskiego na niemiecki z google translate
Słownik polsko-niemiecki
Translate polish to german with google translate service
Polish-german dictionary
Wikipedia (ukrainian) | Вікіпедія (українська)
by okinasevych
2 weekly downloads
This is a search plug-in for Ukrainian-language Wikipedia at uk.wikipedia.org.
Це пошуковий плаґ-ин для української мови Вікіпедії на uk.wikipedia.org.
by Zeljko Trulec
2 weekly downloads
Suchen in der Suchmaschine canoo.net für Deutsche Wörterbücher und Grammatik
by coolesting
2 weekly downloads
ICIBA Search plug-ins of the firefox
translate word each other between english and chinese .
by Magnus P. Bjarnason
2 weekly downloads
Søg på min.medicin.dk efter præparater og indholdsstoffer. Siden henvender sig til patienter, pårørende og andre interesserede borgere uden sundhedsfaglig baggrund.
Se også pro.medicin.dk - For læger, farmaceuter, sygeplejersker, lægesekretærer etc.
Oracle Fusion documentation
by greg
2 weekly downloads
Oracle Fusion Middleware documentation library add-on by dbi-services.com
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g documentation
by greg
2 weekly downloads
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g documentation add-on by dbi-services.com
Leo (cnde)
by blablubbb
2 weekly downloads
Chinese/German German/Chinese searchfunction from leo.org
eduГАРАНТ. Поиск по сайту
by Система ГАРАНТ
2 weekly downloads
Поиск по студенческому информационному порталу компании "Гарант" edu.garant.ru
NASB Search
by ET Labs
2 weekly downloads
Search through the New American Standard Bible (NASB) with ease. Powered by BiblePub.
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the search bar in Firefox
- Browse through even more search providers at mycroftproject.com
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.