Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Being able to choose only ONE word for translation and not being able to highlight a whole phrase greatly reduces the convenience of this add-on in my opinion. Also counting against this add-on -- and, the dealbreaker for me -- is that the Options forces you to choose a default translation scheme: always English to Spanish, or French to German, or Whatever to Whatever. How is this helpful for a translation tool? Will I always be wanting to translate from English to Spanish? what if I'm looking to translate from Russian into English? Then, I have to go into Add-on's; go into WordReference's Options; change the scheme; and, then go back to the page to double-click the word I want to figure out. This is just too much of a waste of time. Sorry, I'm uninstalling this.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 

Hi Roberto. Thank you for your feedback.

On conjugations: I'm not planning a shortcut for conjugations since I consider that need not very frequent and I pretend to keep the tool quite minimal; just for the most frequent needs.

On the source: The .xpi is a renamed .zip of the source. name it .zip again and extract it with any tool such as winzip, 7zip, winrar, ... (awesome isn't it?!)

On the quick language selector: I have to think more about that. I've received similar requests on the past weeks. These days I was planning to add somehow a secondary set of languages. I'm sort of waiting better documentation for Firefox 4 add-ons bar to be published (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/The_add-on_bar is still a stub) and also considering porting the whole add-on to Add-on SDK (Jetpack).