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CloseReviews for Provider for Google Calendar
1,661 reviews for this add-on
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
5 stars cause it works, 1 star for the continual authentications requests. If you do sign in a new request shows immediately.
Average out to 2.5 stars, rounded to 3 in the hopes the developer is polishing
*edit. Now 5 stars as it works as expected. Login problems were a cookie issue
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Google Calendar doesn't work at all
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (68.2.1).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
A productivity powerhouse.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (68.2.1).Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Useless. Enters an infinite loop to dismiss events, clicking dismiss just pops it back up.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (68.2.1).Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Früher mal ganz hilfreich. Leider seit einer Weile immer das Problem, dass Copy und Paste jeweils immer ein zusätzliches Fenster zur Kalenderauswahl öffnet - das kann aber auch an Lightning liegen.
Mein Kritikpunkt ist, dass das Addon mit der aktuellen Thunderbird-Version gar nicht mehr läuft. Muss mich wohl nach einer Alternative umschauen.
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Still not working. I have now installed TbSync. And finally my Google Calendar is back ;-)
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (68.2.1). This user has 2 previous reviews of this add-on.Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Awesome plugin and a must need to work with gmail at full potential. No issue in existing installation but not able to set up from scratch -
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (68.2.1).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
An essential addon sadly not working with TB 68.4.2
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (68.2.1).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Great and essential add-on. With the update to 68 were some issues, but all you need to do is install the latest version and restart. Eventually, delete the old calendar and add as a new calendar, then all works fine again.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (68.2.1).Rated 3 out of 5 stars
Apparently not compatible anymore with recent thunderbird. What a pity! I need my google calender in my email client. :-/
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (68.2.1).Rated 2 out of 5 stars
bonjour à tous / Hello to All
Problème avec l'addon "fournisseur pour google agenda"
(Trouble with google agenda addon)
Sur Linuxmint 18.3 kde edition :
(Working with linuxmint 18.3 kde edition : )
Depuis environ une semaine plus moyen de synchroniser l'agenda google de mon compte gmail avec thunderbird
(Since about a week no way to get sync with google agenda)
J'ai désinstallé et réinstallé l'addon sans succès
(I removed then reinstalled the goggle agenda addon, no change)
c'est très pénalisant...
(This is quite ennoying)
Des idées ? Any tips ?
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Hi, I'm a recent user of Linux and have been very happy with Thunderbird email as a replacement for Outlook client. I miss Google Calendar and have installed the Gnome calendar but can not get it to sync in both directions. I was pleased to come across the Google Calendar add in for Thunderbird and have downloaded and installed it. It appears in the add ins manager. BUT I cannot see how to fire it up! I was expected a link in Thunderbird or for it to be in the LInux Mint app list but it's not there! Can anyone help?
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (68.2.1).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Provider for Google calendar on Thunderbird/Lightning has been essential to keeping our lives on track for many years already.
The latest hiccup with Thunderbird 60.9.0, Lightning 6.2.5 and GCal provider 4.4.2 not showing any calendars to subscribe and re-requesting authentication was solved by setting
general.useragent.compatMode.firefox = true
in Thunderbird advanced settings. Cheers and keep up the good work!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Yes Thunderbird 68.4.1 has disrupted my work flow tremendously and I was very upset for an entire day trying to get my add-ons to work again. I downloaded them, installed them, and my once loved mail app had become almost useless.
I do have a suggestion now for anyone else now suffering...RESTART Thunderbird. It actually worked and most of my add-ons are back. I'm still missing the "mark all read" in my context menu when I right-click on a folder, but I do have the "mark all read" button back on the tool bar. Also this great Google calendar add-on worked once again after a Thunderbird restart. Good luck to people that are suffering...I know I was devastated, especially since I had to do it on two different very important computers.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Thought this extension was broken after the latest Thunderbird update, but I just needed to install it again and now my calendars are back. Great extension, couldn't live without it!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (68.2.1).Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Since version 68 of Thunderbird, this plugin really doesn't work well, then again, neither does Thuderbird using CALDAV to a google account. Enter a Google account, do the login and then nothing appears in the list to setup the calendar
V68 of Thunderbird has been a disaster
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Makes Thunderbird worth using. Now my various email accounts are in one place, and my google calendar is there too. My laptop now pops up mail and calendar notifications from all of these accounts via Thunderbird - couldn't do that from a web browser. And I can still get to all of it via a web browser if I don't have my own laptop handy.
My laptop is starting to be handier than my phone again.
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
I have used this plug in for years but since the 68 update EVERYTHING is broken. My workflow has been completely disrupted because of this. I am beyond disappointed.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (68.2.1).Rated 2 out of 5 stars
Works well on an other computer but installed Thunderbird on a new computer and now it is impossible to add google calendars. There is no calendar to choose from. The list of calendars is empty...
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (68.2.1).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I manage to plan and build my day, week and month only thanks to the synchronization of the Thunderbird and Google Calendar.
There is a small personal wish. I do not have enough task grouping into categories. That is, when the calendar is centered, tasks are displayed on the side, grouping is very lacking. Google in the application of the task implemented this so-called List. That is, you can create a list.
Also, the activation of the task execution via the smartphone from Google Calendar does not work, that is, if I noted in Google that the task has been completed, synchronization does not occur. And the reverse is all ok. That is, if execution is noted from Tunderbird, then synchronization is approx.
Another important thing, it seems to me, is the choice of a separate color for the event. That is, an important event, for example, red. I know that in Thunderbird there is an implementation of the formation of event categories, but it does not work for Google, that is, it is not visible from the smartphone.
If you consider the wishes, that would be great.
I would really appreciate feedback. Thanks again for the opportunity to synchronize the Thunderbird and Google calendar.
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