Мои любимые дополнения
by Posixru
About this Collection
My favorite add-ons
44 Add-ons in this Collection
Copy Pure Text
by Scatterplot
6 users
Allows to copy selected text as plain text by adding a 'Copy as Text' menu item to context menu.
Edit Bookmark Plus
by Kashif Iqbal Khan
7 users
Resize 'Add Bookmark' Popup / 'Edit This Bookmark' Popup, fixes tree selection bug, option to disable popup auto close & Update Url and/or Name of a bookmark with the Url/Title of current page.
Replacement of OpenBook addon
Orbit 3+1
by MiK77, InvisibleSmiley
1 user
Orbit theme with three button sizes. Go to http://www.miksworld.de/orbit.html for configuration details.
Config Descriptions
by Dave G
8 users
Shows source comments for advanced application preferences in about:config
Duplicate This Tab
by vinay
22 users
This add-on provides the much needed feature update of Tab Duplication to Mozilla Browsers. Features Supported include Duplication of Browser Tabs, Detaching Tabs and Merging All Windows.
(deprecated) GNOMErunner/GTK Revived (Freedesktop)
by Exalm
0 users
Freedesktop variant of GNOMErunner/GTK Revived theme.
User Agent Changer
by XcessL0gycs
5 users
Adds a menu and a toolbar button to change the user agent of a browser.
History Janitor
by Ed
1 user
Firefox does not give an option to remove the oldest entries from the history. History Janitor automatically purges history entries on Firefox startup. The user is allowed to specify a number of days. Everything older than this number is deleted!
Page Navigation Buttons
by Button Guy
2 users
Adds a few buttons to help with page navigation, including Page Top, Page Bottom, Page Down and Page Up.
by flod
4 users
(Sorry, no plans to port this add-on to Webextensions)
BBCodeXtra is an extension, compatible with Mozilla FireFox (up to 57) and Seamonkey, which adds to the context menu new commands to insert BBCode/Html/XHtml codes in an easy and fast way...
by RealityRipple
3 users
Replaces the error page with a more stylish appearance with additional features.
GNOMErunner/GTK for Seamonkey 2.x
by Michael Doering
0 users
GNOMErunner/GTK - a classic unix theme for Seamonkey 2 (aka suiterunner)
using the GTK+ stock items and icons from the gnome iconset, resulting in a more consistent desktop integration on Unix.
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