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ЗакрытьИстория версий ThunderStats! Your Thunderbird Statistics!
28 версий
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Версия 2.3.6
- Toolbar button improved. Removed the need for the "Monitor extension usage and manage themes" permission.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 2.3.5
- The toolbar button is now working again.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 2.3.3
- Spaces button fixed for Thunderbird 135.* [#399].
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 2.3.2
- The background color of some advanced filter fields has been fixed.
- The graphic style of some advanced filter fields has been improved.
- Various libraries updated.
- Implemented some minor fixes.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 2.3.1
- In the Custom View now it's also possible to manually write the date in the datepicker. The two dates must be separated by "space hyphen space", " - ".
- Now it's possible to extract all the new charts data (tags, folder, domains) and all the Custom View periods (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly mails) [#394].
- Inbox Zero Date Chart tooltip is now visible again [#392].
- Custom View sent and received charts day view has now a max width of 30.000 pixels, so it's visible also when querying hundreds of days [#390].
- Custom View export menu is now correctly updated [#393].
- Preventing concurrent data querying in the Custom View under some circumstances.
- Some buttons graphic and positioning improved.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 2.3.0
- It's now possible to search for read/unread and starred/unsterred in the Custom View [#158].
- It's now possible to search for a keyword in the subject in the Custom View [#354].
- Added the sent / received domains chart [#380].
- Added the sent / received folders chart [#357].
- Added the sent / received tags chart [#359].
- In the Custom View sent and received chart, the user can now select the chart scale (day, week, month, or year) [#362].
- Added a details view of the Inbox Zero Dates chart [#350]
- The advanced filters panel opening and closing spacing is now fixed [#386].
- Added an option to do not load data in the Custom View at startup.
- In Thunderbird 128 is now possible again to choose to open a folder from the Inbox Zero Folder Chart in a new tab or not.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 2.2.2
- ThunderStats Version 2.* is now compatible also with Thunderbird version 115.*.
- The option "When selecting a custom date range view, update the statistics immediately" is now true by default.
- The toolbar button is now always visible.
- Folders select dropdown text color fixed.
- Weekdays chart fixed [#374].
- Improved the positioning of the labels on the Inbox Zero Folders graphs [#370, #373].
- In the advanced filters panel is now possible to check the "include subolders" checkbox clicking on its label [#371].
- Inbox percentage loading indicator timing fixed [#376].
- Fixed a label error in the weekdays chart, which misordered the days relative to the number of emails.
- Time chart tooltip width fixed even with large numbers.
- The "Current week", "Last week" and "Two last weeks" bookmarks are now considering the start week day option.
- Minor graphics fixes.
- In the Time Chart correctly displaying "Last Business Day" in legend and tooltip when needed.
- The minimum aggregate statistics were always zero. The problem has now been fixed.
- Javascript libraries updated.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 2.2.0
- When executing a custom query for a single day, now is used the single day view [#315].
- The Inbox Zero Folders Chart is no longer partially hidden under the bottom border in certain circumstances.
- The labels on the Inbox Zero Folders graphs no longer overlap [#341].
- Added the precentage of mails moved from inbox in all the single day views [#343].
- Fixed a concurrency bug in displaying the elapsed time. It now always shows the maximum value.
- Added a warning if querying too much days in the Custom View. Added an option in the advanced tab to choose the maximum number of days to query without a warning. It's also possible to disable the warning completely [#281].
- Added in the Custom View an Advanced Filters panel. Click on the Advanced Filters icon to show it [#347].
- In the Custom View is now possible to filter by one or more folders [#75, #125].
- A chart showing the cumulative volumes of sent and received emails, grouped by hour, has been added to the Custom View and Many Days view [#244].
- A chart showing the cumulative volumes of sent and received emails, grouped by weekday, has been added to the Custom View and Many Days view [#245].
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 2.1.0
- It's now possible to define non-business days, allowing them to be excluded from aggregated statistics [#206].
- Implemented the data export in CSV format [#287].
- Added a menu in every data tab to export data [#333].
- Added the correspondents data extract.
- Added the daily emails data extract in the 7 Days and Custom Query tabs.
- Added an hourly email extract divider in the Today and Yesterday tabs.
- Added the total number of mails in aggregate stats in Today Tab, Yesterday Tab, 7 Days Tab and Custom View Tabs. This total also considers business days only if the corresponding option is active [#323].
- Added an option to display today's time graph lines only up to the current hour [#302].
- In today's time graph, a vertical line has been added to indicate the current hour [#79].
- Some options have been moved from the options page "Advanced" tab to the "General" tab.
- Displaying the last execution time for each tab [#314].
- Changed the color of the 'Today' bar in the 7-Days Tab Chart [#326].
- If the chosen account has been changed, switching to another tab reloads the data even if the "Reload data when changing tab" option is set to false [#327].
- Fixed the correct default duplicate messages filtering flag for Gmail account.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 1.9.1
- This version 1.9 has been backported from ThunderStats version 2.0 to Thunderbird 115.
- This is a complete rewrite of the original addon as a MailExtension, using Vue.js.
- Added dark mode [#197].
- It's now possibile to define a locale for the datepicker different from the default one [#238].
- Added an option to choose to remember last opened tab [#232].
- The Time Graph is now a line graph [#198].
- Added info for the last days in the Yesterday Tab [#276].
- The elaboration time is now shown [#218].
- The results are displayed as they become available [#219].
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 2.0.3
- Using the correct locale for the datepicker [#295].
- Small graphic fixes [#303, #305].
- Correctly counting received messages for the Inbox Zero Folder chart [#298].
- Fixed statistics elaboration in sent folders under some circumstances.
- Correctly using the option to reload data when changing tab. It was always reloading data [#310].
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 2.0.2
- Fixed a bug in showing the "All Accounts" option in the account selector.
- Fixed a bug that prevented to unset the "Filter duplicate messages" option in the account advanced settings.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 2.0.1
- Fixed a bug in getting the advanced account settings.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 2.0.0
- This is a complete rewrite of the original addon as a MailExtension, using Vue.js.
- Added dark mode [#197].
- It's now possibile to define a locale for the datepicker different from the default one [#238].
- Added an option to choose to remember last opened tab [#232].
- The Time Graph is now a line graph [#198].
- Added info for the last days in the Yesterday Tab [#276].
- The elaboration time is now shown [#218].
- The results are displayed as they become available [#219].
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 1.4.5
- Update for 68+ changes
- Compatibility 60, 68, 72(basic testing)
- Note: Some issues with nbd focus
Possible identities issue
Please report issues!
- Use flatpickr to replace date picker
- Use listJs to replace Richlistbox
Jonny Strömberg
- Create list controller for keyboard/mouse
- Make custom identities case insensitive
(no solution yet for main identities)
- Update deprecated elements
- Add access keys for business days editor
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 1.4.4
Fix license and change log links
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 1.4.3
Add warning window close on Escape
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 1.4.2
- Added compatibility with Thunderbird up to version 60.*
Please report any issues as Thunderbird is changing rapidly.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 1.4.1
- jQuery library update to version 3.3.1.
Version 1.4
- Debugger output improved.
- Minor bugs fixed.
- Added compatibility with Thunderbird 57+.
- Moment.js library update to version 2.20.1.
- d3.js library updated to version 3.5.17.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 1.3.2
- Minor bugs fixed.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 1.3.1
- Added the "Advanced" tab in the settings window.
- France (fr) locale added. Thanks to Goofy (from BabelZilla.org).
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 1.3
- Added a debugger tool to create a report to be sent by email.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 1.2.2
- Inbox Zero Folder Spread Graph label lines are now colored.
- Inbox Zero Folder Spread Graph labels now handles special chars with no errors.
- "Custom View" single day query now shows the time graph and the Inbox Zero status for the selected day.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 1.2.1
- Added the new "Last Year" and "Current Year" bookmarked views.
- Added a warning in the CustomView query if the date interval is more than 99 days long.
- Added an option to define the max number of senders and recipients to be shown in the "Top" tables.
- The toolbar button is now added at first run.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 1.2
- German (de) locale added. Thanks to Real Raven (from BabelZilla.org).
- In the custom query date interval is now possible to get the data considering only the business days.
- Fixed a bug in the "Folder Spread Graph" when displaying more folders with the same name.
- In the "Folder Spread Graph" Inbox folders have colors in the shades of red.
- Open the folder clicking on its name in the "Folder Spread Graph". There is also an option to choose between opening the folder always in the first tab or in a new tab.
- Chinese (Simplified) (zh-CN) locale removed, because it's no more maintained.
- "Custom" tab is now renamed to "Custom View" tab, in the default english locale.
- Some graphical improvements.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
Версия 1.1
- Added max, min, average mails sent and received also in the "Many Days" tab.
- In the "Many Days" tab the total sent and received mails are now without today mails, that are shown separately.
- In the Inbox Zero folder spread graph the inbox folders have now a label with bold text.
- Fixed a bug in max, min, average mails sent and received over a period elaboration.
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях GNU General Public License, версия 3.0
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