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Merci pour la version compatible 3.0 !!

Thanks for Thunderbird 3 compatible version !

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

i've just done a new version for this module. It works now with Thunderbird 3

Je viens de réaliser une mise à jour pour ce module : il fonctionne maintenant parfaitement bien dans Thunderbird 3.

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Ce module tellement pratique me fait grandement défaut ... à quand une version compatible Thunderbird 3b4 et suite ?

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Such a good addon to people manage multi email accounts via POP with Gmail and Thunderbird like me. It's perfect if it can display the current selected SMTP account on toolbar with a dropdown button. Thanks nr

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Please, can we have an update for 3.0b1?

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Very good addon!

Will there be an upgrade to 3beta1 ??

This new beta is not supported.

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If like me you keep changing places and using various connections, you may have to frequently change the SMPT server to be able to send mail. With SMTP Select I can swith server in two clicks instead of more than 6. Allows me to quickly try a dozen of regularly-used SMTPs when I don't know which is the one of the connection I'm using...

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I needed a big button for my users, easy to find and to use: they are happy !

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I travel a lot and have to use different servers depending on where I am (I'm not worried about using different servers for different accounts). For me this is a great add-on and saves manually resetting my server. It's one of the most useful gadgets on my computer and gets used at least twice a day.

I use Googlemail as my fallback SMTP server but I prefer to use the local one, eg on the train (National Express East Coast in the UK) they have their own SMTP for the free wifi service and it's transparent, whereas Google wants to use my googlemail address as the from address even though I've set it to something else.

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Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

thanks to
bjr111 on July 11, 2008
for a helpful description of how to send mail from more than one account.

less thanks to mozilla for this 'unclearly documented software feature'

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Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

If you are like me who don't like extensions adding big buttons in your UI, you can look at "SmtpSwitch" extension (https://addons.mozilla.org/thunderbird/addon/4972). This one works well, though.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I'm going to quote from a comment by "alex dean" in a review for a similar add-on, in the hopes it is helpful to others:

"If it doesn't appear to be working, and sending always uses the same SMTP server regardless of which you select or which you set as Default, I can help. It's a thunderbird configuration issue that I think maybe should be reported as a bug. I've used Thunderbird for at least 4 years, and honest to God it was only today I finally figured out what was going on. Any time I entered multiple SMTP servers, no matter which one was 'Default', my 'Send' always used the one I had first entered. The only way I could use a different server was to delete the previous one. Dumb, dumb, dumb... OK, excuse the rant. Here's what I (and it seems some other who have reviewed this plugin) have been missing... there are 2 places in the Account Settings which are relevant. 1. The 'Outgoing Server (SMTP)' pane in 'Account Settings'. This is the obvious one. You can enter multiple servers, and set one as 'Default'. But normally, no matter what you do, 'Send' won't respect your choice. Arrgh. 2. In 'Account Settings', the main pane of each account has it's own 'Outgoing Server (SMTP)' drop-down box. By default, this is set to a specific server, and that's the one which will be used when you send mail from this account. 'Send' won't respect the 'Default' setting unless you select 'Use Default Server' from this select-box. SmtpSwitch appears unable to override this behavior. If a mail account has a specific outgoing server selected, then that server will be used regardless of what you pick via SmtpSwitch. If you edit your mail account to 'Use Default Server', then SmtpSwitch works exactly as described. I don't understand this behavior at all. I guess if you always want mail from 1 account to use the same SMTP server, it's the correct way to do things. But for me, I don't base my choice of SMTP server on 'which account I'm sending from'. I base it on 'where am I at the time'. At home, I use the SMTP server provided by my ISP, since it's the fastest. But they only allow me to connect when I'm on their network, so when I'm travelling with my laptop, I use a 3rd-party SMTP server. I always use the same outgoing server for all of my mail accounts, so the way TBird is set up to ignore my 'Default' selection, and the way it doesn't allow SmtpSwitch to function as desired, is really confusing and annoying. I hope this helps anyone who's had a similar issue."

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The hardest part was manually adding the icon to my toolbar (I'm such a noob).

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I concur, this extension is a life-saver. Without it, I would not be able to recommend Thunderbird for friends and family, as most use different ISPs at home and at work, and cannot use the same SMTP server.\r\n\r\nWhy doesn\'t Thunderbird already have this functionality?

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

This add-on is an incredibly useful tool - it has proved an excellent solution to the problem of alternating between working at home and in the office and using different ISPs for both. Thanks very much!

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

This was one of my most used add-ons, which, sadly seems to not work now that I've updated to T-bird (No icon appears on the bar, now).

Hope there's a new update, soon. This was great.

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