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Great tool! waiting for offical compatibility with the new stable FF4

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Version 1.1 is posted

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All the passwords can still be seen by clicking the show passwords button in FF although Keychain is locked and it doesn't ask for the Keychain password.

edit: never mind few restarts always help.

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I believe that firefox caches the passwords for a short amount of time (maybe a minute or so?) so it's possible that this is causing the behaviour you are seeing.

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Great plug-in for Mac users, this add-on convinced me to use firefox on the Mac.
Does anyone know why I cannot install this plug-in in FF 4.0b7? Even if I switch off the compatibilty check, FF does not install it, although other plug-ins are installed ok.

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4.0b7 introduced a number of changes that affect binary extensions like this one. The worst seems to be the move to 64-bit. I haven't had time to solve these issues yet (probably the right answer is to move to js-ctypes) so you'll need to stick with 3.6.x or 4.0b6 until I (or someone else - patches welcome) can sort it out.

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Why does it pull passwords from iCal and Mail?

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Passwords in the keychain are shared by all kinds of apps, including Safari, iCal, and Mail.app.

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I agree with RobertJ, this addon is really nice for FF- Mac users.

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This add-on is fantastic and works as advertised.

After reading this http://www.networkworld.com/community/blog/firefox-lets-hackers-grab-your-passwords?source=NWWNLE_nlt_linux_2010-07-21 about how a simple XSS could be used to scrape PS's from FF, I wanted a more secure solution.

This stores all my FF PW's in the keychain; and, after removing the signons.sqlite from the profile, they are ONLY IN THE KEYCHAIN. I saved the signons.sqlite file somewhere else on my Mac. The new one that FF created is empty.

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Using FF4.0b1 together with Secure Login and Masterpassword, NoSpript and AdBlock+,

Import from FF Passwords into Mac Keychain was successful, Once I am accessing a WebSite in FF, Keychain is asking to gain access or not, but it is not accepting any click, means the Keychain-Messagebox remains on top of the screen. Have to kill FF, but now Safari is able to access Pins and Logons. I wasn't suspecting that - kinda like it. :)

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Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

installing 1.01 today on fully patched 10.5.8 installed itself and then restarted FireFox. Following happened then:

1. add-on asked for password to my private, non-default keychain
2. I refused to enter the password
3. all interned passwords from all keychains are gone (dunno hot it may happen as all keychains were locked at that moment)

from my point of view: 0 stars, extremely dangerous... I'm just curious where keychain data were sent to ...

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0b1). 

You're right, that makes absolutely no sense. The code to remove a password entry is only ever called in response to a request from Firefox to remove an entry. And if your keychains are locked, I'm not sure how the anything could actually delete if it tried (though you can read the names of entries while the keychain is locked, so maybe you can delete to?). I'm not even sure what to say since there are over a thousand daily users using it without problems.

If you can reproduce it consistently, please enable logging as detailed on the add-on summary page on this site, and post a bug report with detailed log output. Hopefully with the logs I can figure out what's to blame here.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Looks like it does the trick, with three caveats:

1) This will import your entire password database into keychain (but erase your entire Firefox password manager database!). Would have been nice to know that before I relaunched and saw that section black.

2) This will disable the master password feature in Firefox.

3) The only way to access passwords now is through Keychain. Would be nice to have a link to Keychain through a menubar option in the "Tools" menu or the Firefox Preferences --> Security --> Passwords section, since the Firefox password list is now empty.

Otherwise, this is a great utility to keep my password list in sync with my other Apple mobile devices.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0b1). 

Glad you find it useful. A couple of clarifications:

1) It doesn't erase the Firefox database; it just sits in front of it (it even falls through when it can if it can't find a match in the keychain). If you uninstall the extension, your firefox database will again be the active handler.

2) The master password still applies when you try to access the firefox database (but as I said above, this only happens when a match isn't found in the keychain). Obviously the master password doesn't make sense with the keychain since the keychain has its own password and the keychain data is not available to be encrypted with the firefox master password.

3) I'm surprised by this comment... the behaviour *should* be that the keychain passwords available to Firefox now show up in the password list. Not that this behaviour is very intuitive mind you, but it's just what happens when you provide an alternate password database for firefox. I don't know the magic incantations required to remove the Passwords button... Also not sure how to add a link to launch Keychain Access but if anyone knows I'm more than happy to add it. :)

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Thanks Julian.

Allowing Firefox's PM access to the all of the keychain can be considered a security weakness.

Like in Camino (or Entourage), I was hoping / wishing, that Firefox would only be allowed to look up ONLY the password required, but not bring ALL keychain passwords to their password manager. This would be better and a closer integration with OS X.

Dont know if Firefox's PM allows dynamic lookup hooks like this.
Pls look into this when possible.


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Access to Keychain entries is controlled by the operating system, not by Firefox or this extension.

The extension requests the password for an entry only when requested to do so by Firefox and such a request will only be successful if it is allowed by OS X. Passwords are never requested until Firefox actually tries to fill in a form (i.e. after you have selected which entry to use) or when you select "Show Passwords" in the preferences screen.

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Clarification from the developer, Julian, about my question on the integration.
Firefox dev. team - could you look into this pls.

Thanks to Julian for a quick response.

Hi, you posted a review of the Keychain Services Integration
extension. The Mozilla Add-ons site seems to be broken such that I
can't reply to your review there.

The integration *is* dynamic. You may have been confused because
Firefox uses the new password database for *all* actions including
listing the passwords in the "Show all passwords" section of the
preferences dialog. With this extension loaded, those are the
passwords from the keychain, not from your Firefox database. Firefox
has an abstraction that allows you to implement different storage
backends for passwords and the extension simply provides an
implementation that stores and retrieves to/from the Keychain. I'd
love it if Firefox allowed you to select multiple backends
simultaneously so you could see what was in both, but unfortunately it
only allows one to be used at a time.

I wonder if you could remove or update your comments... they are
confusing for people browsing the site who may think that the
integration is not dynamic.



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Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

this just copies all the key chain passwords to firefox pm.
seems less secure and not optimal.
is an integration - dynamic lookup and update not possible?


thanks for your efforts and consideration.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0b1). 

Hi Padu,

You are incorrect. The integration is dynamic. You are possibly confused because Firefox uses the new password database in this extension for *all* password operations - this includes the listing of passwords in the preferences dialog. With the extension loaded, what you see in that screen are the passwords that the extension can find in the Keychain, not what is in your Firefox database.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Wow!!! This is great. I just came across this add-on. I didn't even know it existed. Nice job Julian!

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Great extension! Works perfect on Firefox 3.6.3 and Thunderbird 3.0.4 including import of existing Firefox/Thunderbird passwords into key chain.

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説明通りですが、Mac OS Xのキーチェーンにアクセスできます。
ただその場合Mozilla weave上のパスワードも消えるので注意が必要です。weaveがこのアドオンを通してキーチェンにアクセスできたらいいんですけどね。

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Ditto to the post by "So It", though mine specifies "3.0.1". Have to give it max 3 stars until it works for me...

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Forgot to mention here... I updated the current version with new dependency information. I think it should work in Thunderbird now.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

I get a "not compatible with Thunderbird 3.0" when I try to install this (osx 10.5.6). Should this be working currently? Otherwise, sounds perfect :-)

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But setting the compatibility on the website doesn't seem to be working for TB. There's an issue filed here and a link to a version of the package that will work: http://code.google.com/p/mozilla-keychain/issues/detail?id=15

I really need to upload a new version with the compatibility changed in the package.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Thank you!! It works perfectly. I love it!!

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Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

It erases passwords in manually created keychain list. DO NOT USE.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0b1). 

Erases passwords? This is the first report I've heard of anything like that. If you could file a bug report with a little more detail I'd be happy to look into it...

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд


Unfortunately, it doesn't work on G3 with Mac OS X 10.4.9 and Firefox 3.0.3.


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Do you get an error? Does it load? If you have any more details, you could file an issues at http://code.google.com/p/mozilla-keychain/issues

It *should* be working on 10.4.* and on Firefox 3.0.* because I did make sure to compile against the old libraries, but I don't actually have 10.4 to test with on a regular basis.