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Not working. Creates a blank list. I emailed the dev but since last update was 4 years ago, it's obviously not in active development, so I don't expect an answer.

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Hey Developer

It's verry simple to get work this extension for firefox 38.x!
In ELDumperOutput.js you have only to change one line.

var XPIProvider = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPIProvider.jsm")

var XPIProvider = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm")

Look at:

Hope you fix this soon.

And why is mozilla signing extension that dont work with current firefox???

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I have FF 38.0.1 and just tried to use it for the first time in a long time, and no extensions appear in the list.

Used to be great, very helpful for reinstalling to a new profile.

It's obviously abandoned now - last update was 8-13-2011!

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This addon doesn't work at FF 38.0.5 - it simply creates an empty file.

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Maybe it's not supposed to. It generates 3-byte files containing -- obviously -- no information. VWIW InfoLister doesn't work either.

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a pretty good working alternative is the addon


by Nickolay Ponomarev (Entwickler)


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for those who is missing this addon, you can try this one : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/addon-list-dumper-restartless

Works like a charm for me

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I tried to synchronize addons between multiple instances of Thunderbird because CLEO, TEBE and some other addons are already dead. No TB Sync or Collection import possible.
Very sad for me. Anyway the promised button appeared at least but the list was empty..

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This is a great addon to use and it is so bad there is no update for it till now plz update !

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PLEASE fix Firefox 35+ compatibility (It doesn't work on Linux).

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Glad to find this after Addon List Dumper (or whatever it was) went dark on development/updates.

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Просто. Работает.

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If you are using Firefox 31+ and are looking for something to replace Extension List Dumper, check out Addon List Dumper - it works for FF31+!

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Such useful extension stopped with Ff 30.0.
It's not the only one among many other good and successful addons.It's a shame what the new "structure" of Mozilla and Ff have brought!

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With the "door hanger" display the Print button goes directly to the "native print dialog" box, no way to change the "Scale" via Page Setup or Print Preview (unless that already set for something else that was printed and wasn't reset to the default). Base font is just too large, IMO. My first print out was 4 pages long and all I added was Install Date

All types of Add-ons are lumped together, and the whole list is alphabetized. Extensions are intermixed with Appearance (Themes) and with Plugins, along with User Styles, and possibly GreaseMonkey scripts and "Social". It is possible to do a single Type output, like Extensions only but no "Type" listed for UserSyles or other then the "main" 4 Types.No way to include the Profile name, for users who are running multiple Profiles. for whatever reason.

Overall, a good start but not as friendly as the old InfoLister that many long time Firefox users have been using for over 9 years. ALD or ELD pales by comparison for power users who may have 50+ extensions, a lightweight theme or two and a few dozen UserStyles, along with some GM scripts.

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Extension List Dumper stopped working as of FF 30 or so. A fix requiring a change to one line of a JS file in the XPI was posted on Mozillazine. See http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=2831621

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Updated to Firefox version 30.0 and this extension stopped working. All I get is a blank window after clicking on "Dump List" in the addons page. I am really going to miss this extension.

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I tried this in 2014, on Windows 7. It works for me. You will see a button in the addons manager, only on the "extensions" tab.

One improvement I'd like is to have hyperlinks to the addons.mozilla.org site where each can be installed. oh well.

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Does not work in FF30b

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blank window without content in Aurora 31, looks like abandoned Project, do not install.
last update 2011. poor.

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