Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Still no Palemoon support? mozilla continues to make bad UI decisions with every new version, Palemoon is pretty buch Firefox but with a carefully selected feature set for a better user experience. Please Kim, its been long time coming, add support so we can enjoy your work in the more user conscious and friendly Palemoon browser.

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Palemoon was added in version 0.3.5:


You may have to download it, before installing!?

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Brilliant addon, just thought id drop by and give this addon the 5 stars it deserves. Although i have been meaning to leave this review for many months now.
Great addon, very simple to use. Well recommended above all the others that try, but don't even come close to this great addon.
Keep up the great work guys.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

First off Im now in love, you are a genius. I tried for hours to write an Xpath for that site and got nowhere, and I'm a programmer too I just had no clue where to go with the syntax. As for making your plugin do keyword filtering, it would be amazing but I see now that the xpath would change dramatically for every different site so it might be impossible to come up with a generic way to filter elements based on keywords. There are addons that will block an entire page based on keywords, but I would say thats not an ideal solution if all you want to block is news that includes the word "Beiber" :)

Thanks for the addon, I'm gonna start trying to teach myself xpath syntax now!

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

seems to work as expected. i removed the nasty header and footer on some sites and it works just as good as adblock element hiding helper. hows the performance difference between the two?

ok after using this addon might slow down the browser a bit, it also only hides the elements and doesn´t stop them from loading. i´ve found abetter solution. it still works though so 4 stars.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Thanks for your quick response. There are a few issues though:

- the 'Add to Firefox' button for 0.3.5 is greyed out ('Not available for Firefox 24.9').
- I looked at the website's source so I could grab the XPI anyway, after installing I noticed that half the context menu is missing: http://imgur.com/6XZHhDD I tested it again with all other addons disabled.

YARIP 0.3.5
Pale Moon 25.1.0 (x64)

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I found the problem and will make a new version available in the beginning of January.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

There are two "Remove-it Permanently" plug-ins for Firefox: YARIP by Kim Brandt, and RIP by Jerome O'Flaherty. I installed both into Firefox v34 and YARIP wins. It appears to be more feature-rich and it actually remembers your removals on future page re-loads, which RIP does not. A must-have plug-in now that more and more web pages are adding "please donate money" and similar clutter. Very nice for setting up a clean and simple Home page with only the search bar.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Amazing add-on.

I do have a question though... Is there a way to simply make an element invisible instead of removing it?

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You can use `Style page' from the Yarip context-menu and set `visibility: hidden':

div {
visibility: hidden !important;

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

don't work on PaleMoon-25 despite all that's needed for fix is just add support for a one more app guid.

4 more stars still awaiting for fix :)

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Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

Confirming previous poster's observation that the add-on is broken in Pale Moon v.25. Hope a fix will be made available because it's a great tool

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,
I can finally read a news article in peace. It is amazing how little content if left after removing all of the clutter.

QUESTION, is there a way to put a master rip in for things like "sidebar" and all of the "share this/facebook" BS.?

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Yes, there is.

You're asking for: Page extension

1) Create a new page (context-menu > Yarip > Create page...)
2) Give it a special name (e.g. `remove-social.yarip')
3) Create your rules and put them in the special page
4) Extend the special-page for any pages that have some ignoring social-stuff

Maybe you'd also like to try: Content whitelist / exclusive

1) Create a new page for the currently visited page (showing social-stuff)
2) `Add' a content-whitelist-rule (page-manager > Content > Whitelist) for the page
3) Check the `Exclusive'-checkbox in the lower right
4) Open the page-monitor (<ctrl> + <m>; on the visited page) and reload the page
5) Right-click > Whitelist content; for any content that is required by the page to properly display/work

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

could you add an "undo last rip" function like R.I.P. had so you don't have to open the manager to undo a mistake

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Right-click on the page, then `Yarip' and then `Undo', should do it.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Excellent add-on. Now I can remove unnecessary and disturbing parts of a webpage.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Great add-on.
One question:
using Palemoon (Firefox fork) is working also good,
except it is blocking status pop-up a the bottom.
Is there a way to allow this ?


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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Easy to use, powerful.

Thank you very much

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Removed a sidebar chat on a website for me, now the main information is full page width, Thank You!

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Great work! I was able to banish an annoying element on a particular website with this tool, which also works on every page.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

that great.
how hide text in textarea
that give me this but i dont know how hide that text inside that

edit:thank you for replay
but it not work
in this url http://urlchecker.net/ i want hide text inside multifile check

edit2:thank you now work

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Try //textarea[@id='id_textarea']/text()


OK, try a right-click on the element, then `Yarip' > `TEXTAREA' > `Script element' and replace the function-example with the following:

function (array) {
array[0].value = ""; // set value of element to empty string

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

This's the best addon on its category, in my opinion. Hiding elements pernalty with trustful meaning of the word. And it very reliable and stranight-forward to use daily.

It surely remove elements you pick, but it's only the most basic thing it could do. You can, in real-time, right-click any elements in website and choose to parent level of that elements, or parent of parent levels. It make detecting element is so powerful in this addons, you can go up many levels and hide correctly the elements at levels you want. Default setting allow 4 levels of element analysing, but you can change that in advanced options. Very nice, fully useful options and step ahead all user need.

One down point, it doesn't work on ad elements in www.mail.com inbox. And I haven't actually try other similar addons in mail.com for that matter. So I'm not sure. But it's the most anoying ad I've encounted. Noway to get rid of it, even manually inspect element by Firefox development tools. Hope anyone give a suggestion about mail.com inbox ads. (Looks like text sidebar element, but very difficult to rip off from the site interface) .

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You can achieve a lot on mail.com with a Content-whitelist-rule:


and by checking the `Exclusive'-checkbox on the Content-whitelist in the Page-manager. After that you can use Element-blacklist-rules to remove unwanted stuff:


For any further assistance, please send your questions to the yarip mailing-list[1] or myself[2].

[1] http://yarip.mozdev.org/list.html
[2] mailto:kimabrandt@gmx.de

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

5 stars, work fine !

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

The best elements remover I have ever used. Straightforward, flexible and graphic.

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