Инструменты поиска
1 664 дополнения
от Berndt Kaufman
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Mehrere Millionen Produkte aus über 1000 Shops warten darauf, durchsucht zu werden. Finde unzählige Schnäppchen. Das Firefox-Add-on/-Plugin von GEIZN.com sucht für das eingegebene Produkt die besten Angebote im Preisvergleich.
от Arthur Panov
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Поиск электронных компонентов, электротехнических изделий и паяльных станций по каталогу компании Спецэлсервис (https://www.specelservis.ru)
HERE Gitweb
от Sascha Peilicke
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HERE Gitweb on Gerrit project search
от MyBIS
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Search species, taxonomy or common name for Malaysia Biodiversity Information System (MyBIS). The service will facilitate international access to information on the status of biodiversity studies and biodiversity management in Malaysia.
Filmaffinity.com unofficial
от unam91
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Buscar de peliculas y series en filmaffinity
от JC
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The PEPS project is a platform designed to offer national users increased performances access to the high volume of Sentinel data.
от TheCodeArtist
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Quickly NVSearch directly within Firefox.
Note: This is just a search-provider add-on.
It works only if you already have access to NVSearch.
Installing this add-on will NOT automatically grant access to NVSearch.
Jbovlaste Search
от nielstron
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Jbovlaste (Lojban dictionary) search engine. Input queries are searched for in any language for matching substrings.
biolento (it)
от b4@biolento.net
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biolento - un mondo di possibilità
Baazaar.pk Search
от baazaar
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Baazaar.pk is one of the best online shopping websites in Pakistan offering wide range of men, women and kids fashion items in Pakistan.
Frinkiac.com unofficial
от unam91
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Buscar de gif e imagenes de los simpsons
Search gif and pictures of the simpsons
Дополнительные ресурсы
- Узнайте больше о панели поиска в Firefox для Android
- Найдите ещё больше провайдеров поиска на mycroftproject.com
- Создайте свой собственный инструмент поиска
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