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История версий ThirdStats

23 версии

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Версия 1.12.0 314.1 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 128.0 и выше

  • Added debug mode
  • Fixed an error where local identities were not properly recognized
  • Fixed form select appearance
  • Replaced Twitter by Mastodon share link
  • Security updates

See full release notes on GitHub.

Версия 1.11.1 311.0 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 128.0 и выше

  • Migrated to Manifest v3
  • Added Ukrainian plural
  • Migrated to Vite.js
  • Package upgrades
  • Migrated to Vue.jgs composition API
  • Rename leader count to list max count
  • Limit tags chart to list max count

See full release notes on GitHub.

Версия 1.10.0 520.5 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 91.0 и выше

Spaces Toolbar
ThirdStats now supports Thunderbirds Spaces Toolbar. Clicking the ThirdStats icon opens the stats page.

Theme Sync
ThirdStats now provides an option to select a dark, light or a system theme. The letter will choose the theme according to the theme used in Thunderbird.

Default stats page
The stats page can now be opened even without GET parameters. It defaults to the first active account.

Handle unprocessable folders
Somehow Thunderbirds web extension APIs are not able to process all folders (e.g. special virtual folders), which lead to ThirdStats never finishing stats processing. The message retrieval was improved to at least finish processing of accounts holding such folders and showing partial stats data. When problems were detected on processing, there is an indicator that stats might not be accurate.

Button colors on light mode
The text color of the buttons at the bottom of stats and options pages was not readable on light mode. This is now fixed.

Dependency updates
Known security vulnerabilities were fixed by updating dependencies to their latest available version.

See full release notes with screenshots on GitHub.

Версия 1.9.0 507.6 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 91.0 и выше

Live Count Up
An additional option *Live Count Up* is introduced to show live progress of calculated numbers when processing stats data. This is enabled by default, but may increase processing time slightly.

Automatic Processing
Stats data is now calculated automatically in a defined time interval. A corresponding add-on option provides the possibility to disable/enable automatic processing and set a number of minutes for the time interval. The default value is enabled with 30 minutes. If this option is changed, the stats tab needs to be reloaded.

Automatic processing only happens when the stats page is open. Reprocessing is always done for all active accounts. The current view (selected account option or filter) is kept during and after reprocessing. Live-Update of featured numbers is disabled for automatic processing.

Buttons for Support
The stats and the options page as well as the popup now have 5 buttons at the bottom for users to support the project.

Heatmaps reworked
Activity charts can now display proper dates in the tooltip, as the data is no longer based on calendar weeks but on actual iso dates. Also bugs of date glitches in between years are now fixed. Unfortunately the switch to matrix charts made it impossible to still provide the option for a custom start day of week, as I wasn't able to properly implement this with Chart.js for now. I'm sorry about that.

Translations extended
Existing translations were completed for new language keys and Indonesian and Ukrainian translations were added. ThirdStats is now available in 24 different languages.

Unified tooltip format
All charts now have tooltips in the same format.

Color improvements
The background color of inline options now adapts to the dark theme since Thunderbird 91.

Documentation improvements
Readme and GitHub templates were updated for new translations and translation management.

Dependency updates
ThirdStats now runs on Vue3. Known security vulnerabilities were fixed by updating dependencies to their latest available version.

See full release notes with screenshots on GitHub.

Версия 1.8.0 225.3 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

Thunderbird 91 compatibility
With many small internal fixes and improvements, ThirdStats now supports both: Thunderbird 78 and 91

Tags analysis
An additional chart section for charts about tags. An horizontal bar chart was implemented showing the number of emails the corresponding tag is used with. There is now also an option to show the tag bars in their corresponding color, that has been configured in Thunderbird. This is deactivated per default.

Numbers section for starred and tagged mails
A numbers section about the count of starred and tagged emails.

Merge similar metrics for email counts
The two existing sections about email counts in the featured numbers bar are now merged into one section with a small tab/arrow navigation. It also features an additional unit mails per quarter.

Show notice if no chart data available
An icon and a notice is now shown, when a chart has no data at all.

Unify page titles
The stats page title now is in the same format as the options page.

Fix identity comparison
Sent emails are now properly recognized as sent, even if they don't contain angle brackets or have uppercase characters.

Fix bar chart tooltip
A tooltip is now always shown on a bar, as soon as the cursor intersects with it.

Dependency updates
Know security vulnerabilities were fixed by updating dependencies to their latest available version.

See full release notes with screenshots on GitHub.

Версия 1.7.0 234.9 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

Background Gradients for Line and Bar Charts
Charts now have a background gradient to highlight upper parts of the chart. This applies to line and bar charts (the gradient for the latter is not too strong to maintain the bar starting point).

Data not final Indication
Dashed line style for the last segment of line charts indicating that the last data point isn't final yet. This doesn't apply if the date range filter is set.

Improved Doughnut Charts
Doughnut charts are now a bit thinner and tooltips now appear directly on the section the mouse is over.

Fix single entry Line Charts
Charts with one single entry on the x-axis now show a data point instead of nothing

Complete Translations
ThirdStats is now fully available in English, German, French, Galician, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Swedish.

Improvement for Hungarian translation
Use of separate language keys for different output locations.

See full release notes with screenshots on GitHub.

Версия 1.6.0 300.8 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

Junk Metrics
An addition to the featured numbers section: The number of emails flagged as junk, as well as an average junk score of all emails.
Plus another contacts bar chart showing the contacts whose emails have been flagged as junk.

Account Comparison Icon Button
The account comparison switch is now always visible. It's inactive if only one account is active in add-on options or a single account was selected in stats account filter. In both cases it shows a corresponding tooltip making clear, why this button is inactive. In active state, the tooltip shows what happens if the button is clicked.

Improved Accessibility
The 'All Accounts' filter option is now made more aware by always showing it (it's disabled for only one single activated account) and placing a corresponding hint in the accounts option on the options page. The visibility of action buttons on the stats page (reload, export, options, year navigation) is improved by increasing contrast between icon color and background. This provides better accessibility and UX.

Default Values
New, less author opinionated default values were set:
  • Dark mode: off
  • Vertical axis: shown
  • Start of week: based on TB locale
  • Accounts: all activated

Improved Documentation and Wording
Badge links and some markdown issues got fixed. Also the option 'Self Messages' was renamed in 'Messages to Self'.

See full release notes with screenshots on GitHub.

Версия 1.5.1 296.8 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

Folder Stats
A new chart showing the distribution of emails in folders was introduced. Number of emails per folder are visible in arc size and color intensity. Only non-empty folders are shown, each folder has a received and sent segment.

JSON Export
Provides the possibility to export stats data in JSON format. The export button is next to the options button in the top right corner of the stats page. It's always an export of the currently displayed data, making it possible to adjust the export by using the filter fields (accounts, folders, date range and contacts).

Filter for Contacts
A filter for contacts was added, showing stats for all messages, where this contact is the sender or one of the recipients. This filter provides a drop-down list of all email addresses shown in the most contacted charts.

Hungarian Translation
ThirdStats is now available in Hungarian - many thanks to @ovari. The translation in your own language is incomplete or missing? Help me translating ThirdStats into your language on GitLocalize.

Auto-apply Option Changes
Option changes are now being watched on the stats page and automatically updated, Changes of Dark mode, Vertical axis, Start of Week and the account colors are directly applied. All other options need a window or cache refresh. Options now have a hint symbol with a tooltip that indicates, whether the stats page or the cache has do be refreshed after changing the options value.

Fix Received/Sent Numbers
The case of email addresses wasn't handled properly when processing accounts. Now all email addresses and identities are converted to lowercase before processing them, removing the need to set the same identity in different cases.

Improve documentation and security policy
Readme feature list was adapted to the current changes. The security policy now contains FAQ. The footer of the stats page now contains a disclaimer. Also the privacy and security documentation was improved. Many thanks to @koobs.

Calendar Weeks from another year
Fixes the computed weeks chart data by taking into account, that the first days of year can belong to the last week of the previous year as well as the last days of a year can belong to the first week of the next year.

Tabs Permission removed
The tabs permission was not necessary and therefore removed.

See full release notes with screenshots on GitHub.

Версия 1.5.0 296.2 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

Folder Stats
A new chart showing the distribution of emails in folders was introduced. Number of emails per folder are visible in arc size and color intensity. Only non-empty folders are shown, each folder has a received and sent segment.

JSON Export
Provides the possibility to export stats data in JSON format. The export button is next to the options button in the top right corner of the stats page. It's always an export of the currently displayed data, making it possible to adjust the export by using the filter fields (accounts, folders, date range and contacts).

Filter for Contacts
A filter for contacts was added, showing stats for all messages, where this contact is the sender or one of the recipients. This filter provides a drop-down list of all email addresses shown in the most contacted charts.

Hungarian Translation
ThirdStats is now available in Hungarian - many thanks to @ovari. The translation in your own language is incomplete or missing? Help me translating ThirdStats into your language on GitLocalize.

Auto-apply Option Changes
Option changes are now being watched on the stats page and automatically updated, Changes of Dark mode, Vertical axis, Start of Week and the account colors are directly applied. All other options need a window or cache refresh. Options now have a hint symbol with a tooltip that indicates, whether the stats page or the cache has do be refreshed after changing the options value.

Fix Received/Sent Numbers
The case of email addresses wasn't handled properly when processing accounts. Now all email addresses and identities are converted to lowercase before processing them, removing the need to set the same identity in different cases.

Improve documentation and security policy
Readme feature list was adapted to the current changes. The security policy now contains FAQ. The footer of the stats page now contains a disclaimer.

See full release notes with screenshots on GitHub.

Версия 1.4.0 286.9 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

Account Comparison
A comparison mode showing the total number of emails for each account was added. This mode was created for the years, quarters, months, weeks, daytime, weekday and month charts and can be activated by a corresponding button in the top right corner of the chart section. This button is only active when "All Accounts" is selected. To keep things simple and clean, a distinction between received and sent mails was omitted in comparison mode - charts are always showing the total number of emails for the corresponding account. The colors for each account can be customized (see next point).

Custom Colors for accounts
The accounts option on the options page was extended to set a custom color for each account.

Reset all Options
The possibility to reset options to their default values was added. Pushing this button also removes all local identities (if set).

Uniform and Clearer Interface
The stats page now consistently uses tab navigation for all chart groups. Chart titles are now the tab label itself and chart descriptions appear as tooltip on mouse hovering the tab. The active tab border color is now indicating the chart colors it is showing (e.g. a color gradient from blue to pink if received and sent mail numbers are shown). Also the view on ultra-wide screens was improved.

Annoying Reset of drop-down values
The unwanted reset of values on opened select fields (like accounts or folders) on the stats page every second was caused by a state update for the display of how old the processed data is and is now fixed.

ThirdStats nightly builds
Cutting edge alpha releases of ThirdStats can now be found on the dedicated ThirdStats CDN: https://third-stats.cdn.devmount.com. You can install these alpha releases and test them as you like (keep in mind that alpha releases can be unstable and break things).

Improve documentation and translations
ThirdStats 1.4.0 is fully translated in English, German, French and Italian. The translation in your own language is incomplete or missing? Help me translating ThirdStats into your language on GitLocalize: https://gitlocalize.com/repo/5505.

See full release notes with screenshots on GitHub.

Версия 1.3.0 281.3 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

Full Options Page
Options can now be opened full page in an own tab. Corresponding gear icon links are in the popup menu as well as on the stats page.

Primary Stats in Popup Menu
Overall messages count was added to the popup menu account tiles again, as well as a background chart showing the annual progression of all messages (sum of sent and received messages). The data only shows up, if cache is enabled and cached date already exists for the corresponding account.

Years Navigation
Two buttons for going to the next or previous year of the activity overview.

Better Handling of Solo Account
The "Open all stats" in the popup menu now points to this single account, when a user only has one activated or existing account. Also a reload of the overall stats page shows that account properly instead of an empty account select field.

Include Local Accounts for Self Message Recognition
When option Self Messages is set to "From Any Account", local identities now are taken into account if a local account is active.

Include CC and BCC for Self Message Recognition
Despite the default receivers, CC and BCC are now also taken into account for self message recognition.

Restore Account name in Tab Title
The stats page tab title now contains the account name again, if a single account is selected.

Initial Account List
Account lists in the popup menu and on the stats page were initially listing all accounts, instead of the default setting of listing all non local accounts. This lead to unexpected behavior for users with only one local and one non-local account.

Hover Effect of Icons improved

See full release notes with screenshots on GitHub.

Версия 1.2.0 277.9 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

Overall Account Stats
Account processing and loading got completely revamped. An option to show sum of all account stats was added to the accounts selection. Due to performance reasons, this only works if cache is enabled. Folder filter is deactivated for `All Accounts (Sum)`, date range filter can be used with it. Keep in mind, that processing of a lot of large accounts can take a huge amount of time.

Open Overall Stats from Popup menu
Overall stats can now directly be opened via the popup menu.
The URL of the stats page changed. Already opened stats pages have to be closed and reopened again via the popup menu.

Information about how old the displayed data is was added to the stats page in an information section below the filter. Passed time gets updated live in human readable units. It also shows the specific data retrieval date in a tooltip on hover.

Self Messages
An option to handle self messages (messages from me to myself) was added. This can be `disabled` (default) to treat every email the same. It can be set to `Same Account Only` (Messages where sender and receiver are identities from the same account will be excluded) and `From Any Account` (Messages where sender and receiver are identities from any account will be excluded).
Note that only "pure self messages" are taken into account, where all recipients match the corresponding identities. If e.g. a message was sent to one of my identities and another recipient, it's not counted

Progress Indicator
A top page progress indication bar was added, to show progress while data is retrieved. Percentage is shown on hover.

Leader Count
An option to define the number of entries in leader-boards (most received from, most sent to) was added. Allowed are numbers between 1 and 999 due to keeping a reasonable cache size.

Show all accounts in Popup menu
Account tiles are now two column and overflow content can be reached via scrolling.

Fix data of week 53
Days of January before week 1 got counted for week 53 of current year instead of week 53 of previous year. This affected both the weeks line chart as well as the activity heatmaps. To apply this fix, data of all accounts has to be reprocessed.

Rename Time Period to Date Range

Improve Documentation

See full release notes with screenshots on GitHub.

Версия 1.1.1 268.5 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

➕ Filter for Single Folders
The filter area of the stats page was extended by a select field for a single folder of the currently selected account for more fine-grained stats about single folders. Note, that folders will not be recursively processed. Only the messages of the specified folder are processed, not the messages of its subfolders. Also processing of folders won't be cached, so processing of folders with a lot of messages can take some time.

➕ Filter for Time Period
The filter area of the stats page was extended by an additional filter a custom time period, adding 2 input fields for start and end date. Date input must be of format `YYYY-MM-DD` (input of `YYMMDD` gets auto-corrected). Date input can only be between 1970-01-01 and the current day (also gets auto-corrected). Start date must be before end date.

➕ Show or Hide Ordinate Axis
A new option to show or hide the vertical axis for line charts and vertical bar charts. It's deactivated by default, to maintain a cleaner UI.

⚡ Improve Performance of Popup Menu
Processing of messages was completely removed from the popup menu. This heavily increases loading time of the popup, which serves as starting point to open the stats page in the first place.

See full release on GitHub.

Версия 1.1.0 265.2 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

➕ Filter for Single Folders
The filter area of the stats page was extended by a select field for a single folder of the currently selected account for more fine-grained stats about single folders. Note, that folders will not be recursively processed. Only the messages of the specified folder are processed, not the messages of its subfolders. Also processing of folders won't be cached, so processing of folders with a lot of messages can take some time.

➕ Filter for Time Period
The filter area of the stats page was extended by an additional filter a custom time period, adding 2 input fields for start and end date. Date input must be of format `YYYY-MM-DD` (input of `YYMMDD` gets auto-corrected). Date input can only be between 1970-01-01 and the current day (also gets auto-corrected). Start date must be before end date.

➕ Show or Hide Ordinate Axis
A new option to show or hide the vertical axis for line charts and vertical bar charts. It's deactivated by default, to maintain a cleaner UI.

⚡ Improve Performance of Popup Menu
Processing of messages was completely removed from the popup menu. This heavily increases loading time of the popup, which serves as starting point to open the stats page in the first place.

See full release on GitHub.

Версия 1.0.2 262.1 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

Stats Cache
Can be enabled / disabled in the add-on options. Enabled by default. Once an account has been processed in the stats page, it's data will be cached and subsequently loaded much faster. Account stats can be reprocessed by a corresponding refresh button. Cache size is shown in the add-options, which also provide a button to clear the cache.

Account Selection
The add-on options now provide a list of all existing accounts, where each account can be enabled / disabled. All non local accounts are enabled by default, except if there is only one local account. Disabled accounts won't appear in any accounts list and won't be included for stats processing. Release 1.0.2 contains a fix for a bug concerning the initialization of the accounts setting on the options page.

Form Field UX improved
Form fields now indicate the hover state and utilize transition effects.

Версия 1.0.1 262.4 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

Stats Cache
Can be enabled / disabled in the add-on options. Enabled by default. Once an account has been processed in the stats page, it's data will be cached and subsequently loaded much faster. Account stats can be reprocessed by a corresponding refresh button. Cache size is shown in the add-options, which also provide a button to clear the cache.

Account Selection
The add-on options now provide a list of all existing accounts, where each account can be enabled / disabled. All non local accounts are enabled by default, except if there is only one local account. Disabled accounts won't appear in any accounts list and won't be included for stats processing. Release 1.0.1 contains a fix for a bug concerning the initialization of the accounts setting on the options page.

Form Field UX improved
Form fields now indicate the hover state and utilize transition effects.

Версия 1.0.0 261.2 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

Stats Cache
Can be enabled / disabled in the add-on options. Enabled by default. Once an account has been processed in the stats page, it's data will be cached and subsequently loaded much faster. Account stats can be reprocessed by a corresponding refresh button. Cache size is shown in the add-options, which also provide a button to clear the cache.

Account Selection
The add-on options now provide a list of all existing accounts, where each account can be enabled / disabled. All non local accounts are enabled by default, except if there is only one local account. Disabled accounts won't appear in any accounts list and won't be included for stats processing.

Form Field UX improved
Form fields now indicate the hover state and utilize transition effects.

Версия 0.8.0 254.1 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

- add translation contributors
- improve contribution guidelines for new localization management
- add logo to stats page heading
- add-on option for start of week
- remove legacy prefs
- use more meaningful stats icon and tooltip in popup heading
- set stats tab title depending on selected account
- set stats tab favicon
- make folder processing even more robust

Версия 0.7.0 251.8 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 - *

- improve documentation
- add-on options for theme and local identities
- add tab navigation for total numbers charts
- add total emails per week chart
- add total emails per quarter chart
- add chart area resizer
- implement heatmaps showing mail activity per year
- make folder processing more robust

Версия 0.6.0 229.5 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 - *

- improve documentation
- new translations: Catalan, Swedish, Japanese, simple Chinese
- user defined start of week (usage of corresponding Thunderbird calendar setting)
- light theme with manual switch in footer of stats page
- improve security by codeql analysis
- improve heatmap visual appearance
- improve link appearance
- exclude zero dates for date range calculation

Версия 0.5.0 221.3 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше

- improve documentation
- new chart: most received from
- new chart: most sent to
- new translation: traditional chinese
- rearrange chart layout and improve responsiveness
- always start axis at zero
- center featured numbers
- fix heatmaps alignment issue

Версия 0.4.0 219.8 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше


- add translations for Czech, Hindi, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Galician, Catalan, Polish, Thai
- add chart: emails per months of year
- add loading indication for chart area
- fix: include local accounts in accounts list
- fix: translate month and weekday names
- fix: don't show charts for empty accounts
- add support for ultra-wide screens and small screens
- add development hint

Версия 0.3.3 200.9 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0 и выше