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Noja 3.1.4 works in new Firefox 41.0.2

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Предыдущая версия Noja 3.1.4 работает в новом Firefox 41.0.2.
Previous version Noja 3.1.4 works in new Firefox 41.0.2.

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I just updated FF to 41.0.2 and this version of Noia Fox will not work. I saw a review that stated that it would? Just confused. Thanks for any help.

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anyway...when i found Noia many years ago - ofc i stay with this best of the best addon.
Thanks to every developer from first to last for good work and patience....
Thanks a lot for making our life better !!!

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I would like to thank once again for your great and a lot of work.
Even if i completely have understanding for the fact which you must give up the advancement and update, nevertheless, i am sad, nevertheless.
I have used of this theme simply too with pleasure...
Wishes to you for the future all good one

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The add-on from Development Channel at the end of the page works well at Firefox 41.0.2 . Thank you!

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FF 41.0.2 works good with Noia Fox v. 3,1,4 ! What I can update others addons automatically without Noia Fox - there are some options in FF?

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I'll do anything to keep using Noia :-)
Could you tell me where to get the "krid24" update. Have not been able to find it.
Many thx.

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The Update, posted by krid24 works on Firefox 41.01. Nice!
Thanks for having my Fox back!

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не совместимо

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For those that loved this theme which no longer works, there is the Noia Buttons Add-on by Aris that gives you all the Noia Fox buttons back again and which works with FF 41.0.1 so I, for one, am delighted about that.

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I guess Mozilla developers would prefer that FireFox is ugly -- breaking compatibility of Noia-Fox has left this browser back in its ugly, ugly state. Good show -- usability has never been at the top of Mozilla's list, and appearance leads to greater usability: quod erat demonstrandum. Noia, which I have used in one incarnation or another for years takes the butt-ugly out of many facets of the
FF interface, from the ugly bookmark bar to the elevator bar, from the tabs to the program interface icons. Now they are all in their butt-ugly default FireFox state again, the world is a little bit less nice with every use of the browser. Very republican!

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Thanks for all your work on Noia Fox - it has been an absolute pleasure to use, and one of my favourite aspects of Firefox.

It's a shame Mozilla haven't been able to come up with a way to help make custom theme development a more sustainable activity :(

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This is easily the best complete thunderbird theme I have come across so far. Excellent !!
Thank you for providing this.

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effectivement je ne suis pas contre payer 2 euros pour ce theme
par contre, tu aurais du mettre carrement 90 par ex plutot que 41.0.1 car tu vas devoir recommencer à chaque mise a jour

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Merci à poupxp pour la solution qu'il donne.
Il faut effectivement modifier le fichier install.rdf
et remplacer la version de Firefox 41.0 par 41.0.1
Clic droit, ouvrir avec Firefox, et on retrouve l'excelent Noia dont on ne peut se passer.

Merci aussi à david Vincent de nous avoir maintenu ce merveilleux thème pendant tant d'années.
NB: je pense qu'un bouton “donate” ne serait pas inutile, et si chacun de nous donnait 2€ (ou 2$) chaque années, ça encouragerait David Vincent à continuer.

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Hi David,

I've just read your message about end of support and I'm broken :(
It was the best, most elegant, simple and ergonomic firefox theme ever, without unnecessary bells and whistles.
No matter what, I understand your decision and I appreciate that you've maintained this theme so long. I've increased em:maxVersion in install.rdf and I hope it will work for a long time yet.

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"poupxp" which installer must change the version number, if only firefox is updated.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

This is the only theme I ever used for years!

Sad to see it go, but totally understand the work and effort you had to put into it and RL matters more!

Enjoy yourself a little and have FUN!

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

It makes me sad that the developer isn't updating this theme anymore. It was THE BEST theme EVER and the ONLY theme I used. Are there any similar themes to this one ?.
To the developer, enjoy your life :)