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260 отзывов на это дополнение
Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд
I agree with glebovitz, it's a bit disappointing that TB's already been in beta for months and there's still no working version for the 64bits systems.
This addon is really useful, a MUST for every Thunderbird user. As a TB user, version 3 is a need against the current stable version, but it's too hard we have no GPG in TB 3 while this addon remains uncompatible.
PS. Pete*xS9, really, check again the message from glebovitz. He asks for a 64bit version and in the nightly builts there's nothing like that... yet.
Three stars, as it works pretty, pretty well (and should deserve 4-5), but it has been not updated for months... it works pretty well where it can be used.
Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд
LAST time I tried this, (and I see no signs of an update since) it asked whether each and every message sent should be encrypted via PGP.
A BUTTON would make much more sense.
I also want to add my voice calling for 64-bit upgrades to BOTH Firefox and Thunderbird, and, the promised improvements to Penelope, the continuation of the wonderful Eudora alternative mail system. (another story).
MOST new *computers* (vs."don't care 'bout privacy, I do it all on-line" appliances) are coming out with multicore 64-bit systems.
The "do it all ON-Line crowd members (who also wonder where all the spam comes from) either need a quick education or simply don't care about privacy - and setting up T'bird or even downloading mail via POP3 is beyond them already.
Some need an education, some wouldn't mind a Telescreen watching their every move at home except in the bedroom under the theory "I've got nothing to hide and I love that 'personalized' experience I get from companies that keep records on me*."
"Anyway I've got nothing to hide, only criminals do" is a frequent response - no hope there.
But for the developing hard-core folks who say NO! to the infothieves (and should demand the Googles of the world offer a "pay $ .0001 per search alternative to "add this to the file on 'im" treatment, and the offer be made before any data is stolen. Call your Congressfolk and Senators and ask for a needed law!)
Meanwhile, 64-bits, multithreaded x86 code and a bit more user control on this one would be a big help.
*Some "social interaction" pages seem designed to elicit 'suckers' for causes allegedly using cash for a,b,c,... and I really feel sorry for these folks.
And even for some who want to stop - Education can be tough. An 80+ widower friend of the family is on every "sucker list" in the country and, of course, donates money to any charity that takes the time to send HIM a personalized letter asking Dear (first name) and ending with an ink-jetted "signature." Though he owns a computer for e-mail and surfing, he has no understanding that, outside of the ink-jet, EVERY initial IBM PC or its CP/M ancestors had the power to do the same thing under Dos 3 and WordStar! (I do see a need for a law in the near future prohibiting the delivery of such requests if the person or his nearest family go before a judge and say and prove such letters have the impact of draining the elderly/others no t capable of controlling *all* their finances, from their well-deserved retirement funds.
(I won't go into details - it is not a Freedom of Speech issue but an I-S/He cannot control, and therefore demand an auto-opt-out)
A for effort
Fortunately for them, at least Firefox is semi-hardened already, straight out of the electron box, and easily/automatically strengthened by updates, handled by a family member who has basic understanding
Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд
Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.96.0).Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд
Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.96.0).Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд
I know this is free and so forth BUT why don't you make this compatible with Thunderbird 3.0b4?
It's really annoying to use Thunderbird 2 on a mac and 3.0 final won't be released until Dezember. So why don't ease up folks life right now?
I'm really disappointed because I switched to Thunderbird for one reason: The AppleMail GPG-Plug in GPGMail wasn't compatible with 10.6.
Now I try to set this up just to find out it doesn't work with the latest Thunderbird?
Come on.
Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд
lets review the state of the world.
1) Fedora distributes thunderbird 3.0beta with FC11.
2) This has been the state of the world for months.
3) there is still no enigmail that works with thunderbird 3.0beta x86_64.
4) The current state of the art is 64 bit systems.
Hello, is anyone going to fix this? Is it time to switch to something other than thunderbird?
Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд
my correction:
This direct link by mozilla supported only the 32 bit version.
By http://enigmail.mozdev.org/download/index.php you can download this 64 bit add on.
Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд
my correction:
This direct link by mozilla supported only the 32 Bit version.
By http://enigmail.mozdev.org/download/index.php you can download this 64 bit add on.
Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд
Support for TB 3.*? I would use it too.
Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.96.0).Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд
Recently I've needed to open encrypted emails and I've looked at installing this on Thunderbird, but at present this add-on doesn't support Thunderbird 3 beta 4. This is an add-on that I would definitely use.
Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.96.0).Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд
Served me well in creating my PGP keys, signing & encrypting my email, and managing my keys. I'm looking forward for further enhancements, as well as support for SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta.
It's a very useful add-on. I'd recommend this to security-conscious people.
Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд
Ich verwende seit langem Enigmail - leider hat die Installation des Updates 0.96 auf drei Rechnern jeweils zur dauerhaften Funtionsuntüchtigkeit von EingMail geführt - gut, dass ich das Paket 0.95.7 noch hatte - nach Deinst. und Reinstallation mit dem alten Paket klappt wieder alles.
Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.96.0).Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд
This supplement MALFUNCTIONS
After installation displayed in the list supplements, but with supplement from will installed after RESTART TB unfortunately this will not stop and this supplement be merely in list, but in TB unloaded isn't there moulding TB will disappear sum openPGP
This supplement it is impossible normal in a way nor deinstall after clicking on deinstall will display after restart. That is subsequently effected but supplement is centuries in list
This supplement here tried abandon in this placed
C:\Documents and Settings\user name\data aplikací\Thunderbird\Profiles\xxxxx.default\extensions
unfortunately nor after this step supplement didn't take away
A supplement Enigmail is after this update functionless
Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд
This supplement MALFUNCTIONS
After installation displayed in the list supplements, but with supplement from will installed after RESTART TB unfortunately this will not stop and this supplement be merely in list, but in TB unloaded isn't there moulding TB will disappear sum openPGP
This supplement it is impossible normal in a way nor deinstall after clicking on deinstall will display after restart. That is subsequently effected but supplement is centuries in list
This supplement here tried abandon in this placed
C:\Documents and Settings\user name\data aplikací\Thunderbird\Profiles\xxxxx.default\extensions
unfortunately nor after this step supplement didn't take away
A supplement Enigmail is after this update functionless
Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд
Tento doplnek NEFUNGUJE
Po instalaci se zobrazi v seznamu doplnku,ale s doplnkem ze bude nainstalovan po RESTARTU TB bohuzel tot se nestane a tento doplnek je pouze v seznamu ale v TB nacten neni V liste TB zmizi polozka OPENPGP
Tento doplnek nelze normalnim zpusobem ani odinstalovat po kliknuti na odinstalovat se zobrazi po restartu.Ten je nasledne proveden ale doplnek je stale v seznamu
Tento doplnek sem zkousel smazat v tomto umisteni
C:\Documents and Settings\Uz jmeno\Data aplikací\Thunderbird\Profiles\xxxxx.default\extensions
Bohuzel ani po tomto kroku se doplnek neodebral
A doplnek Enigmail je potomto update NEFUNKCNI
Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд
This is an excellent plugin that gives you as little or as many options that you need for using GPG in everyday email.
Does it look like a release for the TB 3 betas will be coming out any time soon?
Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд
It's a terrible add-on. It publishes your public key but, without saying it, it publishes also your e-mail address, so that the world all spammers can use it. It "not possible" to get delisted. And you're not warned. Moreover you'll be ask for a password for each and every mail you want to send.
Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.96.0).Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд
Really important add-on!
I just patched the install.rdf and it seems to work with TB Beta2 right away ...
Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд
I *love* Enigmail and can't imagine living without it. I'm worried, though, because I haven't seen any indication that there's going to be a version of Enigmail for the up-and-coming version 3 of Thunderbird. I tried checking the author's support forum on mozdev.org, but it doesn't look like anyone has said anything there (about anything) in several months. Does anyone know?
Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.95.7).Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд
Ein sehr wichtiges Addon - viel mehr Menschen sollten es benutzen!
Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.95.7).Для создания своих подборок вам необходимо иметь учётную запись на сайте дополнений Mozilla.