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Couldn't get this to work with Thunderbird 3.0.1 despite modifying the RDF file. Is there an update in the works?

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It would be nice, if I can see that the Mail has a HTML-Part.

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Great extension which I had used with TB 2.0. As suggested by others, modified Install.rdf to make compatible with TB 3.0. Seems to works fine.

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The "Print" function doesnt print HTML. You have to print from "Preview" page - then the document pints correct in html format. Should work when you select Print only too.

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This add-on is NOT compatible with version 3 of Thunderbird!

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Thank you Thomas!
I was thinking of hacking it myself, but didnt have time. I have missed that button soooo much ;)

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Thank you Thomas, i was thinking of hacking it too but didnt have time.
I have missed that button sooo much ;)

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Without this button TB is just a useless insecure crap. It's definitely a How_Come_It's_Not_A_Part_Of_TB_By_Default type add-on.

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I've hacked a quick mod of this (excellent) extension and put it on Github at http://bit.ly/8hbZQR -- code hacks (just changing the "max allowed version" to 3.999) at http://bit.ly/6tdX2Z . This is just a stopgap until the original author issues an update. No warranties whatever, use at your own risk.

As others have noted, this add-on allows you to keep message viewing in text mode, reducing security risks, and switch easily to HTML for messages whose origin you trust.

-- Thomas

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Hi csb@ac,

Care to publish the patch here? Living without HTMLTemp in TB3 is a great loss - and editing install.rdf to change maxVersion, then re-installing, has not worked for me.

Perhaps you could put an updated version on GitHub?

-- Thomas

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Me again - got it to work on TBird 3.0 ... just patched the install.rdf.
Also, at some time, there was(?) a 2.9.5 version for tb3 - but not downloadable, it seems.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

I'd love to see it for tbird 3 ...
@LDW1, @Karl:
you can compose in HTML by holding shift when pressing the compose button ...

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Great AddOn, no surprises when pointing to an email but still being able to watch it as HTML if needed. No other frills - an Add-On as it is supposed to be!
Looking forward to the 3.x-Version, I do not move on without it!

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Hi, i have used this since i found it.
Any plans on making it work in TB 3.x?

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Like Karl, I would love to be able to choose to compose in HTML at the point of composing. This is the only thing Outlook does better than Tbird!

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No way to contact author?
It should be made clearer that this is just for VIEWING HTML not sending - I was looking for a tool to let me send or forward HTML emails when I need to. If someone knows of such an add-on please let me know karl@xtronics.com

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I like the setup of this extension, but I could not get it to work on all my emails. For example, I want to preserve fonts and colors in my reply to a given email. I could do this properly using simple_ht_jumper, but I could not do this with allow_html_temp with any combination of options?



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Works great, thank you. One feature I would like to see is "Always show HTML" for a particular sender.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Very useful addon!

Allows me to quickly scan mails in text only form.
Only occasionally do I ever need the full HTML whack.

Also dodgy e-mails tend to look blank in text only mode (hidden links)

Good stuff.

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great extension! but i use them to view rss-feeds in Thunderbird... But if want to add a axception for loading always the feed have no valid mailadress... maybe it would be nice to handle that only on its name or some headers, when no mailadress is there!

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